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Swara p.o.v:

I woke up as I get disturb by the the sunlight peeping from the curtains of the window. I was not feeling fresh. My head was still heavy like it will burst out. My back was paining. I guess due to uncomfortably sleeping on this couch. I never slept on the couch may be that's why. But deep inside I knew that I was lying to myself giving an excuse to my pain that I m feeling in my heart. I remembered last night and my eyes filled yet again. I look at sanskar who was sleeping comfortably on bed. I blink several times to push back my tears. I m not crying.. I won't cry. This is what I choose for myself. I came to his life by my choice but not him. It was never him. Then a sad smile appear on my lips thinking something. I got up and went to fresh n up taking red and black combination anarkali suit. After taking bath I come out of washroom wiping my hair with towel only to find him awake. But I averted my gaze. I don't want to break once again when he burst his anger on me. It really killing me when he look at me with those hatred eye . I go to dressing table and dried my hair then clip it with clutch. I see my mangalsutra and about to take it but my hand trembled as I remember his words. I m feeling scared. I gathered some courage and took it and tied it around my neck and applied vermilion. Then I turned around and find him looking at me .. I was not able to read his expression but then it turned stern. I look down and passed by him. I thought to go downstairs. I go to in-house temple where elders were praying. I stand behind them and prayed. After praying badi maa gave me Prasad but not before giving disgusting look. I felt bad but shrugged it. Then i went to kitchen , and saw ladies were busy in preparing breakfast. They were very happy but their smile faded as they saw me. I thought to help them. I know their should be ritual of making sweet but I know they won't do it. Oh come on.. I can guess that much.. when they didn't perform other rituals them why this. I asked if I could help them but only to get rude reply from sanskar mom.

" Can I help u ?" I asked politely.

" U have done enough help already. We don't want more. It's our house and our family. U can enjoy ur time till u r here but don't try to force us to accept u." Mom said.

I was hurt but I gulped my tears pressing my lips and nods. Then they served the breakfast. Sanskar also come downstairs but I didn't look up at him. I was in my thoughts when uttara's and mom voice bring me back to sense. As usual taunt.. I nod And see the corner chair was not occupied. I go and sit there and served for myself.. I was not feeling to eat.. my mind was roaming around his words, his anger.. and his family behavior. I was feeling like I was doing mistake by sitting with them and eating, like I was invading their privacy. I felt like an alien in between them as they were talking themselves. I hardly eat anything.
After breakfast, I saw sanskar going out. I went to room and peep through the curtain and find him sitting in car. He started car then I move away from the window.

I sat on sofa doing nothing. Then I got call from papa. I also wanted to talk to him.
"Hey princess ,how are you?" My dad asked.
" I m fine dad" I said.
" Are u taking care of urself, u promised me?" Dad said.
I smiled at his behavior. So protective about me.. that's what any father will be for his daughter.
"Yeah dad, I m taking care of myself. It's only one day dad.. come on" I said and chuckled.
" Yeah but it's been so long I have seen u. " Dad said.
I get sad by his answer. I was also missing him.
" They are not behaving nicely with u? Right?" Dad asked . I smiled sadly.
" They are right at their place dad, we can't do anything about it, right?" I said.
" Why did u do that dad?" I further added. I heard his silence as he knew what I was asking.
" You ruined ur image just because of me. I know u very well dad. U can never think of doing that.." I said trying to hold my tears.

Dad:princess, please don't cry. I did it because I couldn't able to see ur sad face. I want to give u all happiness. Still I m sorry princess because of me..

Me:( tears) I love u dad.. I love u so much.
Dad: and dad also love his princess so much. So be a good girl and don't cry or u know ur dad well. He will also start to cry.

I smiled with tear and wipe my eyes.

Dad: and remember I m always there for u whenever u need me. Just give me a call and I will be there.. ok?

Me: yeah, I know.. ok u take care of urself.. and I will be fine. I assure u.

Dad: okay

Me: and I will come to meet u soon.
Dad: will be waiting for you.. come soon princess. Bye..
Me: bye dad.

I hang up the call. Dad is seriously so sensitive about me. I lied to dad for the first time that I m fine but he caught me. After all I m his daughter. It's not easy to lie. He knows very well what must be I m facing . He want to do something but just because of me and my happiness he has to do all that. I love my dad because he love me more than I can imagine. He is very worried about me because after whatever he did, he knew that no one will behave good to me.. especially sanskar.. He hate me so much. I chuckled thinking who wants love? I don't want him to love me.
I m sitting in room and have nothing to do so just reading books or using phone. After talking to Dad, I went downstairs to talk to everyone.. but everyone is least interested because of their anger on me. I thought I could help them in work but badi ma and pari bhabhi didn't allow me.. not before adding a sarcastic comment that I can stay here and enjoy my life till I m here. I can't be part of their family just because of some forced relationship. A bitter smile appeared on lips.
I m not very good reader. I get bored soon. I love watching movies because it ends in two - three hours.. haha. I kept my book aside. I took out my guitar and go to balcony. Music is something that always makes me calm and give me soothing vibes. I love to play guitar and singing.

I sat on chair and feel the cold breeze touching my face. My hair floating. Its just so soothing. I placed my guitar carefully in my lap and touched it's string and soft music played bringing smile on my lips. I closed my eyes and let my fingers play rythmically with strings. It always make me feel better. once I was stopped and open my eyes with smile.. just then my smile faded as I found him standing near door looking at me with different expression that I couldn't understand.

I got up from chair with my guitar and look at him walking toward me with attitude putting his hand inside pocket.

" Can u teach me this please? I so want to learn it" he said as he stand just in front of me.
I look at him confused. What is he talking? What? Teach? I look down at my guitar? Do he want me to teach him guitar?

" Naah!! Not this princess. I want to learn the amazing talent u have. How to act so innocent when u have done worst" His words were filled with sarcasm and he completed it with rage. If I say it didn't affected me then I will be lying.

Oviously how can I imagine him to talk to me normally. He can only taunt me and get angry on me. I just look down and try to walk away but as I pass by him, I felt his tight grip on my wrist and with a sudden pull i was standing in front of him.

" What happened? Did my words hurt u? Even if it did I don't give a damn to it.. understand!!. On second thought ,why don't I make this pain more worse for you"?

I look down not wanting to look in his eyes. It was actually hurting and he just tighten his grip more on wrist. I tried to push back my tears blinking my eyes but I couldn't do it as he actually did what he said. He just snatched guitar from my hand and throw it down in the down from balcony. My eyes widen in shock.. I look at him then look at guitar that was now broken in the ground.. my tears betrayed me and it fell one after other.. I was numb ,how can he do that?

" I hate u more than u can imagine. I love to hurt u and thanks for being the reason of this feeling. So as long as u r here, enjoy this pain because I will make sure to make it worse for u Everytime" He said sternly and jerked me harshly such that I fall on the floor . I winced with the sudden pain as my arm get hurt slightly. He gave a stern look and walked from without looking back at me.
I closed my eyes but couldn't help myself and started crying bitterly. It wasn't my physical pain that hurt but it was my heart that was wrenching in pain. Somehow I managed to compose myself after sometime and wipe my eyes pressing my lips not to cry more but my eyes were still betraying me. I just don't under why this satly liquid fall Everytime when heart get hurt. Why both are connected ? Why can't someone hide the pain of heart ?

Later I go downstairs and bring the guitar back in room. It was not in situation to work again. I tried to fix it but it didn't work. The strings were totally damaged.i knew that if I will give it to some expert then also no one can fix it. At last I kept it in corner being defeated. I know sanskar was watching me as I was trying to fix it and must be smiling at my situation. I choose to ignore him.

Sanskar p.o.v:
It was really busy day in office and finally everything was settled. We got our business back so I had back to back meetings, and works. I finally came back from office and directly go to my room when heard someone playing guitar.. I was confused then I moved to balcony from where sound was coming. I stopped at door only to find her playing guitar closing her eyes. For a second I felt something weird in me. No doubt she was playing so beautifully and how innocent she looked. INNOCENT!! The word lead me to come out of my trance and then she open her eyes and see me.. my Expression soon turned stern and I walk toward her.. she is really great actress.. I should learn this talent and ask her to teach me. I know it hit the right place. She tried to walk away.. how dare she avoid me and go when I m talking so I hold her wrist and pulled her harshly leading her to stand in front of me. As I looked in her eyes, it provoke me more to hurt her more.. to make the pain worse for her. I hold her wrist more tightly taking my inner frustration out which surely may have left mark on her skin. I snatched her guitar and threw it down. I see tears slide down her cheeks but I choose my heart to become stone and don't get affected by these crocodile and fake tears. The girl who left no stone unturned to make my and my family's life hell.. she deserves more than that. I pushed her harshly leading her to fall on the floor. Somewhere my stone heart felt sudden tug but I choose to ignore it with stern face and I walk away from there.
I didn't go back in my room after I fresh n up and changed. I directly went to study and do my work.
I came back after dinner in my room, dad told me to give a file then I find her trying to fix her guitar. How can she be silent. I mean she didn't get angry on me or shout on me. She still have not eat her dinner. When badi maa told maid to call her.. maid came back with answer that she don't want to eat now.. she will eat afterwards. Everyone ignored.. oviously it's best for them ,the more she will be away from everyone. Better for me too.
She sigh defeatedly and my lips curved up in smirking smile. She put it back in cover and keep it in corner.

" Tch,tch tch.. so sad.. guitar is totally waste now , umm I have an idea why don't u call ur billionaire father. He will surely give a brand new guitar to you. I said in sarcastic tone.

She look at me. She was calm but didn't say anything.

" What happened ? I just said the fact After all if he can force me to marry you then what a big deal it is? Right? I m sure he will buy whole shop of guitar" I said again.

She was going out of room but she stopped in her track listening my words. She turned to me and said in very calm tone.
" I just pray to god it never happen but should I look for your replacement if something happens to you?"

" What the hell?" I shouted and I don't know why?Her tone was calm but it arouse sudden anger inside me.
She look down and say.

" Somethings are special sanskar, it's not always about money. My dad surely give me a new guitar or should I say I can easily afford it but will it hold my childhood memories that I have with my first guitar which my dad gave me when I won my first singing competition. It was my lucky guitar.. anyway I know it mean nothing to u because.... " She stopped and look at me with some kind of emotion in her eyes. I tried to know but before that she blinks and look down. Then walk out of room. I felt guilty but I closed my eyes thinking about what she has done I ignored my guilt feeling.

I took the file that dad needed and go out of room to give dad. I was coming back to my room when I saw her having her having dinner sitting alone on the table. I ignored and walk to my room.

I was doing my work when she came inside and took out her shawl. She wrapped it around her shoulder and walk to balcony. She sat there, I don't know what she was doing.. just staring the stars. Her lips were moving... Was she talking to herself? I just shut my laptop , turning off the light and I lay down on bed.

Swara p.o.v:

After sanskar went out of room, I thought to have dinner. I was not in mood to have but I promised my dad that I will take care of myself so I go downstairs. No one was in hall. All have retired to their room. I went to kitchen and look for something to eat. Then a maid came .

Maid: ma'am? May I help u?
Me: no it's fine.. I was just searching for something to eat.
Maid: as u told u will have dinner later so I kept it in fridge. I will reheat it for u .

Me: um.. no thanks. I will do that. U can go. I will have my dinner.

Maid: are u sure ma'am.
Me:( smiled) yeah.
I had my dinner silently on the huge dinning table alone. After that I go to my room and find him doing something in his laptop. I didn't said anything. It was night and getting cold so I took out shawl from my bag and wrap it around my shoulder then move toward balcony. I sat there silently in peace and look at the sky. I was looking at the Stars. I always do it since my childhood.. when mom passed away.. dad used to tell mom is there and she always see me. I share whatever I feel . Talk to her. I wish she was here. And once again I shared words from my heart to my mom. I feel light after doing it.
After sometime I came inside room and find him asleep. I also go and lay on sofa. After sometime, I also fell sleep.

To be continued......

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