Two Shining Eyes

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~10 years later~

In the streets were two young children, one with (h/c) hair and one with orange hair, both running around with smiles on their faces. People smiled at them as they passed by, saying hello and goodbye quickly when they passed away.

The boy was older than the little girl as she looked to be five years old with beautiful (e/c) eyes that shined in the afternoon light. When they stopped it as at a mochi stand as the old woman who worked there smiled down at them.

"Ah why isn't Hitmou and Naomi. You two look positively in wonderful energy."

Naomi giggled and pointed a red mochi. "It's my big brothers first day at the soul reaper school! Can I have the red one this time?"

The old woman laughed and handed it to her. "Of course my dear. I don't get very many customers these days and I don't want them to go to waste."

"I'll eat them all for you!"

"Naomi..." Hitmou sighed, shaking his head at his little sister's eagerness. "You can't have all of them."

She pouted out her cheeks, making her cuter by the second. "Why can't I?"

"Because I don't want to get in trouble when mom and dad find out!"

The old woman chuckled and handed Hitmou a purple mochi. "Say, how's your father been doing these days? He's better than the last head captain we had fifteen years ago. Much less strict and gives out more resting days."

Hitmou smiled and nodded towards her. "He's doing great! Mom is a bit stressed out from all the paperwork, but it's always been like that. When I grow up I'm going to help mom with the paperwork, even if she tries to talk me out of it."

"And I'll dad with missions!" Naomi perked up, her whole being filled with endless happiness.

The sight brought joy to the old woman's eyes as never before has she seen wonderful children, willing to help out their own parents as well. "If you keep this up I'm sure you'll make all of Soul Society a wonderful place."

"Thank you." Hitmou looked down at his watch and gasped. "I have five minutes!" He grabbed his sister's hand and started to run. "Thank you for the mochi!"

The old woman waved bye too them before Hitmou flash-stepped from the air. Naomi never really liked flash-step because of how fast you had to go, but she still managed through it as her brother hurried as fast as he could.

The bell rung just in time as his father was standing up at the podium, giving his speech to the other new soul reapers entering into the school. He cleared his throat and let his voice become loud for all to hear.

"Welcome to the Soul Reaper Academy! I'll be the head master part time while being head captain part time in the Soul Society, where you'll graduate and sent to a squad we think you're best suited in. There are thirteen squads in all and for the first few days you will learn about them before the real training begins! As we all know squad one is the hardest to get into because it's determined by strength and courage! Be prepared to withstand all this training you'll witness for the next ten years until you will come to a squad! I will await the day you all will graduate and become the future of the Soul Society!"

People clapped and cheered for him as Hitmou stared at his father with respect. Hitmou was way too shy to speak to many people, but if he was destined to become to next head captain he'd have to work twice as hard.

"Mommy!" Naomi shouted and ran up the podium where his mother stood.

She smiled and picked her up, giving her a kiss on the nose. Hitmou hurried over and waved to his mother.

"Hey mom."

You smiled and ruffled his hair. "How's my big boy? Nervous so far?"

Hitmou nodded quickly. "Yeah... but I'm sure I can do it."

"Of course you can." His father spoke. Mom said he got grandpa's haircut now but he still looked younger, only because of the Soul Society's slow aging process. "Any of my children can become great. But if you don't want to become a soul reaper then it's fine by me."

"O-Okay! But I still want to become great as you!"

Ichigo smiled down at his son and bent his knees to become eye level with him. "It isn't strength that makes a soul reaper great, it's the soul and relationship with their zanpakuto. If their bond is strong enough then they can withstand anything together."

For the first time Hitmou was at a loss for words. His dad never really talked like this before and didn't know how to respond, until a kick to the head was delivered to him.

"Yeah! Listen to your dad! Or my zanpakuto and I will kick your butt!"

Hitmou turned around and glared at his best friend, Abarki, Rukai and Renji's kid. She stood there with a smug look on her face as Naomi just laughed her head off. He sighed and rubbed the back of his head.

"I was listening to him, Abarki. I just..."

"Just what? Couldn't speak because you're too shy? Give me a break! You're the son of the head captain and can't even muster up some words to say back?!"

"Shut up! Take a hike, Red Pineapple!"

Abarki and him glared at each other as Ichigo just chuckled at them. It was just like Rukia and him when they fought, so in due time they would be best friends for life. Rukia and Renji came into view as Rukia sighed.

"At it again I see."

You smiled and put Naomi down. "When are they not like this?"

"True." Renji said, fixing his long red ponytail.

"But still, they can at least have a normal conversation."

"When did we ever have a normal conversation?" Ichigo butted in.

Rukia glared at him, even though she was short she could still kick his ass. "At times when you weren't stupid and reckless, which was almost all the time when you went to battle someone stronger than you!"

"Hey! I saved your guys asses! So be grateful!"

Like the generation now and old, the two of them, along with their children, bickered among each other. After they were done you watched as Abarki and Hitmou entered into the school together, smiling at one another.

"Can we go home now?" Naomi said, pulling at your sleeve.

You rolled your eyes and picked her up. "Fine, but we'll have to come back to pick up Hitmou."

"Okay! I just want to play with my teddy bear!"

"Of course you do." Ichigo said, ruffling her orange hair as she giggled.


After Hitmou's first day at the academy, he was so tired out he went to sleep when he rest his head on his pillow. Naomi soon fell asleep afterwards and slept her in room. Ichigo came outside and wrapped an arm around you.

"Guess what? I love you."

You smiled and kissed his cheek. "I love you more, only because your name means strawberries."

Ichigo chuckled and looked up at the stars. "It's only because you turned my life around for the better. Honestly, if you didn't come into it who would have known what would have happened to me. I was so depressed still after I got my powers, but when we met I didn't think anything would spark between us, guess I was wrong after all."

That lit a spark in your heart as you leaned on him. "When I first moved to town I was scared of the people here. After that weird encounter with that hollow I thought it was the end of me, so I took the chance and braced myself. If you never came to my rescue I think my life would have never changed for the better. I was sick of the moving around and the fact that I was adoptive. People thought I was lucky because my adoptive parents would let me do anything I want, but it sucked because they never really wanted to do anything with me. I still wonder to this day why they even adopted me, was it because they were bored?"

"Who knows," Ichigo stroked your hair with a calm smile. "I'm guessing they just felt bad for you and wanted to take you in. If I was a parent and saw a poor child I would take them in. Maybe also they just didn't know how to get close to you."

"Maybe... but still... I'm glad I married you. I wasn't sure at first of you being my boyfriend because I never really had one, but now that I did and experienced thing that made me want to live, I knew I made the right choice."

"Did you know I didn't like you until the half year we became friends? I wanted to ask you out sooner, but I was too shy and nervous to pop the question, now that I did I'm glad everything turned out right."

"Of course," You went on your tiptoes and kissed him. "Because you're my strawberry."

Ichigo smiled and kissed your temple. "And you're my princess."

Once again, Ichigo pulled you into a kiss that was nothing like he ever did before. It was filled with all the memories and love he had for you, and at that, you kissed him back with the same force of love.


Thank you guys so much for the love and support of this book! It brings me tears to end this book but it's a year old. I started this book on January first, not completely sure if this book would go far. But it has and I'm glad to enjoying from starting and ending this book.

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