Chp.7 Morning Breakfast

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It was morning as I was stood up from the couch looking at the sun as it was barely going up. I then got up as I started folding the blanket. As I finished, I then stared to wonder where would Star and Marco sleep at. I went up stairs as there were several doors. I open the first one, which was the restroom I took a shower yesterday, I then went the other which was a room, a big bed where two people can sleep. I then ran and jump on it face first, so soft and warm. I then realized a picture of Marco with his parents. They look so happy together. I'm guessing this is where they sleep. So I got up and went to the next room. As I did, I see it was Marco's room. He still sleeping as he was hugging his pillow. Finally, I went to the other room, as I open it, the room was so big, toys, a treasure box, a mirror, stairs that leads to another room on top, and a bed. I walked up as to see Star sleeping still. She looks so peaceful, and some how seeing her sleeping made me blush. Star then started to wake up as she noticed me that I was in her room.

(YN): Morning Star.

Star: Oh, Morning (YN)

Seeing her waking up, my body start to heat up as my face was blushing still. It's like seeing a beautiful angel waking up from a good nap, or better, it's like seeing a goddess of beauty.

(YN): H-How you slept???

Star: Pretty good, thanks for asking, but the real question is how are you feeling?

(YN): Pretty good actually, thanks for asking me as well.

Star: No problem...

(YN): Hey again, thanks for letting me stay with you guys, it's nice to have friends like you and Marco.

Star: Aww it was nothing, we just wanted to help you out, you looked so helpless so we decided to help you.

(YN): Yeah...

Star: And, why are you in my room?

(YN): Oh...just wanted to see if you're awake...

Star: Well I am right now hehe, you hungry???

(YN): Yeah.

Star: Come.

Star got up as she grabbed my hand and took me with her. Later, I was sitting down in a table as Star was making me breakfast. Whatever she's cooking smells really good. After she was done, she then handed me the breakfast with a fork and knife. She then sat next to me.

Star: How you're feeling?

(YN): Hehe, thanks for asking me again Star, never know you really care about me.

Star: Of course, just wanted to see how's my friend feeling. Anyways, your breakfast about to get cold, so I suggest you to eat up.

(YN): What is it??

Star: Its scramble eggs with three bacons and twelve packs of pancakes.

(YN): I thought the candy bars you gave me were breakfast.

Star: Hehe try it, I know you'll love it.

-Star's POV-

(YN) was still having thoughts about the candy bars I gave him yesterday. Then again, there's lots of things on earth he still hasn't adjust yet. He grabbed the fork and knife as he cuts the eggs and takes a bite first.

(YN): Mmm, so gewwwd!

I then ate the eggs as he went for the bacons. He was so happy that he was enjoying the breakfast I made for him. After he was done eating the bacons, he then goes for the pancakes. It was surprisingly to see him eat four of them each in three bites, pretty amazing.

Star: You want to finish it off with some orange juice??

(YN): Orange Juice??

Star: Hold up.

I got up as I went to the fresh to get the gallon of orange juice, grabbed a glass cup and poured it. I then head to (YN).

Star: There you go.

(YN): orange juice??

Star: Yeah, made with real orange, squeezed with oranges, try it.

He took a sip, and then I can tell he liked it by the look on his face. He chugged the juice as he burp at the last.

(YN): That...was a delicious breakfast, thank you Star.

Star: Your welcome, glad you loved it.

(YN): Since when you were good at cooking?

Star: Oh I got some new tricks on my sleeves, and trust me, I can do more than that.

(YN): Heh, that makes sense.

Then Marco was coming downstairs as he was yawning from waking up from his sleep.

Marco: Oh *Yawn* morning guys.

Star: Morning Marco.

(YN): Morning Marco, want breakfast?

Marco: You guys started breakfast without me??

Star: Well, (YN) woke me woke me and said he was hungry so I decided to make him breakfast, you were still sleeping I didn't wanted to disturb your sleep.

Marco: Heh, it's okay Star, no need to worry, as long your taking care of (YN).

Star: Aw, thanks for understanding Marco.

Marco: No problem bestie, hey (YN), Since you tried pancakes already, wanna true waffles.

(YN): W-Waffles??

Marco: There like pancakes but better, let me make some for ya.

Marco then stared to put the waffles in the toaster. He started making ten of them. After the ten waffles are done, he then put maple syrup on top of them as he placed it on the table for (YN).

Marco: There ya go, Waffles, wait hold up.

He then put whipped cream on top and a cherry on top of the whip cream.

Marco: Done.

(YN): So These are like Pancakes, but better?

Marco: Yeah, try them, you'll love them.

(YN) started to observe the waffles as he grabbed the fork. He grabbed one and took a bite, and what made me laugh was his face of deliciousness. He started munching all the waffles in seconds. After that, he looked so happy as he finished all the waffles.

(YN): Wow, these are delicious, Thank you Marco, and You too Star.

Marco/Star: You're welcome.

Marco: Hey, you know what would it be better, some ice cream.

Star: Yeah! (YN), you really need to try ice cream, I'm one hundred percent sure you're gonna love it.

(YN): Ice cream?

Star: Yeah, let us change first and we'll head over to the store.

(YN): Okay then.

-(YN)'s POV-

As they both ran upstairs to change, I went to the couch as I sat down and waited for them patiently. I then started to have thoughts on Star for some reason, the way she treated me, the way she smiled at me, and the way she like to help me on everything. I'm glad to have her as my friend.

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