Chapter Twenty: Band practice goes wrong.

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My phone vibrated really loudly. I groaned and so did Andy, it woke him up too.

"Shit" Andy grunted, "Who's that?"

"Ella" I whispered and squinted my eyes at the bright screen, "What the fuck does she want" I grumbled as I answered the phone.

"Yeah?" I grumbled down the phone

"Look. Charlotte its me." Ella whispered in a panic so I sat up and Andy sat up with me

"I need to talk to you and Andy in private, can you get to practice like 10 minutes early so we can have a word?"

"Yeah sure" I sighed, "Next time, call me at a resonable time." I put the phone down slightly rudely but I was so tired from the night feeds that I didn't really care.

"What was that about" Andy sighed, laying back down and wrapping his arms back around me, as he does every night.

"Ella wants to talk to us, so we have to get to practice 10 minutes early."


I woke up to Carolyn crying and I went into her room to get her up and feed her. I warmed some milk and sat in the chair in her room and fed her, gave her her medicine and took her temperature. It felt the medicine was working but you can never to too safe, she was still coming to set up for tour in the venue today.

I could hear Andy walking into the bathroom and sorting out his hair that he was always so fussy about. He walked into Cara's room and stretched out his arms,

"Good morning to my 2 favourite girls in the whole world." He smiled and I handed Carolyn over to Andy so I could go and shower and get ready. Andy sat in the chair where I was sat as I went and took my shower. After my shower I got changed and finished my hair. I went back into Cara's room to see Andy sat in the same position.

"Could watch her for hours" Andy smiled down at Cara and tickled her nose

"I know" I grinned and we got up and left for the bands practice for their tour in a few weeks.

In the car I started to wonder what Ella desperately wanted to tell me, I literally had no idea.

"What do you think Ella wanted to talk to us about?" I asked Andy as he drove to the rehearsal venue.

"I dunno," I sighed, "Probably an arguement with Jake or something" I said brushing off the subject.

We pulled into the venues parking lot and I got out of the car as quickly as I could.

"I'll see to cara, you go ahead and see what's wrong with Ella." Andy instructed and I just nodded in response. We both knew that here was something up with Ella today, but neither of us could put a finger on it.

I ran up to the door to find stood completely still, no jake to be seen.

"Hey what's up?" I panted, all the running had tired me out.

"I'm pregnant." She hushed in an extremely monotone voice, "I'm not sure weather it's jakes.." She trailed off and I hugged her

"How can it not be jakes." I whispered as andy crept in the door with cara and walked over to us.

"On New Years" her voice shook, "I was completely trashed and something happened between me and ash, I don't know how far it went, but I know it wasn't intentional.."

Jake walked out of the bathroom and stood in shock, he must have heard what we were saying.

"Jake!" Ella shouted, shocked as jake stood there as white as a ghost "I am so sorry you had to find out this way." She burst into tears no ran into the venue.

"I'm gonna kill him." Jake muttered sternly

"No! I shouted, you don't know whether it happened for sure, get both sides of the story first."

Ash walked into the venue and jake left for him


I lept in between them and andy tried to stop me. He grabbed onto my arm and it hurt quite a bit

"FUCK, OW." I shouted glaring at andy, tearing my arm away from him.

"You guys quit it. I'm not having my child seeing this, it's not good for her. Ash took the chance and ran into the venue, I don't know where but he just ran.

I gave andy a death glare, picked up cara and walked into the venue, looking for ash. I found him in the dressing room with his head in his hands.

"The fuck was that?" He asked, shaking his head

"Ella's pregnant.. Jake and Ella both this it's yours.. Apparently something happened on New Years?" I said, putting cara down in her rocker on the floor and walking over to ash.

"W-w-what?" He began to raise his voice "NOTHING HAPPENED. YOU SAW ME, I WAS OUTSIDE!"

"I know, but they don't."

Ash out his arm round me to say thank you but I winced in pain

"Shit" I rolled up my sleeve to see a large bruise where andy had grabbed me when I stepped between the guys fighting

"Stronger than he looks huh?" Ash smirked and grabbed me an ice pack from the first aid box in the venue

I winced as he put it on but then it soothed it.

Andy walked in the room and stopped in his tracks

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?" He shouted, staring at my arm

"Nothing dude," ash smirked, "that was all you"

I looked up at andy and his face went white

"Fuck" he said bending down to me as I was sat on the floor, "let me see babe?"

He reached toward my arm and I hit his hand out of the way

"Leave me alone"

"Baby I'm so sorry, I was just trying to stop you getting hurt."

"They would have never have hurt me." I raised my voice "THE SAME WAY ASH WOULD NEVER HAVE HURT ELLA, THAT'S WHY I JUMPED IN THE WAY." I took a deep breath, "nothing happened, and you can't accuse either. You were drunk as shit as well." Ella and jake walked into the room I pretended to not see them and carry on as normal. Jake needed to hear this. "Ash wouldn't hurt anyone or do anything they wouldn't want. He loves jake as much as he loves you. He wouldn't do it to me and wouldn't do it to Ella."

"Is that true." Jake asked, calmer now he had heard what I had to say.

"Of course," he replied,

"Well dude, I'm truly sorry." Jake walked over and have ash a hug, "I didn't think it was like you either, I was just overwhelmed."

I stood up and took cara with me out of the venue and andy followed behind hot on my heels.

He grabbed me shoulders, but not hard like last time. He turned me round.

"Why won't you listen to me? I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I was just trying to make sure you didn't get hurt."

"We'll you were the only one who hurt me andy,"

"And you think I feel good about it? I feel fucking terrible. You think I would want to hurt my best friend and beautiful girlfriend?"

I shook my head and looked at the ground. He placed a thumb under my chin and lifted my face so I looked deep into his eyes

"Well then, I'm sorry." He said, leaning down and kissing me gently.

"I forgive you." I said, wrapping my arms around him.


Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but it was my birthday yesterday and I got an iPad which is really easy to type on so I'll be posting alot more. Yay c;

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