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You looked at an old picture of Ichigo back when he was still fifth teen. His hair in short spikes as it had a nice orange sheen to it as he smiled a tiny bit with his sisters. You smiled at the picture as you didn't think could get handsomer than before.

You set the picture down on Ichigo's desk just as he walked in.

"Huh? Oh (y/n), I didn't think you were in here."

"Yeah. I knew you had you had work today and I had the day off so I figured I would clean your room to pass time while waiting for you."

Ichigo smiled as he walked over and kissed your forehead, "Thank you. I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend."

You giggled as you picked up the picture from before and held it out, "Oh really? Then will you let me trim your hair a bit?"

Ichigo took a step back away from you as his happy face was replaced with his normal face, "No! I like it this way!"

You pouted and pointed at the fifth teen year old Ichigo, "But I like the short spikes! Why won't you let me cut it?"

"Because I worked hard and long to get my hair at this even long length! I'm not gonna have it cut and have to wait forever for it just to grow back again!"

You gave him your best puppy dog eyes, "Pwease?"


You growled and tackled him to the ground. He yelped at the action as you poked at a strand of his hair, "If you don't let me trim your hair I won't give you kisses for a month!"

Ichigo tensed up and growled softly. He thought about for a good long five minutes as he gave the answer, "Fine. But if you trim it too much your in trouble."


You jumped off him and dragged him into the kitchen. You pulled up a chair and sat him down in it as you wrapped a sheet around him.

"I promise to do a good job!"

Ichigo nodded as you got started. You carefully trimmed around the edges of his spikes and combed his hair back as Ichigo closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of your hands brushing and combing his hair. A little bit too much as Ichigo almost fell asleep until you were done.


You handed him a mirror as he took it and looked into it. His hair looked the same, just a tiny bit shorted on the ends as it brought out his dark, rich brown eyes and sharp features.

Ichigo smiled and quickly kissed you, "Thank you. It's really good for a first time cut."


"For your reward," Ichigo said, "Snuggles and kisses, and I'll let you play with my hair for only this one time."

"I love that reward!"

Ichigo smiled a tiny bit showing off a flash of his white teeth, "Maybe I'll style your hair tonight too."

You giggled in happiness as Ichigo let you played with his hair as you snuggled with him as he styled your hair all in different cute ways that night.  

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