Big Decision

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Taking the letter out of Ichigo's desk was the bravest thing you've ever did so far. Ever since that letter came Ichigo has been stressed out greatly. Each time you asked him what was wrong he would ignore your question and start a different topic.

The letter was black and shined in his lamp light giving it a serious look. Luckily it was already opened as you look up at the window and saw Ichigo wasn't back from hollow hunting.

This was nerve wrecking as you opened up the letter and read its secrets.

Dear Kurosaki Ichigo,

I, Head Captain of the soul society, Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, have severed my time as the leader of the soul society for long enough and is time to retire. Shunsui was to be my replacement, but he suggested you for as a better head captain. We all had a meeting and everyone agreed to Shunsui statement. If you chose to accept my offer then send this letter back to us before you graduate high school. If no then don't send us the message and I will have Shunsui take over as the official head captain of the soul society.

~ Head Captain Yamamoto


That's all you could think of. Ichigo... being head captain? What would that mean for you? Maybe... living with Ichigo over their?

The letter was suddenly snatch from your hands as your heart stopped, knowing it was Ichigo.

"What the hell were you doing reading that letter? I told you not to go through my desk!"

You glared at his pissy attitude and poked your finger at his chest. "Don't yell at me like that! I've been worried about you! Don't you know how that made me feel when you would ignore my question?"

"That doesn't matter! You don't need to know what's going on!"

"But Ichigo I do! I want to help you out!"

"You're not going to help me! Not ever! So just shut up and listen to me for once!"

Tears sprung from your eyes at his outburst. He just doesn't seem to care about your emotions anymore. "You're a jerk! Telling me to shut up! I help you out with school work and I'm trying to help you with your problem! Telling me to shut up?! I see what I mean to you now. Nothing but a tool."

Ichigo's eyes widen as he pulled you into a hug while you tried to crawl your way out. "Get away from me!"

"Look I'm sorry about telling you too shut up. I never thought you were a tool and I appreciate what you've done for me. This letter is just life changing for us and that's what's been stressing me out. Please just listen to what I have to say."

"..... Fine."

Ichigo let you go as you pushed away from him and sat on his desk chair away from him while he sat on the bed.

"When I read the letter all I could have thought afterwards was could are relationship still work out. I don't mind being a head captain and I know it's a lot of responsibility, that means putting more time into work that a relationship. That's why I haven't told you yet and have been thinking over this. This also means if you come with me you could get a job but I don't know what as."

You sighed out all your anger for him now. He did have a point to what he was saying. You got up and hugged him close to you as Ichigo hugged you back. "I'm sorry about going through your stuff. I was just really worried about how stressed out you were and though I could help. Maybe.... you should take the job."

"What why?!" Ichigo pulled back to see your face.

"Because it's your life decision and I don't want to be the object in the way. If you do have to spend more time on the job then I understand because it's your duty as a captain. Plus this could be my first time going to the soul society and I could make a lot of friends!"

"You're right. You do have that aura around you." Ichigo smiled and ruffled your hair, "Maybe I'll take up on their offer."

"Not a maybe! Do it now! I want to see it for my own eyes!"


He set you down aside and got out a pen and started scribbling down stuff. He closed the letter back into the envelope and held outside his window. Not to long after a black butterfly took it and carried it.

"Why did you do that?"

"Because it's the soul society's way of talking and delivering things back."

"That's cool."

"Yeah... do you... really think I use you as a tool?"

You sighed and shook your head. "No I don't. It was the anger in me and it unleashed. I appreciate everything you do for me my Strawberry~"

Ichigo smiles and goes into his body before hugging you from behind. "Good. Do you want to spend the night again?"

"Yep! Are time at school is almost over... only one week left..."

"Time when by." Ichigo nuzzled your neck while cuddling you in his bed.

"I can't believe it's almost been a year since we've dated. That's amazing."

"Amazing how you've put up with me?"

You laughed and kissed him quickly. "Yes. You and your crazy life made mine better."

"I'm glad. Because I love you."

He cut you off before you could speak more. Ichigo cuddling you while having your hands twined together was just the perfect way to sleep peacefully the night away.

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