I will give you everything I can. (A Black Veil Brides story.)

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I woke to a large thud as the airplane landed in the airport. I stretched up and yawned loudly as my brother laughed at me. 

"Sleep well?" Joe laughed as I jokingly punched his arm.

"Ow!" He winced

"Shut up you girl!" I laughed as I un-buckled my seat belt to grab my hand luggage and exit the plane. I was so glad to be home, visiting my parents in England was always stressful and included long haul flights so I was so glad to be back in California. 

I exited the plane with my brother Joe and walked into the main airport to retrieve our luggage.

"There it is! Joe shouted as he ran over the the conveyor to grab the cases. It was so much word going to the other side of the world with a 13 year old who was still very immature. 

He came back with both cases and we wheeled them out to the parking lot, I opened up the car and threw the cases in the trunk. Me and Joe both flopped into the car.

"You ready to go back to nans?" I asked Joe as the excitement from arriving home left his face. 

"No not really," he frowned, "I miss England and mom and dad, I wish we could have gone with them."

You see, our parents were offered an amazing job opportunity in England when last year when I turned 19. They couldn't say no to the offer but only I was allowed to with them since I had finished school. Joe was forced to live with our grandparents. However, I opted to stay in California. I hated England and everything that went along with it, especially my dad. He hated me every since I was young he'd treat me differently to Joe and no one would believe me. I'm glad he lives somewhere else now, it's a huge relief.

"Joe it's fine, think of all the candy you'll get!" I nudged his ribs and he laughed. I drove all the way to our grandparents house almost in silence. We got there and he got out, not saying a word.

"Bye, Joe." I waved and he just stared. He never said good bye to me ever since I moved away from our grandparents to live with my best friend Jeremy, AKA Jinxx, and his wife, Sammi. I drove away to arrive at my house, and I was glad to see the guys were in. I left my suitcases in the back because I couldn't be bothered with bringing them in yet.

I opened the door and they both ran and gave me giant hugs. Jinxx lifted me off the floor whilst hugging me and I squeled.

"So glad to see you back Charlotte!" He said, whilst putting me back down.

"It's been pretty dull without you girl!" Sammi said giving me one last hug. "It's been a long month without you, did you have a nice Christmas?" 

"It was ok I guess, you know the situation with my dad.." I trailed off and they nodded.

"Well we've got a party planned for new years tomorrow, you up for it?" Jinxx asked and I smiled

"Oh yes!" I responded quicker than I thought I did, "Who else will be there?"

"Well, obviously CC, Jake, Ashley and Andy. And then CC will probably bring his girlfriend and Jake is bringing Ella. Maybe a few of the neighbours, but that's it. Just a small celebration." Jinxx smiled.

"With plenty of alcohol" Sammi laughed

"The more the better!" I said as I slouched onto the couch.

I switched on the TV and began to watch a few shows.

"You hungry Charlotte?" Jinxx asked from in the kitchen. He always cooked for me and Sammi and wouldn't have it any other way, in a nice way.

"No it's alright thanks, I had some food on the plane and it made me feel slightly ill. I think I'm going to take a shower and go to sleep."

"Okay then, as long as you're sure?" He asked and I nodded, 

"I feel like crap to be honest with you" I frowned and he just gave me a hug. "Thanks Jinxx" I smiled and walked up to the bathroom. I took my shower and walked into my room. I dried myself and slipped into my pyjamas. I clambered into bed and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

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