Part 5

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(Another long part! Mentions of violence, death, blood, attempted kidnapping to a degree)

You could feel Arthur's tension as you sat up fully. "Mr. Ketch, why were we not informed that you had a child?" Arthur stood and placed a hand in his pocket. "I was unaware of the child's existence until this morning." Dr. Hess hummed, her gaze flicking back to you. "And you are the child's mother?" You nodded slowly. "Good. That saves time. We shall be escorting the child back to London in the morning and he shall begin classes at Kendrick's immediately."

Arthur's jaw actually dropped open at this. Surely she wasn't serious? "Like hell you're taking my son from me!" you shouted and swung your legs over the side of the bed. You stood on shaky legs and nearly crumpled to the floor. Arthur caught you, stopping you from face planting. You glared at Dr. Hess. "My dear, the boy is a legacy. It is tradition."

"Screw your traditions! This will NOT be my son's legacy. I refuse to let you take him and turn him into another one of your obedient lapdogs! You will not make him a killer!" Dr. Hess gave you smile laced with false sweetness. "From what I understand he already is a killer." You opened her mouth to yell at her, but Arthur stopped you. "Would you be so kind as to give us a few moments, Dr. Hess? Perhaps I can reason with Miss Y/L/N." Dr. Hess nodded and left the room.

You pushed Arthur away from you. "You son of a bitch! How could you ever think I'd be okay with this?! You are not taking him to that hell hole!" Arthur's expression didn't change. "Y/N, I'm not going to let them take Y/S/N," he said calmly. Your mouth snapped shut. "Y-You're not?" He shook his head. "I don't want him to go through that. I don't want them to turn him into me."

"Then what can we do?" Arthur sighed. "I have a plan, but I need you to trust me. Can you try?" You nodded. "For Y/S/N, yes." Arthur gave a nod of his head and turned to leave. You caught his hand in yours, stopping him. "Thank you, Arthur." He didn't answer, but squeezed your hand and left the room.

The next morning, you slowly made your way out of the infirmary. Mick was walking down the hall with Y/S/N, frowning deeply. "Miss Y/L/N, good morning. My sincerest apologies for this." You nodded. You knew Arthur had a plan and you were putting all your hopes on him. Y/S/N threw himself at you. "I don't want to go, Mom! Please don't make me go!" Your eyes began welling with tears. You wrapped an arm around him and followed Mick down the hall. "It'll be okay, baby. You'll be with your dad. I-I'm sure you're going to learn a lot of new things." You wanted to take him and run, but you knew if you freaked, he would too.

Dr. Hess was standing next to Arthur when the three of you exited the base to where a private jet was waiting. Dr. Hess wore a sickly sweet smile as she looked at Y/S/N. "Well, I can certainly see the resemblance, Mr. Ketch," she said before turning to Mick, "Is the boy prepared to depart?" Y/S/N let go of you and glared up at her. "I'm right here, lady. You shouldn't be so rude!" You bit back your laughter and saw Arthur trying to do the same.

"So you can speak. And you have fire, just like your father. It will serve you well at Kendrick's." Y/S/N attached himself to you again. "No! I want to stay with my mom!" Dr. Hess raised a brow and sighed. "Mr. Ketch, detach the boy from his mother and get him on the plane." Arthur nodded and took a step closer to the two of you. "Come along, Y/S/N. It is time to go. You will see your mother again, but you must come with me now."

The boy shook his head and clung tighter to you. Arthur gave you a pleading gaze. "I'm growing impatient, Mr. Ketch," Dr. Hess drawled out and you glared at her. Arthur sank down so he could be eye level with his son. He gazed into his (e/c) eyes and gave him a little smile. "Y/S/N," Arthur began lowly so only you and Y/S/N could hear, "In a moment, I'm going to tell you to run. I need you to do so without question. Can you do that for me?"

"But my mom..." You squeezed his shoulder and glanced up again. You saw Mick slowly reaching behind him. "I will protect your mother. I swear it. But for now, I need you to do exactly as I tell you." Y/S/N looked up at you and you smiled at him. Then, he turned to Arthur and nodded. "Okay." Arthur stood up and spoke a little louder. "Wonderful. Come along then." Y/S/N let go of you to follow after his father.

Dr. Hess smiled wickedly again. She turned to enter the plane. She was almost there when she stopped and glanced back at Mick and two other Men of Letters. "Mr. Davies, Miss Y/L/N knows too much. Dispose of her." Suddenly, the men whose names you didn't know were at your side and grabbed your arms. Mick drew his gun out of the waistband of his trousers, aiming in your direction. "No!" you cried, fighting against them. Then, all hell broke loose.

"RUN!" Arthur ordered, prompting your son to dart away from him. Dr. Hess attempted to catch the boy, but he was too quick for her. Arthur reached out and grabbed the older woman, holding his gun to her head. A shot rang out. You closed your eyes, knowing that it was the end for you or Dr. Hess after all. That is, until you felt your arm fall free. Your eyes opened. Mick's gun was smoking slightly and he smiled at you.

"Let her go or the next one goes into Dr. Hess," Arthur ordered. The second man let you go immediately. As soon as you could move, you turned to him and punched him dead in the face, effectively knocking him out. Now, it was three against one. "Thank you for sending everyone else out on that wild goose chase, Mick," Arthur said, his eyes never leaving Dr. Hess.

"What are you doing, Mr. Ketch? You would betray me? The British Men of Letters? We gave you a home." Arthur laughed humorlessly. "A home? No. Y/N gave me a home. A family. You gave me a prison! Oh, an expensive education and all the deadly toys I could want, but I was a prisoner nonetheless. A prisoner in my own mind. I will never let you take my son. Not while you insist on those outdated and cruel practices."

"You won't get away with this disobedience, either of you. The founders will hear about this when I return to London and none of you will be safe." Arthur cocked his gun and prepared to fire. "Arthur, don't," you pled. He glanced at you from the corner of his eye. "She means what she says, Y/N. If I don't kill her, they will come back for our son and we will all be dead."

"You don't want Y/S/N seeing you kill someone," you told him. Arthur's expression actually changed. That was true. He didn't want to scare his son, but he was also trying to protect him from becoming what they had turned Arthur into. "That won't be necessary," another voice spoke up. You saw the color drain from Dr. Hess' face.

You glance over and saw Sam and Dean with a man you didn't recognize. He wore an all black suit with a black button up and red tie. "Hello, love. Name's Crowley and I'm here to help with your little problem." Your brows furrowed. "We had a deal, Mr. Crowley," Dr. Hess hissed and Crowley rolled his eyes. "Yes. I let you kill a bunch of useless demons and wounded hellhounds if you don't cause trouble for me. Unfortunately for you, bringing the Winchesters right back to my front door causes a whole lot of trouble for me YOU BLOODY MORON!" You jumped at the sudden change in tone.

"Mom!" Your son came running back over to you from his hiding place, frightened by the stranger. He wrapped his arms around you. "No need to frightened of me. I'll just collect Dr. Hess and be on my way." Crowley snapped his fingers and disappeared, along with Dr. Hess. Arthur made his way over to you. "Are you alright?" he asked, his eyes scanning your face, seeing the blood. You nodded. "I'm fine. It's not my blood." Arthur visibly sighed. Then, you did something he didn't expect. You threw your arms around his neck and hugged him close.

"I never should have doubted you," you whispered. Arthur could hear the tears in your voice. "You had ever right to, Y/N. I'm not trustworthy." He slowly let his arms wrap around you. You stayed that way until you felt something trying to squeeze between you. You pulled apart to look at your son. "You were right, Mom. Dad's a hero. He saved us!"

"I had help, lad," Arthur admitted before turning to Mick and the Winchesters. "Thank you," he told him. They all looked surprised to hear the sincerity in his voice. "Yes. Thank you for saving me and my son." They all just smiled and turned to go back inside. "So, what happens now?" Y/S/N asked, prompting you and Arthur to look at each other. Your (e/c) meet his green-grey ones. In each other's eyes, you could see the same question. 

So what does happen now?    

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