Chapter 6

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I looked outside to see if I'd get the chance to see him one last time today, but he was already gone.


I took off my shoes and collapsed onto my bed and began to think of what would happen if I actually kissed 2D. Would he hate me and not wanna be my friend anymore? Well, I mean, you don't really kiss your friends; unless you're into that, I guess.

I started to hear a small bit of yelling from Murdoc. Jesus Christ, are the walls really that thin? I wouldn't really remember, considering I haven't had someone live in that aparment in a pretty long time. I pressed my ear against the wall and began to listen.

"What did I ever do to yew, yew old git?! I've only taken one step into the flat and you're already yellin' at me!" A squeaky British accent exclaimed. It must be 2D. Should I go over there and help him? No, I really shouldn't interfere. This might sound like an awful thing to say, but 2D is a grown man; he can take care of himself.

I sighed to myself impatiently. I really want to help him, though. Alright, fine. I'll go to their door and listen to what they're saying. Maybe I'll be able to hear what they're saying better.

I got out of my apartment and swiftly walked to their door. I pressed my ear against the door and started listening. I could definitely hear a lot better.

"You're freakin' out over me not cleaning the dishes? Yew've kidnapped me before, y'know! And have I yelled at yew or abused yew abou' it? No! I think yew just look for any excuse to abuse me!" 2D yelled. There was silence for a second. I imagined that Murdoc probably had a shocked look on his face, especially considering the fact that 2D finally decided to stand up to himself. Are they... done? Shortly after that thought, I heard the sound of a hard smack. I winced at the sound of it.

Then, I heard stomping footsteps getting louder and louder. Wait, someone must be coming towards the door! Fuck! This was a really bad idea on my part! I looked around, looking for a place to hide. Somewhere, anywhere! C'mon!

The door began to creak open and I ducked into a shadowy corner and hoped no one would notice me. I continued to watch while I was sitting in fetal position in this dark corner, in which I could only pray was dark enough. Murdoc opened the door really aggressively. Man, I should really file a noise complaint, shouldn't I? Well, if I don't, somebody will.

"Well, if ya don't like livin' 'ere, that's fine by me; because now's your chance to get the hell out!" Murdoc roared. "Fine!" 2D exclaimed as he began to walk out of the apartment. I noticed that he had a red hand-print on his right cheek. Damn! Poor guy!

Murdoc went back inside and slammed the door behind him. 2D sighed and started to walk towards my door. Fuck! He probably thinks I'm still in there! He knocked on the door and patiently waited.

I have to sneak back into my apartment. Okay. No big deal. I began to crawl away from the apartments and thought of a way to sneak in. Okay, so the real question is how I'm supposed to do it. I could crawl in through the window? Alright, let's go with that.

I got up and crouched so that I could not only be swift enough, but also quiet enough. I started to waddle (barefootedly, mind you) as quickly as I could to the side of the apartment. I looked up to the window and realized the gravity of the situation. I'm sneaking into my own apartment because I was spying on my celebrity crush's arguement.


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