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It was enough. The evasion, the silence, and the need to get away. Ichigo has been doing this too you since the day the headache started. You asked the others as they didn't know what was going on other. Something inside you told you this was bad. Nerveless, you when to Ichigo's houses and knocked on the door.

A few moments later the door opened to the black haired doctor, Isshin, who blink in confusion at your appearance.

"(y/n)? Ichigo didn't tell me you were coming here."

"That's because I came here uninvited. I need to see Ichigo."

Isshin's eyes darkened slightly, taking you off guard. Isshin seemed such like a nice guy. It was hard to believe he had this kind of side to him.

"Then I believe you must leave." Isshin said with bitterness and closed the door.

But your foot caught it in time. You winced at the pain and stinging as he did mean to slam the door hard shut.

"Please sir, let me see Ichigo. I need to see what's going on with him."

Long moments of silence came over the quietness of the two. It wasn't until a bird chirp; a breath of regret fell over.

"The reason Ichigo's been avoiding you is because of the hollow inside him."

The warmth in your body left at the thought of a hollow living inside your loving boyfriend. Then thoughts of Zangetus's warning echoed inside your head. If Ichigo loved you enough the hollow inside wouldn't hurt or kill you. He must have loved you enough... right?

"I think I can help him. Just please sir, let me in."

Another sigh fell over as you could imagine the pain of thinking about this inside Isshin's mind. The door opened up widen as Isshin stared at you with his open, big, and serious eyes.

"He hasn't used his hollow in a while. So... I don't know how this will turn out... but if you think you can do it, by all means go and do it."

A small smile broke out from your hard shell as you bowed respectively to Isshin. "I will try my hardest sir."

Isshin nodded and let you in. "He's upstairs in his room. I told his sisters to stay away from him so I don't know what's going on inside."

You nodded and ran up the flight of small stairs. The door to Ichigo's room was closed and slowly, you pressed an ear up against it.


This confused you greatly. Shouldn't there be at last a noise of his bedroom light flickering off and on? You opened the door and peeked in on Ichigo sleeping. His face in the pillow as his body was in the fetal position, only his muscles tighten up greatly.

You enter in and closed the door with a soft click. The red head twitched slightly at the loud sound of his door being opened and closed.

"Dad go away." His voice muffled, but on edge with hate.

"It's me."

Ichigo's body tensed up more than ever as he removed the pillow from his face.

"(y/n) what the hell are you doing in my room?!" He said with a tiny, but quick out bust.

"You've haven't been talking with me or been near me since the day of those headaches! I need to know what's going on!"

Ichigo growled and got up. A spike of terror when through you as his height frightened you for the first time.

"I said get out. I don't need you in my damn room making a mess. Now, get out."

"No! I won't and you can't make me!"

In the blink of an eye, he grabbed your arm and suddenly twisted it. Your eyes widen more in surprise in pain while he still kept at it.

"I will hurt you if you don't leave me alone (y/n)!"

Softness came over you as you looked him right in the eyes.

"I don't care if you hurt me. I want to know what is going on and help fix you. I'll stand you being this way."

Ichigo shook with agony, his face in a two midway battle. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!"

A sting sensation reeled you back onto the ground with a hard thud. You opened your eyes to yell and hold your hurt cheek. He slapped you across the face hard enough to draw a line of blood. Looking up you saw the corner of his left eye growing dark.

"(y/n)... stay away from me..."

You hugged Ichigo tightly up against you. He growls and shoved you into his desk. You screamed and yelp at the impacted as pencils and paper when everywhere. It hurt a lot as some of your arms and leg were bruised.


Ichigo held the side of his head. His face constricted in pain. He grabbed his soul reaper badge and left his body as it fell onto the bed.

"I'm so sorry, (y/n). I-I love you." He whispered before disappearing in the night air.

Your heart raced as you cached the red headed jumping house from house in great pain. You ran down and out of the house. The street was eerily quiet for it only being evening. You kept on running until shadows passed over and landed in front of you.

It was Chad, Uryu, and Orihime.

"Guys... what are you going here?" You said.

Uryu pushed his glasses up to where the noses bridge start and ended. "Here to help Ichigo. He's lost control by his hollow. We sensed his spirit energy differing greatly then back down. But you need to stay here while we take care of things (y/n)."

"Wha wait-"

You didn't get to complete your sentence as the three ran down the street. Every inch your body screamed to not follow the three where the danger awaited. But they were your friend, and are helping out your boyfriend. With a determined smiled you ran after them, knowing even if you do get killed by his hollow, you would love and forgive Ichigo.

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