Chp.10 The Devilish Monster Side

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-(YN)'s POV-

W-What is this!?! What is this power I have?!!! Can't...control it!! Fuck! Why am I acting like this!?! S-Something is happening to me! S-Something I have never felt...I...Can't control it...! This is the same thing...back my village!


-Star's POV-

As I saw everything, I was totally shocked to see how brutally (YN) took out those monsters all by himself. Me and Marco can't even take one of them out, but he can. After everything, I got up as I picked up Marco as well.

Marco: S-Star??

Star: Its Okay Marco, I got you.

Suddenly, I see (YN) getting closer to Ludo. Ludo was backing up with fear, he was sweating as well.

Ludo: S-Stay back! I-I wouldn't dare to step closer, I'll blast you to death!

(YN): ...

Ludo: You have been warned!

-Author's POV-

Ludo then blasted a magic spell, hitting (YN) on the face, smoke covering it as well. After the smoke cleared, the blast did no affect to (YN), the wand was never gonna help Ludo that point. (YN) then growled as he grabbed Ludo's neck and picking him up as Ludo was in fear.

Ludo: L-Let go of me...y-you monster!


-Star's POV-

I see (YN) grabbing Ludo from his neck, I have to do something. I can't just let (YN) kill Ludo just because he's a bad guy. I thought he could just scare him away and never come back but not to end up killing him. I have to do something but I can't just let Marco leave here, he's hurt. Suddenly, I was so lucky to know Jackie and Janna were coming towards my direction, knowing the park was being under attack. I then yell their names out.

Star: Janna! Jackie!

Jackie: Look, there's Star!

Janna: And Marco too!

Jackie: Come on!

They both started running towards me as they got reach to me and Marco.

Star: Jackie, Janna, thank goodness your here you two!

Jackie: Star! Marco! Are you guys okay?! What happen?!

Janna: We heard what was going on at the park so we decided to go check what's up!

Star: Monsters.

Jackie: Those jerks that always come for your wand?!

Star: Yes, you guys gotta help me, Marco is hurt real bad!

Jackie: Oh gosh! Marco!

Marco: that you..?

Jackie: Yes, don't worry we're gonna help you out.

Marco: Hehe...thanks..

Janna: Hey, whos that??

Janna pointed at (YN), as he was moments away to kill Ludo.

Star: Thats (YN)! You two stay with Marco, I have to stop him!

Janna: Star Wait!

I started running towards (YN) where he was moments away to kill Ludo, and I can't let that happen. It's too much for him. I then got to him as I stared to calm him down.

Star: (YN)! It's me Star, put him down! I'm begging you!

He growls.

Star: Please, this is enough for him, but killing him won't solve anything, I know he triggered you the fact he hurted me and Marco, but he learned his lesson already, please let him go!


-Author's POV-

Star did everything to make (YN) stop and it is not working, Star started to shed tears, seeing the different side of (YN), this (YN) was a devilish monster, with no control of his anger. As Star was in tears, she hugs (YN) from behind and starts to sob. (YN) Hearing Star begging in tears made (YN) feel a bit sad. He then started to realize that he had become a monster. A monster that has no self control.

Star: (YN)....please come back...come back with the (YN) I're not a monster...and, you're better than that....

(YN) then started to know how evil he was starting to become. While still holding Ludo from his neck, (YN) went back to his normal self, his hair was now normal, his eye pupils were back, and the green aura around his body was gone. He was back to himself. He then snatched the wand from Ludo and lets him go. He then turns around and looks at Star.

(YN): S-Star??

Star: Oh my gosh! (YN)!

Star hugs (YN) again, but tightly as she was in tears, gladly to have (YN) back as he was. (YN) notices her crying.

(YN): W-What happen??!

Star: Y-You don't know what happen??

(YN): A little, All I remember was that green bird trying to kill you and Marco....and all of the sudden, I turned out to become something I couldn't control, something that happen before at my village.

He turns around quickly as he sees Ludo opening a portal.

Ludo: Monsters, retreat! Retreat!

All the monsters except Terror who eventually died, retreated and went in the portal.

(YN): Him...Hey! Get back here!

Star: No (YN)!

Star was holding (YN) back for him not to hurt Ludo no more. Ludo the went in the portal and escaped.

(YN): He escaped...

Star: I know, he did.

(YN): Is he coming back?

Star: ...No, never.

(YN): Are you Okay?

Star: Y-Yeah, I'm fine...what was that?

(YN): What?

Star: What you did earlier?!

(YN): I don't know what you're talking about Star...

Star: You were a different person! You suddenly change somehow, your hair! Your eyes!

(YN): I-I don't know about that...I can only remember that bastard hurting you and somehow seeing you get hurt made me transform somehow...

Star: O-Oh...

(YN): Star...Did..Did I look like a devilish monster to you??

Star: What? No, you're not a monster, don't say that! You did everything to save me and Marco.

(YN): ...

Star: Anyways, come on Marco is hurt.

-Star's POV-

We both head to Jackie and Janna where he was taking care of Marco.

Jackie: Star!

Star: How is he?

Jackie: He's  Okay, he just have some bruises.

Star: Ok that good, there's a med kit at his house, come on.

I pulled out my dimensional scissors as we all lead to Marco's house. After a while, we arrived to the living room. Jackie and Janna lay Marco on the Sofa as I started looking for the med kit. As I found it where it was in the drawer, a opened it to find bandages. Moments later, we healed up Marco as he was sitting down resting.

Star: How do you feel Marco?

Marco: Better, I just need to rest.

Jackie: Glad that your okay Diaz.

Marco: Thanks Jackie.

He blushes as Jackie was sitting next to him.

Janna: What happen Anyways?

Star: Well we were going to the store to get ice cream for (YN) to try some and suddenly the monsters started to raid the park and we had to stopped him.

Janna: Wait (YN)?Who's that??

Star: Oh, him.

I pointed out at (YN) where he was just sitting at the couch, nervously having thoughts.

Janna: Is he okay...he seems scared??

Star: I'm not sure...he's been liked this after he took out those monsters.

Jackie: Wait?! You're telling me that he took out those evil monsters by himself?!

Star: Would you guys believe me if I say yes?

Janna: Hmmm...Sorry, not buying.

???: Yes he did.

We suddenly heard a voice out of no where. Glossaryck was the one as he came out floating with his hands cross.

Star: Oh hey Glossaryck.

Glossaryck: Evening Princess...goodness gracious! Marco my boy, what happen!?

Star: Don't worry Gloss, he's just hurt from the monster we fought at the park, he's okay now, he just needs some rest.

Glossaryck: Glad to hear.

Star: Oh and these are my friends; Jackie and Janna.

Glossaryck: Evening ladies.

He bows.

Janna: Cooool, a floating goblin.

Jackie: Wow, are you like...a magical dude?

Glossaryck: Sort Of...the names Glossaryck, Sir Glossaryck in terms, I am a living embodiment of the magic instruction book for Stars magic wand, and her guide in magic maters as well.

Janna/Jackie: Coooooool.

Star: And this right here is-

Glossaryck: (YN), Nice to meet you again lad.

Star: W-Wait, Wait?? You know him??

Glossaryck: I know him in his dreams.

Star: Oh my gosh Gloss, how many times do I have to tell you to not peek at other people's dreams.

Glossaryck: Oh, I had to for a reason, but I had to do it for (YN)

Star: What? Why? I'm so lost now, and why do you agree with me that he took out the monsters, you weren't even there.

Glossaryck: Here's why.

Glossaryck clapped his hands two times as he made the house dark and turned on one light for all of us. Glossaryck made a holo graph image as he shows us what he means.

Glossaryck: Long ago, two races ruled over the dimension Atlos: Humans and Monsters. One day, war broke out between the two races. After a long battle, the human gain victorious. They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell. Many years later. . . Legends say that the monsters were defeated by the hands of the mighty warrior, Duke, Duke was born and raised with a incredible strength ever since he fought alongside with his father.

The holo graph showed a big muscular man with a goatee, spiked up hair and yellow pupil eyes who looks like a tough guy...and is a tough guy, who single handily took down the monster in the war, then I noticed someone with him. That person looks like my mom.

Star: Gloss, is that my mom on the right?!

Glossaryck: Indeed, that is your mother, Moon Butterfly, queen of Mewni who helped (YN)'s father take down the monsters.

Star: So she and him knew each other?

Glossaryck: Indeed, a month later after the war gained victorious by the humans thanks to Duke, He had born baby already, and that baby turned out to be (YN).

The holo graph showed not only (YN)'s dad, but his mom as well. She looked so beautiful, she was like an angel. She was holding (YN), where he was just a baby, he looked really adorable, but now he still looks adorable.

Star: Awww, look how adorable (YN) looks.

Jackie: He's so sweet and cute.

Janna: So cute.

Glossaryck: Yeah, Anyways, months later, rumors were spreading that some of the monsters were able to survive after the war. Duke was sent to go after the others as the wife and (YN) were on a Wait. But then, a sadly moment happen, people came by to the wife saying that Duke...was killed by the monsters who survived, they didn't know how, and why? But all they know is that there was one monster who was strong enough to be able to take him out, and that monsters, hoes by the name of Toffee.

Glossaryck then show an image from the holo graph as it was a lizard monster, he was all grey and looks really violent.

Star: Wait!?! That's Toffee??

Glossaryck: Yes, the one who killed (YN)'s parents.

Star: Oh no....(YN), I'm so-

As I faced (YN), I noticed him looking at Toffee at the holo graphic dead into his eyes. He somehow started to act weird, he started to growl as he was holding the sofa real tight. He started to get angry, and what scared me is his eyes changing slowly.

Star: Glossaryck! What's happening to (YN)!?

Glossaryck: Uh-Oh.

The ground started to shake as (YN) was starting to get angry for some reason, it's probably the fact he seeing Toffee. His hair was starting to spike up as his eyes were changing slowly. He was still sitting down, getting more angry as his whole bday was covered with green aura.

Jackie: Star! What's going on?!

Star: (YN)!?! Are you okay?

Glossaryck: He's trying to hold his rage!

Star: Rage?!?

Glossaryck: I'll tell you that later, we gotta stop him before he starts rampaging!

Star: I got this!

I got up as I started walk up to (YN) as I was trying to calm him down.

Star: (YN), please snap out of it! You're gonna end up hurting us! Or worse, you're gonna hurt your self! Please, calm yourself!

He then roar a bit as he started to get more angrier.

Jackie: I don't think it's working!

Marco: Star! Get away form him, let Glossaryck handle it!

Star: No! I got this.

He keeps on getting more mad, I don't know why but then I had to jump on top of him to calm him down.

Star: (YN) please! It's me Star! Your best friend! Don't you remember me!

Suddenly, I can see his eye pupils appearing slowly back to itself and his hair as well. The green aura vanished as he was calmed.

(YN): S-Star??

Star: (YN)! You're back!

I hugged him.

Janna: Woah Star, I didn't know you were this kind of freaky, hehe.

(YN): Freaky???


I know what Janna meant, she can see me on top of (YN) as he was sitting down as I was on top of him. Janna gots some dirty thoughts in her mind, sheesh.

Glossaryck: (YN), what happen? Why did you acted like that??

(YN): I-I don't know, Once I saw Toffee, I suddenly started to get triggered for some reason.

Star: Yeah, and Glossaryck, what do you mean by (YN) being in rage anyways??

Glossaryck: Oh boy...okay look, this is what I meant...(YN) isn't just a normal person, (YN) somehow was born with an abnormally power person. What I can know is that (YN) has trouble controlling his power whenever he's angered, excreted, or provoked to a certain point. When he loses control, he becomes a destructive and savage berserker with little to no sanity. So here are the basics of his power, when he's on a fight, he goes all rage, which means he goes violent and has an uncontrollable anger, but when he steps up to berserk, oh boy...he will be out of control with unbelievable anger; in other words, maniac, mad, lunatic, And demented. So that's what I mean Star, and once he goes back to his self, he will not remember what happens.

Star: Oh my! S-So, he doesn't remember fighting those monsters back then?!

Glossaryck: ...I'm afraid so princess.

Janna: Okay, hearing this is starting to make me feel unsafe around him...

Jackie: Janna!

Janna: What? Just sayin.

Star: Look Guys, I know what you heard that may have scared you, but (YN) is a nice person, sure he can be berserk in fighting or combat, but he can't be one when he's like this, I know him so far, he's nice, kinds, sweet, and really generous. And What I'm saying, is that if you guys can trust me? And (YN) as well?

Marco: Star is right girls, (YN) is the nicest and chillest dude we have ever met. And maybe you can know more about him if you can trust us.

Jackie: ...Hehe, okay I trust you guys, maybe if we get along with him, me and Janna can totally get to know him more.

Janna: Yeah, and becoming best friends, Totally best friends.

As we heard answers from Janna and Jackie, I can see a smile on (YN)'s face. And I gotta say, he looks more adorable than his baby self.

Jackie: Hey, is it okay if we can chill for a while, I really wanna stay with Marco and check on him?

Marco: YEA-I mean Sure, cool I mean mi casa, es su casa.

Jackie: *giggles* I'll take that as a yes then.

Janna: Cool, I'll be with Star.

Star: Sweet! What about you (YN)?

(YN): Can I...get some air please? I need a minute.

Star: Oh...sure, just go to the back Years, it's better.

(YN): Okay...thank you.

Glossaryck: Well, my work here is done, know will you excuse me, I have pudding business to deal with.

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