⎟ Chapter XV ⎢

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"Yeah okay. Anyways, I have to wake early tomorrow so bye "Sonu." I once again teased.

"Yeah bye "Sidd." He replied back.

"WTF?" I replied. "You know I have nothing to do with Sidd anymore. He's with Madhu."

"Wait, so Sonu haven't told you yet."

"Haven't tell me what?"

"Uh...nothing. Bye." He said cutting the call.

"Uh..huh... Whatever. I'll ask Sonu later. Lemme call her first."

She tried calling her but there was no response back.

"I'll just text her." She thought.


Beach, why ain't u answering our calls back?

Anyways, I am texting to say you that Tapu has planned a surprise for you tomorrow. Be ready by 9 in the morning.


Avneet went to sleep after that.

In the morning

She woke up early and got ready. She was not in the mood to wear lots of makeup or even lenses so she just wore her glasses. She wore her causal white crop top paired with denim shorts and and her hair up high in buns.

She rushed downstairs

"Come, Avneet, have breakfast." Her mom insisted.

"No mom. I am running late. I'll have it on my way."

She went to McDonald's which was near by the Hospital.

Avneet's POV:

Everything about McDonald's is excellent. The service, the ambience, the food. It truly is in the spectacular location, quite breathtaking in fact. Maybe that's why so many people are enthusiastic about McDonald's. The menu is varied and include everything for everyone.

"Excuse me, madam. What would you like to have for breakfast?" The waiter asked politely.

"One crispy chicken sandwich
And one French fries. And one mocha frappe please"

"OK mam, coming right up."

While waiting for my order, I decided to scroll down my Instagram.

One post caught my eyes.


"With my bae about last night" she captioned tagging @siddharth_4848

"Ugh... Seriously. Early in the morning you get to see your crush or more like your ex with your friend."

"Hmmm.... Maybe I should check Sidd's Instagram posts too."

When going to the profile I noticed his bio.

"You're my sunshine ♥ "


(Before Avneet and Sidd started dating)

The Day Of Proposal

It's Sunday and me, Sidd, Sonu, Tapu, Meher, Faizal and Radhika are going to hangout at our favorite shopping mall and then watch movies together at the cinema.

I dressed up nicely wearing some makeup. I was having a rough decision what to do with my hair but finally I decided to tie my hair.

Sidd is supposed to be my ride and he's still not here yet. Ugh!! We are already running late. This guy's never on time and they say girls take time to makeup and choose the perfect dress.

"Wait, what if he's a gay?"

"OK Avneet. You are seriously going crazy. He can't be a gay. Or is he?"

40 Minutes later.

Message From Sidd

"I'm here. Come down."

"Finally." I replied.

I quickly went down

In The Car

"Hi Avneet."

"Don't hi me, Sidd." I replied back angrily. "You know how late we are?"

"Uhmm.... I'm sorry."

"What sorry? If you couldn't pick me up then you could have told me, I could have gone with a cab."

He took my hand and said

"Avneet, I am sorry."
And handed me a cute teddy bear.

"Shall we go now?"

"Yes. I nodded."

He always knows how to melt my anger with many cute ways.

During the way, he stopped.

"Why did you stop now? We are already running late."

He ignored me.

He came to open the door of the car.

I followed him.

Under blue and sunlit skies, the view was wondrous to behold, for the lake teemed with life. To the chorus of birdsong from the surrounding green bushes, and the sound of carp sucking amongst the flowering lily-pads, mother duck, watchful for the predatory pike, scooped the surface for food, with her young trailing behind like a row of bobbing corks. Dab chicks and coots fed in the safe haven of the reed-beds, whilst flashing green and blue dragonflies hovered above.
Rays of lights danced delicately across the water, birthed from the afternoon sun that both limited her sight and made the view all the more beautiful.

"Sidd, why are we here?"

He didn't answer me yet came closer tom me taking my hand and kneeling down. I finally understood what was happening.

"Love, I'm not perfect, but I'd follow you into hell if that's what it took to keep you safe. I am your protector as you are mine, one to shield the other. After keeping children safe, as all adults must, not a single soul comes before you. So I'll stay with you as you stay with me, trust in you as you trust in me, and together we'll ride through every storm, waiting to see what the new dawn may bring. " he proposed.

"When I'm with you, I'm happy.

When we hug, it's like I don't ever want to let go

When you make me smile, it brings the sunshine out me.

When I see you and our eyes meet, it's like something I have never felt before."

"So, Miss Avneet, would you be my girlfriend?"

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