Chapter Five: Touring begins.

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It had been a week since the party and my accident and I was feeling tonnes better. I was able to walk without help from Andy (which I missed if I'm honest) although he still instructed me to stay on the couh as he had planned something for us to do that I needed to be in full health for.

"Hey Charlotte" Andy smiled as he brought in 2 cups of strong black coffee, "Here" he said, giving me a cup and sitting next to me on the couch.

"Thanks" I smiled and warmed my hands on the coffee mug and took a sip, "You make my favourite coffee" I said as Andy blushed.

"Charlotte, I was thinking," Andy started, taking another sip of his coffee. "You know me and the guys leave for tour tomorrow?" He said and I frowned at the thought of being alone for over a month, even though we weren't dating, we were best friends.

"Yeah?" I responded, wondering where this was going.

"We, well I was wondering whether you'd like to come with us on the bus and to the shows? Our merch girl pulled out because she has the flu so would you like to come and sell our merch and live with us on the bus?" He asked with a smile

"I'd love to!" I jumped at the offer, "Is this what you meant by me needing to be better to come with you?"

"Well yeah," He admitted, "You couldn't stand up for 3 hours selling merch with a busted knee, and climbing into a bunk would be difficult."

"It sounds awesome! Do the others mind?" I asked

"No but they shouldn't. Ella never comes on tour with Jake because she's in Europe but Sammi always comes with Jinxx so it shouldn't be an issue" He smiled

"Yay!" I lept into Andy's arms and gave him a giant hug, "I've always wanted to come on tour with you guys!"

"Well now you can" He smiled and we continued to hug.

After about a minute he pulled away, "You'd better get packing," He chuckled, "We leave at 2am"

"2AM?!" I shouted "Jesus Christ Andy!" I laughed

I stood up and Andy tried to help me up but I was fine, "No it's fine" I reasurred him and he nodded. I went and packed all of my things into a case, took and shower and went to sleep ready for an early morning.


I woke to someone knocking on my door and banging from the room next door.

"Charlotte" Jinxx whispered, "Time for tour! Can I come in?" 

"Yeah what ever" I grumbled with the duvet still over my head

"We're leaving in 15 minutes" Jinxx said as he picked up my case, "The bus is here and the rest of the guys are down stairs." He left the room and took my case downstairs.

"Uh shit" I said as I pulled off the duvet. Luckily I remembered that I went to sleep in my clothes that I was going to wear on the bus which was a black pair of sweat pants and an over sized Metallica t-shirt. I rolled out of bed, put my hair up in a messy bun and took a few pieces out and let them hang down by my face, put on some slippers and a black zip up hoodie and head downstairs.

All of the guys were sat in the lviing room with thermal mugs filled with coffee. 

"Heya roadie," Andy winked and he walked over and hugged me.

Ashley wolf whislted and we both flipped him off,

"Hey I'm allowed friends" We both laughed

"With benefits" Ashley smirked as he slid he glasses down his nose to wink at me and I hit him

"Give it a break Ash it's 2am" Andy said picked up his bag.

"LETS PARTY!" CC shouted and we all just stared at him in disgust.

"No CC, lets go," Sammi said leading us all out the tour bus which was huge.

"Oh wow!" I said stepping into the brand new bus.

"Pretty impressive isn't it?" Jake said smiling.

"Heck ye-" I was cut off but CC shouting "BOTTOM BUNK IS MINE" and he ran passed me and chucked his stuff on the bottom bunk on the left. The bunks were 3 high.

"Why does he want the bottom one so bad?" I asked 

"The bottom ones are the warmest because they're near the engine." Andy smiled

"Oh right" I said, you guys go and choose your bunks, it's your bus I don't mind where I sleep.

All of them ran to the bunks and claimed their spots apart from Andy.

"And you!" I said nudging him in the ribs.

"No, you first. I insist" He said and winked at me.

He held my shoulders and led to where the bunks were. On the left side, CC had claimed the bottom bunk, Jinxx had claimed the middle and the top was free. And on the right, Ashley claimed the bottom, Jake claimed the middle because it was the only one with a TV and the top was free.

"There's 3 of us and only 2 bunks.." I said "Where does Sammi sleep?" I asked

"She likes to sleep on the couch because she can watch TV until the early hours of the morning, she doesn't really sleep much." Jinxx added

"Oh right, well if you're sure I'll take top left" I pointed and I stepped on the corner of Jinxx's bunk to get up as I was so short and Andy gave me a hand lifting my stuff up there.

"Shit it's cold up here" Andy said as he climbed into his bunk and grabbed his batman blanket out of his bag. "Christ," He chattered his teeth

"Stop your moaning" CC said as he drew the curtain across on his bunk.

"It's alright down there for you!" Andy said and I laughed.

Everyone eventually closed their bunk curtains apart from me and Andy and we guessed everyone had started to fall asleep. The bus started to move and Andy sighed.

"What's up?" I whispered as I looked over into his bunk.

"I can't sleep in a moving bus" He said

"I don't think I'll do well either" I said as I shivered.

"Hey come here," He said and opened up his blanket and patted the bed

I climbed from my bunk to his which was scary when the bus was moving but he helped me into his bunk. He reached over and closed the curtain to my bunk and then to his and we were both in his bunk and we felt alone, which was nice.

"Lets watch something." He said whilst wrapping the blanket around our shoulders.

"Batman?" I said and he raised an eyebrow

"As if you had to ask!" He said and pulled out his laptop which already had 'Batman Begins' loaded in it. He passed me an earphone and we watched the movie until it was over.

"What time is it?" I yawned and it made Andy yawn too. 

"About 5am" he grunted, I could tell he was tired.

"I'll leave you to sleep then" I said

"No, stay here" He smiled at me "Your warm now so you might aswell stay"

"Okay then," I whispered and leant into him. He put his arm around me and we dropped off to sleep.


We were woken by Ashley tearing open the curtain to Andy's bunk whilst his arm was still around me.

"See, told you." He said to the others 

"Told them what?" I asked getting defensive

"You did it last night" Ashley smirked

"EW NOT IN A BUNK" CC shouted

"NO!" We both shouted

"Just because I have a friend who is a girl doesn't mean I bang her every night," Andy was getting angry as I felt his grip tighten on me so I stroked his arm that was under the blanket to calm him down. "Unlike you Ash."

We were all pretty shocked and wondered what Ash's responce would have been.

"Well I can't deny it" Ash said and closed the curtain again and the guys in on the couch all laughed.

"Stupid whore." Andy said and I touched his cheek.

"Hey calm down," I comforted him, "It was only a joke"

"Yeah I guess," Andy breathed and clamed himself down. "I enjoyed last night" He whispered and smiled at me.

"We didn't do anything.." I had to think twice weather anything did happen and I randomly forgot.

"Yeah I know! I meant it was nice having someone with me on tour and someone to be with last night. Thankyou Charlotte" and I blushed

"No, thank you Andy" I smiled and he leant in and kissed my cheek. We'd both figured this was an acceptable thing for friends to do as all of the guys kissed Sammi's cheeks all the time when they said hi to her.

I jumped down from Andy's bunk and walked into the living space on the bus where everyone was eating.

"Hey Charlotte you want anything?" Sammi asked as she was cooking eggs.

"Uh yeah sure, thanks" I said and sat at the small table and Andy said next to me.

We both ate eggs and toast until the bus pulled to a hault.

"We're here" Jake smiled as I looked out of the curtains to see the line of fans outside the venue 5 hours before the show started.

"Woah" I said and they all laughed, "what?!" I shouted

"They're always out early" Andy said patting my back, "We have the best fans in the world.

"Yeah and I'm one of them" I smiled and so did Andy.

"We'll leave you to your lovey-dovey romance session whilst we go and sound check." Ashley said very sarcastically and we just stood up and left the bus to go sound check.

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