Chp.24 Mightiest vs Mightiest

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Tomco: Go!

Both (YN) and Tomco flew up in the air as Tomco started flying away from (YN) as (YN) started blasting several beams towards Tomco. Tomco was able to dodge every beam it was going to him. He dodged all of them in ease while still flying. He then turns around as he dodged the last three beams.

Tomco: HaHa! Now it's our turn! HAAAAAAA!

Tomco started to power up as (YN) started to approach them. After powering up, Tomco's hair was glowing bright red as he then got punch by (YN). Tomco easily recovered himself as he flew towards (YN) as he gave him a punch as well. (YN) was able to recover as well as he flew towards Tomco. They both started throwing ferocious punches to each other as (YN) gave Tomco a punch to the face and Tomco giving (YN) a punch to the face as well. (YN) shook his head as he got angrier. He then lifted his hand and clenched it into a fist as Tomco did some weird melee rock move as he was able to dodge the punch. He then elbowed (YN) on the gut as he then spin himself and kicks him in his face, sending (YN) falling down straight crashing hard to a hill. Tomco then flew more in the air as he raised both his arms up. He created a red fire ball as he then launches it to (YN) causing a meteor. (YN) then got up slowly as he was getting hit from the fire balls. Tomco continues to throw several fireballs to (YN). While that, (YN) started to get irritated as he then powered up, creating a force shield around him as he then started flying towards Tomco and gives him a massive punch to the face sending him to a mountain. Tomco went through the mountain as (YN) went inside to follow him. Tomco was still sent flying as (YN) then punched him in the gut sending him further away as Tomco popped out from the other side of the mountain. Suddenly te mountain started to shake as it exploded as a green light was hitting towards (YN) as he started floating.


Tomco then recovered himself as he then started to notice he need to power up more. He then started to power up again as his hair then turns out to be purple. He then charged (YN) as he started giving him reveal punches and kicks as well. (YN) started winging every punch he could to Tomco, but he was too quick as he dodged the punches with an ease. They started throwing more punches to each other as they throw a last to each other causing a big wave. (YN) landed on the ground as his feet started dragging on the floor, he stops as he started to scream like a wild animal. He looks at Tomco as Tomco gave him a grin on his face. (YN) started running towards Tomco as he then lifts his leg as he tries to kick Tomco but missed as Tomco vanish and appeared behind (YN) quickly turns around and creates a green energy ball as he blasted it to Tomco, but Tomco blocked it with one hand as he blasted a fireball to (YN)'s face as a smoke covered his face. After the smoke cleared (YN) roar loudly as he sees Tomco spinning in mid air and gives him a kick to the face, causing (YN) to fallin one knee. Tomco backed up as he started running towards (YN) with two fireballs in his hands. (YN) then started to roar loudly as he spit out a green beam out from his mouth and targeted to Tomco.

Tomco knew the beam was gonna hit towards him, so he then jumps over it as he landed behind (YN) as he throws both of the fireballs toward (YN). Causing a big smoke around him. Tomco then started to shoot fireballs to (YN), (YN) started to get hurt from the fireballs as he was taking damage. Lastly, Tomco raised one hand as he then created a silver cosmic ball and throws it to (YN), causing a huge explosion.


Tomco(Marco): D-Did we kill him??!

Once the smoke cleared, Tomco sees (YN) as he was looking tired, but still with a raging angry look on his face.

(YN): Raaagh!

Tomco(Tom): Nah, he's still on his feet.

Tomco(Marco): Damn, hows he able to survive that attack!?! He should go down!

Tomco(Tom): I don't know, but what I'm thinking is to use another move.

Tomco(Marco): Good idea, lets do this!

Meanwhile Star and the others were watching everything Tomco has done with (YN).

Star: Mmm, Tom and Marco better not end up killing my man.

Queen Moon: Don't worry Star, they know what they're doing.

Tomco then cupped his hands, daring their attention to their power.

Tomco: This should finish it!

They starting to gather a energy ball that started to light up brighter.

Star: Wh-What are they doing!?!

Glossaryck: Hey you Two! That's enough! Don't go too far!

Star: You guys! Don't do it!

Tomco: Final Bang-

Before they can even finish their attack, their fusion has ended as Marco and Tom were separately back to them selves.

Marco: What!?!

Tom: Wait!?!

Marco: Oh crap! The fusion ended!

Tom: Oh fuck were screwed!

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