09. A Helper

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❝ Your fingers entwined slowly with mine, and suddenly, life made sense.❞


The classroom was filled with various students as the voice of Mrs. Raichand echoed through the giant room. She kept her lecturing season on while there, Siya was fidgeting with her fingers and tapping the wooden bench reluctantly. Cold beads started to form over her forehead as she was waiting impatiently for the class to be over. She couldn't concentrate on anything and felt very uncomfortable down there throughout the whole session.

Once the most awaited sound of the bell caught the attention of her ears, she stood up, desperate to run, yet somehow calmed her boiled adrenaline and put forth quick steps towards the bathroom- confirming the red river had broken the glacier to ooze out.


After opening the door she glanced outside, looking for some familiar faces. The humming of students was coming from the stairs as she peeked in between the door and the pillar in hope.

But alas! Her tinge of hopes flew away instantly when some senior year boys passed from there.

She clutched her suit tightly as with each passing second her abdomen crawled hardly forming a knot.

She closed the door and leaned her back on it, trying to compose herself- pressing her thighs together, not to let the strains ruin her dress.

Though she had her room keys with her but if she dared to move a little, it would be her death for sure.

She was new here, hardly knew someone. How could she ask anyone to bring a sanitary napkin for her? It surely would be an embarrassing situation as she wasn't a child anymore.

She must have to do something before the next class began. She pitied herself for her carelessness in the morning.

"Please Kanha!"

Her nerves became excited when she heard a footstep coming closer in her direction. She opened the door abruptly and found Raghav, who was climbing the staircase, most probably going for attending his class.

She felt bad for disturbing him with her problems. The way to their dorm was a matter of time and there was a high chance for him to miss the class. Also, she hesitated for asking his help with this girly matter. But she was too helpless to think of any other option. Thus she finally decided to call him.

"Hey, Raghav! Can you please help me out?" He looked in her direction to find her tiny frame peeking out from the bathroom door. He adjusted his spectacle to confirm whether he was seeing things.

"Siya! Why are you hiding there? Is your class off today?" He went near her and noticed her eyes moistening.

"Can you please do me a favor?" He nodded.

"Can you call Riya for me?" He scrutinized his brows.

"Isn't it your physics class now? Have you bunked your lectures huh? I know you don't like the subject; it doesn't mean you drop it." She hit her head over the door dramatically.

'What the hell is he talking about?'

"It's not that what you're thinking young man. Now please go and call Riya asap." she pleaded.

"I'm not going anywhere, not to that chick after all. You say me what you need and I'll sort it out for you. Trust me."

"You won't understand," she murmured.

He kept his both, index finger and thumb on his temples, massaging them- as if trying to decipher something.

In the next moment, his eyes got widened as he placed his palm over his mouth in reflex.

"I get it what you want. You're facing that problem..." He raised his brow in a questioning manner.

'Thank Krishna he got it!'
she let out a breath "hmm."

"I've kept one with me for emergency."


"You've torn your suit right? and now you need a safety pin. I've it. Lemme give it to you..."

'Ah! Stupid, Idiot, Dumbhead!'

"Listen, I don't have this much time to explain my situation."

"Fish! How could I be that fool?" he smacked his head "Wait, I think I get you now. You're going through the women's monthly condition."


"Okay, don't worry, give me your room keys, I'll just go and get it for you." with that, he hurriedly rushed towards the dormitory.

Sometimes we hesitate to make a decision thinking it'll turn out to be bad, but when we realize how good it has been- can't help but let out a smile subconsciously.

It's an opportunity God has given to you, though it's up to you- choose the right path or roam aimlessly in your ways. We should've accepted what his plans are rather than blaming him for nothing. He's the almighty and has a plan for you. In the end, you will find peace and satisfaction in your needs if your intentions are right.

Siya thought that he would be one of those boys whose work is just humiliating girls, but how much wrong she was; the incident witnessed it. If she wouldn't call him for help, might be she failed to see a different personality of a guy who was quite unfamiliar in this society.

"He isn't a bad fellow tho!"


The evening view of sunset splashed a golden color over the purplish expanse as the half little red ball sneaked out, making the canvas look elysian. The reddish tint of the sun fell on the lake and the water waves swayed happily.

The ethereal beauty couldn't leave a chance to amuse a philocalist Siya. The serein- fine light rain that falls from a clear sky in the twilight hours after sunset or the early hours of the night; evening serenity, had started already in the middle of the journey of Siya and Raghav as they walked across the road to their dormitory.

Before they could proceed further on their way, the slow drizzles turned into heavy raindrops- enough to rush the short number of people around them beneath the nearby shade.

But this sudden weight of rains didn't bother Siya's admiration for nature rather it grew more. Orangish sky, velvety greyish clouds, puffy red sun, cold atmosphere, and now the crystal rain too along with it- exactly what she was living for.

While she was too busy admiring it, she felt something warm wrapped around her wrist; dragging her along towards the roof and the next moment she found herself standing under the shade with Raghav beside her. The pure droplets of rain traveled down his dark curls to his eyelashes and then disappeared above the ground while few lingered on his half bronzed skin.

She was still in her daze until his warm coat made contact with her lethargic body, and left him with his half sleeve shirt. His scandal wood perfume hit her nostrils as she hugged the jacket more tightly- already feeling the warmth it was providing.

"Do you love rains?"

"Yes, very much."

"But it doesn't mean that you catch cold and Mr. Agarwal sent me to the police station." he frowned as she let out a mockery laugh.

"Why do you care if I live or die?" she kept her look ahead at the front view, watching the sunset- how the raindrops slowed down its pace, accessing to see the background more prominently.

There was an unusual silence for about five minutes between them until Siya examined the sky before stepping out from there.

"Because I'm your friend," he quickly accompanied her watching her leaving "And a helper too."

She cast a glance at his figure. Straight posture, eyes twinkling under the newly arrived moonlight, lips tugged upwards into a slender smile.

Just before an hour ago he was seen being beaten by Ra-one team members. For what? he must've stayed away from her. How on earth was he smiling as if nothing happened? From where did this smile come?

"Itni hasi ati kaha se hai tumhari?" she questioned, looking straight into his eyes while he just smiled at her nonchalantly.

"Because life is too short to live. You know, we shouldn't waste it by thinking of the past when that time we can laugh by cherishing those happy moments in our life." the scintilla stars sank into his eyes while he kept his stare at the night sky. Though his words were short it was not so easy to understand the hidden meaning behind them.

Siya couldn't help but intertwined her hands with his, making him flabbergasted and looking at their joined fingers.

"Do you know the meaning of your name?" She asked him continuing the walk as he nodded negativity.

"Now don't say that you haven't read Ramayana?"

"I heard about it but didn't get the chance to read. I think it has something about Ram and Sita?"

"Yes! It's the love story between Ram and Sita and also we can gain so much knowledge from it. And you know what, Raghav is the other name of Ram and Siya is the other name of-"

"Sita! you mean we're Ram Sita?"

"Of course, we're not! Can you imagine how unconditionally they loved each other?"

"We can too. Can't we, Sitey?" she rolled her eyes at his flirting as he smirked down at her.

"By the way, I too want to know their story!" His excitement made her chuckle as she started narrating their love story in short.

Their laughter emulated through the noiseless path as their grip tightened with each passing minute. Thousands of stars shined around the sheer moonlight when their figures slowly disappeared into the dark of the night or maybe the light of their own path.


They're our Ram Sita.

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