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The feeling of a tidal wave washed heavy over Ichigo as he woke up, completely drained of energy, as his eyes hesitatingly look you over with heavy saddened. He noticed something was different, it was the energy come off of you. He recognized it to be his spirit energy. His heart jumped in shock as he felt it helping your soul repairing the spirit energy you drastically lost.

Your chest rose and fell nice and even, indicting you were healthy. The warmth coming off your body almost seemed too real as Ichigo could feel it through shirt and into his heart.

"(y/n)...?" He whispered your name softly, as if you would disappear if he said it any louder. "(y/n)... I-I'm... so sorry... I never meant to hurt you... but... you breathing normally... is a miracle I never thought would ever come true..."

Tears of joy slid down his face as he carefully held you in his arms, stroking your (h/l) (h/c) hair as he took in slowly your whole being. The screen door slid open as Urahara came in with a fan, as usual, and fanned his face with it.

"I'm sorry. Do you need your space still?"

Ichigo snapped his head in his direction as a smile appeared on his face. "Not right now, but Urahara... (y/n) fine now."

Urahara's eye widened in shock. "But she shouldn't be able to heal that fast for a human."

"That's what I thought. But, look closer at her soul, it's changed."

Urahara's eyes landed on your sleeping body as he stared at it. The spirit energy around your soul was Ichigo's. His blue spirit energy helping yours as it seemed to repair at a fast rate.

"I didn't think something like this was possible. Unless..." He trailed off in thought as Orihime's orange head poked into the room. There were little bags under her eyes as the rim of gray eyes were red.

"Kurosaki-kun what's with all the noise?"

"(y/n) is getting better. It's a miracle for all of us."

Suddenly, her gray eyes widened as she leaped at Ichigo, Ichigo when to backup, until he realized she was going for you. Orhimie held your body close her as she cried. Her tears dripping down onto your face as her shoulders shook with early sobs.

"T-thank goodness... I didn't lose a friend... I was afraid I would lose (y/n) after my powers weren't healing her fast enough..."

A smile appeared on Ichigo's face as he gently took you away from Orihime. Orihime sniffed and looked up with a smile on a face, through the teary eyes, they held joy over you.

"Thank you Kuroaski-kun... if you didn't take her away from me soon I wouldn't be able to stop crying."

Ichigo nodded as he put you down on the bed and tucked the covers in under you. "I don't mind Orihime. I just as glad as you are."

A cough broke through the conversation as Urahara, with one clean flick, put his fan away as he look at Ichigo seriously. "I need to speak with you outside."

Ichigo held his gaze as his smile disappeared from his face. He stood up and looked quickly at Orihime. "You can stay in here if you like while I talk with Urahara."

Orihime nodded as she stood by your side, holding your hand as she started talking to you after Ichigo left the room. Urahara led him down the hallway, away from the room as he talked while walking.

"Rukia and Renji told me what happened. I knew your spirit energy was raising up and down, but I thought it was just an affect after you had gotten your Shinigami powers back. I would have help or taken action if I knew it was your hollow affecting you. And if my theory is correct, (y/n) must have taken some of the spirit energy from your sword before you drew it out of her, and her soul is starting to change so she can see spirits more clearly now."

"But (y/n)'s been able to see spirits when the day that hollow attacked her and I saved her. She told me they were blurry at first, but I don't know about now."

"If her soul still has some of your spirit energy it in she maybe can become a Shinigami. Who are the parents? No human can withstand the spirit energy unless there is something inside their souls that makes them able to see hollows."

"I don't know. Her parents are dead and she been with her adoptive family since."

"Have you met them?" He said as they finally entered into the kitchen. Ichigo sat down on a soft pillow while Urahara gave him so tea to drink as he sat on the other side of the table.

"No. She told me she loves them... but isn't her real parents. She tells me since I'm a Shinigami I could bring her parents to her and have herself tell the news too them. I'm not sure it would work."

"No it wouldn't word. The Soul Society locks up souls their once they pass on from the living. Unless she goes and becomes a Shinigami herself then she could try to find her parents there. If she even remembers them."

"They died when she was five. But she doesn't remember much..."

Urahara stared at his tea. Looking at it's tint of color and seeing his own reflection. "It could be possible her parents were soul reapers or were able to see ghosts. It's the only way a human can't die without a different spirit energy inside them to rebuild their soul."

"I see... do you mind if you let (y/n) stay there to rest? I would feel much better if she stayed here to rest."

Urahara looked up at him and smiled, fanning himself while talking. "Of course! I wouldn't mind her staying here to rest. But I will need be needing money each day she's in here~"

Ichigo growled as he slammed his fist on the table, almost spilling the tea he didn't touch. "You're a money bastard. Fine, I'll pay for each day she's in here. I'll be coming back after school each day to see how she is."

Urahara nodded. "It was nice doing business with you~"

Ichigo scowled at him as he stood and started walking back to your resting room. "That hat and clogs bastard..."


A week has gone by ever since you've been out. It was almost the end of class as the bell rung for the end. Ichigo got up from his desk and started to walk out of class and onto the way to Urahara's shop. Classmates wouldn't stop talking about you as Ichigo told everyone you were on sick leave and were staying at the hospital until you got better.

A single drop of rain dropped as it continued to do it more. Ichigo scowled as he started to pick up the pace and ran towards the shop. His school jacket was soaked with rain as his orange hair was damp with it. He looked up and started to run faster, until his heart stopped beating at the sight.

You were in the middle of the street, covered in blood and lifeless eyes. The blood oozed out from where the sword stabbed you, the center of your stomach. Tears started to leak out from Ichigo's eyes as he closed his eyes.

"I-Ichigo... w-why...? A-All I d-did... help y-you... I-Ichigo..."

"Stop... SHUT UP!" Ichigo yelled as he opened his eyes, and saw nothing but the heavy dropped of rain from where you were standing.

A sob escaped from Ichigo's chest as he fell down to his knees. He couldn't take the guilt... the guilt of almost killing you.

"I-I promised her... and-and I almost killed her... (Y/N)! I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" A huge sob almost choked him as he felt his energy leaving his body slowly, the rain washing it away. "(y/n)... I need you so badly right now... If my spirit energy is healing your soul... then let the same miracle wake you up... or is that not how miracles work...? Are you to suffer for the sin I did? Is... this my p-punishment...?"


The rain didn't even feel cold to Ichigo anymore as he entered the shop completely soaked head to toe. Urahara brought him a black kimono, like he knew this would be happening.

"I knew you didn't have an umbrella with you so I knew you would be soaking wet by the time you came here."

Ichigo took the kimono with shakiness and thanked Urahara before changing into it. He opened the Japanese screen door open as the faint light of the lamp of the room filled it with just enough warmth from the coldness of outside.

Ichigo smiled faintly down at your sleepy body. The rise and fall of your chest and twitch of your lips proved you were alive and not dead. Ichigo walked softly by your side as he sat down and took your small hand into his huge ones. He stroked the palm of your hand as he stared at you with love.

"Just get better (y/n)... I know you're not dead... you're not... because my love for you is healing inside you with every passing minute. And anytime now you'll wake up and realize you were living in dream for a whole week and not living it with me... funny right?"

He sighed at his own hope of his voice as his grip of your hand slackened. A knot started to form inside of him as it continued to twist and turn, until a single tears leaked from Ichigo's eyes.

"I love you (y/n)... my only wish is... you will come back to me and accept my forgiveness. I'll understand if you leave me..." He slid inside the flat bed and held you closely into his arms. He could feel the pounding of his heart as he neared his face closer to yours. "But... at least come back to us. Everyone misses you and worries for you... I miss you the most... If this is my punishment... then I accept it and will take ever course of action in my power to make it up to you. You say I'm your strawberry... then that must make you my other half I've been missing all my life. I threw it away after something I could have been able to control better if I took action sooner than later... (y/n)... please come back to me. I need the red line of fate connecting my soul to yours again."

He traced the shape of your lips before softly kissing you. As gentle as air it was as it was filled with Ichigo's love for you. Ichigo could feel the pounding of his heart speeding down as it was replaced with the soft and even beats of his love for you. He pulled back and quickly kissed your lips, thinking he wouldn't be able to feel the shape and feel around them on this again.

Ichigo closed his eyes and rested his forehead on top of yours. The soft rain beating against the window almost made Ichigo fall asleep if he wasn't still stroking the palm of your hand. It felt like heaven to him, until he felt your hand twitch slightly from his gentle touch. He snapped his eyes opened as his heart felt like bursting out of his chest as watched as your eyes suddenly, and slowly, open up.

Your (e/c) eyes saw the soft, warm, brown eyes you didn't think you would ever see again for the rest of your never ending sleep.


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