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It has been a week since your recovery and the first thing that had popped into your mind was Ichigo meeting your adoptive parents. You knew they weren't your real parents, but they kept asking you wanting to meet your boyfriend and this was finally the time to let them see Ichigo.

"What?" Ichigo said while throwing your bag over his shoulder. "Right after school?"

"Please! I just want this to get over with! My adoptive parents have been wanting to meet you! I figured it was finally the time..."

Ichigo stared off into space, thinking before sighing and giving in. "Alright. But it's lunch time now. So let's just enjoy the moment we have together."

You nodded with a smile and held hands with Ichigo, twining your fingers together as you when up onto the rooftop of the school. It was a clear blue day and you flinched at the light. You spent a lot of time indoors for your recovery so the light still hurt to look at. The glare finally brushed past as you blinked your eyes into seeing the familiar group of friends.

Orihime sat down on the ground eating something inside her sandwich with chocolate, pickles, and radishes...? You shivered at the memory of Orihime making you eat her 'special' soup. The taste burned your eyes as you smiled through the pain. She looked up and waved you guys over too where she was.

Ichigo pulled you into his lap, earning him a cute blush from your cheeks as Orhimie smiled.

"You two look so cute together! Oh and (y/n), do you want some of my sandwich?"

"I'm good." You said to her a bit too quickly.

Ichigo took out his lunch as it was a simple sandwich, a small container of rice, and strawberries inside as well. You smirked and grabbed the strawberries, biting into it's sweet juices. Ichigo pout playfully as he watched you eat part of his lunch.

"Hey! Those were my strawberries!"

You giggled and gave him the last one as strawberry juice ran down your chin. "I saved you one!"

Ichigo took it gladly and chewed it up. He looked at the corner of his eyes and caught you off guard. He smirked and licked off the strawberry juice off your chin. You squeak at the feeling and was lucky Orhimie was too busy eating her sandwich to notice.

"H-hey! That was uncalled for!"

"I know, but I was missing my other half~" He said before quickly kissing your lips.

A tint of blush lasted on your cheeks for a while until the others came onto the roof to eat. Chad, Uryu, Rukia, and even Renji came along. They said they were glad you were well and happy. You finished eating the last of your lunch as a tap on the shoulder caught your attention. Your turned around and found it too be Rukia.

"Can I talk to you alone real quick?"

"Sure." You said and got up, "I'll be right back." Ichigo nodded and turned to talk to Chad and Uryu as you followed Rukia to the end of the other side of the roof.

"I'm guessing you haven't gone to your house back yet since the recovery?"

"No... I was thinking if I showed them Ichigo then I could explain to them what had happen and why I was gone all those weeks..."

"I'm surprised you haven't noticed yet that you parents haven't called you."

"I have... but I figured it was because they don't care about me..."

"(y/n) what are you talking about?" Rukia said with a tone of surprise, "After the day you were healing I when over there and saw them going crazy with worry where you were!"

"T-they were...?" The sentence took you by surprise as you parents never really did seem to care where you when half the time, only if you came back to the house on time. "They were worried about... m-me?"

"Yep. I saw before I changed their memory having them thinking you were still doing the same thing in your life. Going to school, hanging around Ichigo, coming back home in time, while you were still recovering. So in short, they don't know about the injury."

"I see. So only introduce Ichigo and don't say anything about hollows or soul reapers?"

"Yes, because if you did then I would have to erase the memory of what they were told."

"Okay. Thank you Rukia." You turned your back and started walking back to the group, until Rukia gently grabbed your shoulder and turned you around to face her. She was quite beautiful. You could see how Ichigo would have wanted her if you didn't come into his life.

"(y/n) before you go... I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the way I first treated you when we first met. I was scared and thought you were going to die that night... you can't imagine how relieved I was when you survived. I've never seen Ichigo this happy since the day we met and I don't want him to sit around and not love just because of what he loves to do. You have my thanks (y/n)."

"Rukia..." The words slipped out as Rukia gave you her warming melting smile. Tears burned the corner of your eyes as you pulled Rukia into a hug, "Thank you for being a true friend for me. I feel like this is the beginning of a wonderful friendship."

"Me too." Rukia said while keeping the hug going.

It lasted for quite a while before you both broke apart and joined in with the rest of the group before lunch ended.


The keys in your hand jangled loudly as you opened the door to your house. A draft of warm air blasted into your face as you led Ichigo into the living room.

"Mr. Amagawa! I'm home!"

"(y/n) your here? Isn't this a lot early to come home when you visit your boyfriend?" The sound of the grown man voice came from the kitchen as it grew louder and finally entered the living room.

"Who's this?" Mr. Amagawa said as he sat down on the couch. He was a good looking man for his thirty's. His glass crooked off the tip of his nose before he pushed them up. He had slick black hair cut evenly as his amber eyes looked them up and down Ichigo.

"Mr. Amagawa, this is my boyfriend, Ichigo Kuroaski."

Ichigo looked over to him and waved his hand. "Hello sir. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"Mine too." Mr. Amagawa said as he stood up and crossed the room to shake hands with Ichigo, "I'm (y/n)'s adoptive father. I'm trying my best to get her to call me father instead of my long last name."

"Mr. Amagawa..." You mumbled embarrassed.

He laughed and ruffled up your hair. "Your mother is in the kitchen cooking up dinner."

"This early?"

"It's a special type of fish and it takes a long while to cook. Come sit down while I get your mother." He motioned to the couch as you gently lead Ichigo over to sit down.

"Why don't you call him father or dad?" Ichigo question had thrown you off.

"I-I don't know... I've been calling him that for as long as I can remember. It wasn't until I was thirteen when he asked me to start calling him father. Calling him by his last name seemed normal too me."

"I wouldn't mind if you called me by my last name." Ichigo said with a smile.

You giggled and poked his nose. "I'm only calling you Ichigo, and Strawberry still. I'll only call you by your last name if you're in trouble."

Ichigo laughed just as the kitchen door opened up. Out came a slender women with a beautiful figure and long light blue hair. She had deep blue eyes as they opened up her beautiful face along with her perfect smile as she pressed a kiss on top of your head "Hi sweetheart." She said before turning to Ichigo. "This must be the handsome man of your dreams."

Ichigo raised an eyebrow as another blush burst out. "Can you two not embarrasses me today in front of my boyfriend...?"

Mrs. Amagawa laughed out loud. "Then it wouldn't be as funny before we show him your childhood pictures!"


She laughed again just as her husband entered the room with a small smile. "It's alright (y/n). I won't let her do that."

"Aww honey. You're taking the fun out of this."

"I'm only protecting (y/n) today from further embarrassment dear."

"Alright, alright." Mrs. Amagawa rolled her eyes playfully before shaking hands with Ichigo. "It's a pleasure to meet you young man."

Ichigo shook back and nodded. "As well Mrs. Amagawa."

"Please call me Akemi Ichigo. It's my first name and Daichi is my husband's first name as well."

"I will."

"Why don't we talk until dinners ready?" Akemi replied and sat down alongside her husband on the other couch.


After dinner you let Ichigo up too your room and opened it up. I was filled with video games, books, and posters everywhere with what you loved.

"Geez. My room maybe cleaner, but it isn't as fun looking as your room."

"True, but at least you have a bigger bed." You said and flopped down on your medium sized bed.

Ichigo smirked and jumped on top of you. You yelped at his heavy weight and tried pushing him off. Ichigo chuckled at your effort and rolled off you. You slapped his bicep and climbed on top of him. "You meany!"

"I'm sorry it was there for the taking."

You growled and flicked his forehead light as Ichigo faked being in pain. "That hurt..."

"Good you deserved it!"

Suddenly, Ichigo arms when up and trapped you into a tight hug. You squeaked and cried out laughter as he started tickling you. He finally stopped and let you have breath.

"(y/n)... why didn't you want me to meet your parents before the injury...?"

The tears from laughing dried up as you sighed and look up at the ceiling. "It's because they don't seem pay attention to me as must as they did anymore... I know it maybe bruise I'm growing older and I want to do stuff on my own... but I still want some attention when I come home from your house. Just like today. If I didn't bring you here Mr. Amagawa would have said something about my day and that was it. I like it better at your place... at least your father gives me some of his attention..."

"I'm sorry..." He said stroking your hair. "I didn't think it was like that. I don't mind you coming over to my place. Just let me know your there if I'm on hollow duty, okay?"


"Maybe... I'll stay here for tonight." He pressed his lips on your lips as you kissed back. Ichigo wrapped his arms around you too deep it while time seemed to pass quicker that night.

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