shot- 2

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Hey guys... I m back with next shot of this story,..thank you so much for liking previous part..

To be continued..

Shekhar and Shomi welcomed Maheshwari family.,.
All take seats,. Swara greet them,.
They talk about marriage and engagement,.as everything was already fixed. Swara was showing herself least interested but only she knew how much all these are piercing her heart. She wished to run away from there, making some excuses but no.. god wants her to face more and more. In all the while she didn't even dare to look at Sanskar who was shooting glare at her,. She could feel the heat nd rage of that glare. She knows him. But that's she has to face,. She can't do anything. She can't even leave cause it would spoil everything nd she knows it well. They didn't talk a word since the time he came but what they should talk,. Cause one thinks now she don't have right,he hate her..nd he thinks only about betrayal she gave.
All were talking when Shekhar says; Neha beta.. why don't you show our house to Sanskar?

Sujatha; yeah,.. I was also thinking the same,. You guys can talk,.
Laksh; I m also going with them ( Seeing Sanskar uncomfortable) if u don't mind.( To Neha)
Neha; why would I mind,.. come let's go..
AP; why don't u join  too swara?
Swara get nervous,.. nd Sanskar noticed it..
Shekhar; actually,..she is
( Swara look at him,.nd he understands)
Swara;( fake smile) i m fine here.. aunty..
( Don't want to go with Sanskar..)
Sanskar; let it be maa.. I m fine with Laksh and neha company..
Swara didn't missed the sarcasm in his words but didn't dare to look at him..
Sanskar left with Neha nd Laksh..

Sujatha; ( whispered to AP) jiji,..such a uncultured girl she is,..look she doesn't even touched feet nd sitting like that when we came nd now she ignored your words, Neha is much better than her,. I m sure due to this behavior only she is still unmarried..

AP; shut up sujatha,..don't just blurt out anything,.
Swara who was near them heard it nd feels bad,.
Shekhar talks with dp and RP..n they went to study telling them to continue,..they have to talk about some business stuffs..
Shomi; I m just coming after checking the arrangements of lunch.
AP; arey,..Shomi ji,.we will also help you,.
Shomi; no AP Jo.. it's...
AP; we are going to be relative now,.. at least we can help you,.
Sujatha; right jiji...
Sujatha gave annoyed look to swara that she still didn't care to say her mother that she will help her,. She was about to say something but ap hold her stand indicating her to be quite,..
Shomi; swara,
Swara; I was going to my room only maa,.. you carry on,..I have some work...
Shomi look at her,..
Swara; ( getting what she wanna say) I will manage,.you go..( pleading eyes)
AP was confused by their conversation..
Shomi nods cause she knows what swara wanted to say.. she don't want pity.

Swara room;

Swara was sitting on the bed.
Maid; anything else ma'am..
Swara; no,. U can go and do ur work,.
Maid; ok ma'am... Nd she left.

Swara closed her eyes,. Nd within a second a tear escaped from her eye..( monologue) why you came back Sanskar,..why? I was running away from you last the time ,then why you came in front of me after four years,. I know u don't knew that I m Neha sister.. otherwise u wouldn't have looked at me shockingly,. You wanted me not to show my face of you but I did it unknowingly.. four years has passed but still u r in my heart,.I could never forget you,..but why are you making difficult for me God,..I m alive thinking that he can't be mine but it's killing me to think he is going be Neha's husband. How much pain u have stored in my destiny that it get never enough,.. why me?

On the other side,..Neha was showing around the house to Sanskar And Laksh,.Neha was talking non stop,..Laksh was also talking to her,. Sanskar was just responding hmm,. in between cause his mind was somewhere else,.or on someone else,.since the time he came,.she had made it difficult for him not to look at her,.  She still hold the power to make his heart flutter nd mind to roam around her thoughts..nd he hate it..or want to hate?he saw her in white colour full sleeve dress( like she used to wear after fake marriage in serial) with dupatta. No doubt she is still beautiful,. Did he just said beautiful? Well yeah she is..but then his mind go four years back incident,.nd anger overpowered his heart.. she didn't knew that he is going to marry his sister as he saw that confused look in her eyes,. But even unknowingly,she came in front of her..nd he is not gonna leave this chance making her life hell..
He comes out of his thought when Laksh jerk him,.
Laksh; Bhai,..
Neha; Sanskar...where are you,? I was talking to you,..nd u r not saying anything?
Sanskar passed a forced smile; nothing,..I was thinking something else.. I want to have water..
Neha; oh wait.. I will bring it for you.
Sanskar; no it's ok.. I will have it.. you guys talk I will join u..
Neha; sure?
Sanskar; yeah,..

Swara who was in her room immersed in her thoughts,.heard someone coming,..she wipes her tears and made herself presentable.. she took a book nd started to read,..
Then someone Knocked..
Swara; come in..
Person came and forward water..
Swara didn't see the person nd started to take it; thank god.. my throat was drying..
But before she hold the glass the person dropped glass , making it break into pieces..
Swara sees the person and got shocked to find it's Sanskar who was looking at her in rage nd anger.. only a whisper came out of her mouth..
( Sanskar who came to have water saw a servant was going with water,.nd he got to know it was for swara by him,.so he took the glass nd came himself)
Swara; ( whispered) Sanskar..
Sanskar;( smirked) wow,.. u remember my name,.
Swara composed herself.. nd try to behave rude,.; Sanskar,..what are you doing in my room?
Sanskar give not so caring look; nothing,..u wanted to have water na,.so I came to give but sorry,.glass slipped from my hand,.
Swara; it's don't need to do that,.. nd about this broken glass, will be cleaned... servants are there to do work,. They will see it,. U mind ur own business,. understand,.. don't try to interfere in my matter,..
Sanskar get angry by the she was talking to him,. He hold he arms tightly nd pulled her to himself.. crushing her to his chest..swara felt a slight pain,.
He gripped more tight , nd there face are closed that his breathe was falling on her face,.
Sanskar ( dangerously) I didn't,'s you who interfered in my matter,. I told you,..never show your face but you did,.now u will see worst of me,..nd why would you care about broken glass when you know how to break heart then it's nothing,. This broken glass piece can be cleared but the wound that you have given me by breaking my heart has still not healed.. you are gone swara gadodia,.
Swara was feeling pain but she look into eyes nd angrily say; it wasn't my choice,to come in front of u..I never knew u r going to marry my sister..( feels hurt while saying this) nd about past , was nothing for me,. I did what I felt right.
Sanskar; yeah right,.you felt right in snatching my peace, leaving me heartbroken, killing me thousand deaths in single moments.. that's what you called right thing miss. Gadodia? But let me tell u, even though unknowingly,.u did mistake.. nd Sanskar Maheshwari do not forgive the person for their mistake,.
( He moved his one hand on her waist and squeeze it hardly making her wince in pain nd close her eyes)..
Swara; aahh,.. ( shut her eyes tightly) ..
Sanskar; what happened swara? It's just starting.. Anyway it's physical pain, it vanish with time.. but what u gave me ,that pain never vanished,..
Swara;( angry) leave me Sanskar,. U r hurting me,.  if you can't get over past,.nd can't able to forget it,'s your problem not mine,. I still don't care about you,. So better concentrate on ur life..
Sanskar;( laughs dryly) really? It's hurting,?.. hurt is what I felt,..nd  I won't repeat the same mistake that u care,cause I know u r the most selfish girl in this damn world,.trust me u gonna feel the same pain which I went through each day in these four years..
Saying this he jerk her hardly,. Saying this he come out of room,.while tears fall from swara eyes....

Sanskar came out angrily..he go to Hall.. till then Neha and Laksh also came back..
Neha; where were you Sanskar?
Sanskar; no,.. actually I got a I went to corner,..
Neha; ok,.
Laksh look at him suspiciously cause he knew where he went..
Neha ; excuse me..for a I got a call..
Sanskar; sure .
Neha go from there..
Laksh; you went to her?
Sanskar; I couldn't stop myself..
Laksh; do you still..
Sanskar;( complete in anger) I hate her..
Saying this he joined everyone on dinner table where Shomi called them..
Laksh; ( to himself) your heart forced you to go to her nd you are saying you hate her.. do you really hate her bhai?
Neha came and both go to have lunch..
Shomi send swara lunch in her room..
Sujatha; why did you send her lunch?
Shomi; actually she is not well so she told me to send it..
AP; ok..
All have lunch,.
They decided to keep engagement after two days,..nd marriage after a week,.as pandit ji told them. After sometime Maheshwari family left..
( I m focusing on Swasan only,.not on neh----san marriage..cause in anyway I m not gonna let that happen 😆😆)

Sanskar was very uncomfortable with all of the sudden marriage and engagement,,. But his mind was more obsessed to think about his Revenge from swara,.
He changed into his casual t shirt nd track pant..
He stand at the window nd look outside,. But his mind was replaying the images of four year back in front of his eyes..he can still hear her sounds which was more like music to him..


" No,. Sanskar please leave na,. We have class to attend,.., someone will see us..." She said,.
" No one is here,. we are at corner,.nd this exit is not used generally,.." he said pinning her to the wall ,.
Swara; Sanskar class,..
Sanskar; still five minutes left swara.. ( caressing her cheeks sensuously)
Swara;( loosing her control but still trying to compose herself) right..only five min,. So let's can do nothing in five minutes ( blurt out)
Sanskar;( mischievously) why? Don't u know,.so much thing can happen in five minutes,.
( Moving close to her face)
Swara blushed but she pushed him nd tried to go when Sanskar hold her hand nd again pinned to the wall ,he entwined their fingers by one hand nd hold her waist by another hand,
Swara gasped..nd closed her eyes.

Sanskar take her lips in his and started kissing her,,swara another hand reached his back. He was sucking her lips,nd kissing intensely..
After sometime he break the kiss.nd move toward her ear whispered; I just love this taste of strawberry,.  Nd bite her earlobs making swara hitch her breath,.nd blushed hardly..
Sanskar; I can never understand why I m crazy about you since the day I saw u,.I just can't help it,..nd fall more and more for you..
Swara; that's why you proposed me after a week you saw me,.
Sanskar; hmm,.cause I just wanted to sure ,u like me or not,.you were already impressed by me in first time u saw me,.
Swara; ahaan,.. I was not impressed,..
Sanskar who was busy in nuzzling in her neck,.jerk and look at her; what?
Swara; I was not impressed cause I had fallen for you that instant,.,
Sanskar; then why didn't you said,.
Swara; It should be a boy's right? How can I snatch it from u?
Sanskar; yeah right,. U can just snatch my right to kiss...nd spoil my mood..
Swara; ( Chuckled) shut up Sanskar,.u know I thought u r studious person,.nd very gentle man type,u know.. .but u r totally opposite,. I don't know how u always top in class,.when most of time ur mind revolve around romance,.
Sanskar; don't say like that,.. I m still Sanskari bachcha,., I didn't do that with you till now,. You know na...
Swara put her hand on his mouth to stop him from saying further,.but Sanskar kissed it,.
Swara; I will kill u Sanskar,..( pushing him) Sanskar;but I m already dead in ur love sweetheart,..
Swara; ( running )pagal,..but I love this pagal,.
Sanskar; nd this pagal loves you too swara..( shout from behind)
Swara runs to class room smilingly,. Sanskar also followed her,.nd then went to his class...

Flashback ends;

Sanskar;( monologue) I could never thought that u will do something like that one day,nd break my heart beyond repair,. I was so happy with u,.but now u took all my happiness.
I wish u would have never come in my life..

Gadodia Mansion;
Swara room:
Swara was half lying on bed , taking support of bed post. A book was opened on side of her nd page was turning due to wind...but she was looking out from window,. her eyes were red,.tears were dried,.
Since the time Sanskar go out from the room,.she cried but soon composed herself when a servant came with her lunch. She didn't come out of room,. After Maheshwaris left,Shomi came to her,.but swara behave normally. Neha also came,..she expressed her excitement for marriage unknown of the fact how much all this was hurting swara,.
After dinner,.swara was in her room lost in her thoughts,.

Swara;(monologue) I can never forget the moments I spend with u,. Cause you are the most important person of my are that prince for which every girl wishes for..but you came in my life nd made it more beautiful. It was my fate that those happiness nd beautiful moments doesn't stay longer.. you have changed nd I hate myself to be the reason of it...nd now I don't even have right to wish for u cause you're going to be someone else's..


It was first time when she saw him in basketball court with his friends, totally drenched in sweat.. holding ball moving toward net nd put the ball in it..a smile appeared on her lips, when she saw him smiling..he took the water bottle from his bag nd began to drink... feeling a constant gaze on him,.he turned suddenly nd caught her eyes.. she swiftly turned her avoiding his gaze nd bit her lips squeezing her eyes tight.
She cleverly move to her friends and started listening what they were talking as if she did nothing,.
When suddenly she heard his voice for first time making her heartbeat fast,.
" Excuse me..."
He turned when he felt her gaze but got surprised to find it's her. The same girl whom he saw entering when he was passing by corridor with his friends nd his eyes stopped at her,. He smiled nd moved toward her,..
Sanskar; excuse me,...
All her friends turned accept for her,. She squeeze her eyes tight praying that it should be nightmare nd when she will open her eyes,.he will be gone,. hoping he didn't saw her checking him out.. but to her dissapointment,.she heard him again" excuse me...miss..."
" Swara,..he is talking to u.." one of her friend shook her,.
gathering some strength,she turned but instantly move one step back finding him so close,. Sanskar chuckled,.
Sanskar; well if u guys have no problem,..may I have word with ur friend,.( To girls)
Her friend gave her teasing smile,. saying; " sure,..bye swara catch u later,.."nd left.
Swara so wanted to kill her friends for leaving her in this situation nd that too with him,.
Swara; ( stammered) look ,.. I ..I.. w.. was.. n.
Sanskar move a step ahead making her move back step..
Sanskar; u r saying something,..
Swara; what are u doing?
Sanskar; what were u doing?
Swara; look I wasn't staring you,.( Blurt out nd then realized ,she bite her tongue)
Sanskar laughs at her expression,.
Sanskar; Sanskar Maheshwari. ...( forwarding his hand)
Swara eyes widen,.but swara composed herself,..
Swara; swara..swara gadodia,.(shakes hand)
Sanskar; nice to meet u swara,.
" Sanskar.." called his friends,..
Swara grabbed the situation to run from here,.but it was too late,.as he had already hold her hand tight,.
" I will catch u guys later" he told his friends..
His friends left,.he again look at her raising his eyebrow..
Swara; ok fine.. I m sorry,.. I won't do that again..pls Leave me.

Sanskar:( pull her close) ok but I have one condition,.
Swara; what?( Whispered due to proximity)
Sanskar;a cup of coffee with me,.
Swara look at him shocked,.is he asking for date?
Sanskar;yes or no...if no then be like that nd...
Swara; yes..yes pls leave me..
Sanskar leave her hand nd she runs from there blushing,. Sanskar smiled,
She was running but turned,..nd got shocked as he was looking at her nd she again got caught.. he chuckled and wink at her. Swara cursed herself for turning..but smile..
They both were fallen for each other but unknown about others feeling,.but somewhere Sanskar got sure that she loves him  too. after a week he proposed her nd she accepted,.their love increased day by day,. They trust each other more than anything,.. time passed , was his final year,.. ND swara was one year junior to him..
One fine day,..
Sanskar was sitting under tree,.nd  swara was sitting facing her back to him taking his support, resting her head on his shoulder..he was hugging her from back, entwining their fingers,..
Swara; Sanskar..
Sanskar; hmm..
Swara; what happened,..u r so silent everything ok?
Sanskar; I don't know swara,.. I m feeling very weird,. A fear..Like I will lose you..
Swara break the hug nd look at him,.
Swara; what Happened Sanskar?
Sanskar; you will never leave me right? You will never break my heart na?
Swara cups his face ; I can leave my breathe...But..
Sanskar; sshh,.. never say that,. If something happened you,.I won't be able to live,.
Swara; first listen,..I can leave  breathe but can never leave you,..nd how can I break ur heart when ur heart is mine,.can I break my heart..
Sanskar look at her overwhelmingly..; I love you swara,..( kissed her forhead, taking her in hug)
Swara; ( hiding her face in his chest) I love you too Sanskar..
After sometime they went to there Home,.
Next day swara went  to bye a gift for him,.she brought a card for him.. she comes out and was moving toward her car which was parked opposite side of the road,.when she saw a high speed car approaching,.nd a baby in cradle was in middle of the road,. She runs nd pushed the cradle but within a second the car hit her,..

Swara; aaahhhh!!!! ( Swara woke up, sweating )
She was shivering nd crying. She look around and found herself in room. She  took water nd drink it.. she don't know when she fell asleep,.
Shomi nd shekhar who were sleeping room opposite to her,heard her shout nd hurriedly came in her room..
Shomi sit beside her,.nd take her in embrace, shekhar also sit beside her..
Shomi; Shona,..beta what Happened?
Swara; nothing ma.woh... just bad dream,.
Shomi; are u  sure? U okay.
Swara; yeah..maa papa.. u both go .. I m fine ..
Shomi ; ok..
Shekhar kissed her forhead; take care,.
Swara nods with weak smile.. they left the room..

Swara ly down but her mind again replay the event of that day..

She opened her eyes feeling a slight pain,.on her head,. She looks around the white walls,.she moved her hand but she felt pain,.then sees a drip is connected to her,.  She sees Shomi sitting on sofa,.
She called her; maa..
Shomi sees her nd hurriedly come to her..
Shomi; swara...
The nurse sees her nd go to call the doctor,..
Shomi; Shona..u ok? Wait the doctor is coming..
She tried to sit..
Shomi; wait I will help u..
She tried to make her sit..
When swara felt something..her expression changed..
Swara;maa my legs,..I can't able to move them..
Shomi;( shocked nd scared) what?
Swara; ( crying) maa,.. what is happening with me..?
Shomi; Shona..don't cry.. doctor is coming..
Shekhar who came inside heard it too..
Doctor came,.
Shekhar; doctor,..what is she saying..?
Doc; wait Mr. Gadodia.. let me.check. pls wait outside...
Swara; no pls maa.. don't go.. I m scared..
Shomi; haan beta ..I m not going anywhere..
Shekhar; let her be here doc.. I m going..
Doc nods...shekhar went outside.. he was totally worried about her daughter..
Doctor came out after checking..
Shekhar; doctor,.what Happened to her,.
Doc; I m sorry Mr. Gadodia but she can't be able to walk,.
Shekhar; what are you saying?( Shouts)
Shomi heard his shout nd she too went out,. consoling swara that she is outside only,.
Shomi; what Happened shekhar?
Shekhar; see na..what doctor is saying.?
Doc; I m really sorry..but I can't do anything.. she didn't got much wound on her body but due to accident,her legs are affected,nd is not getting signals from her brain,. It's due to internal injury.. nd if she tried to put stress ,she may feel unbearable pain but she won't able move her legs..
( Guys..i. Don't have medical knowledge .so wrote just according to story)
Shomi; what ?( Crying shockingly)
Doctor left..
Shomi; shekhar, daughter,she won't able to walk ?
Shekhar was equally broken with this,. don't know what to do,.he hugged Shomi and cry,.
But then they heard swara's shout..; NO!!..
Shomi sees the door was open that's why swara heard their conversation.. nd started shouting..
Both rushed inside..nd try to console swara..
Swara;( crying bitterly) maa,.. I can't walk.. why?  What have I done to deserve this..
Shomi; no beta .. nothing happened..we are here na.. you will be fine..
Swara; no..maa that doctor was saying... nothing can be done..
Shekhar take in embrace nd caress her hair; everything will be fine Shona..don't cry pls..
They were broken nd her cries were breaking them more and more.. her cries was getting louder nd louder but they were helpless to do anything..

Flashback end;

(Swara can't walk,.if you have noticed from the start of the story,every single time swara was sitting, ( in present) , when Maheshwari family came, swara was still sitting,she didn't go to welcome them,.she avoided to go with Sanskar nd Neha,.,Shomi wanted to help her to move to her room but she told she will manage,. They  know that swara don't want someone feel pity on her,.that's why when swara look at shekhar when he was going to say about her,he stopped,.ND swara made an excuse, when everyone went from hall then she called her maid who helped her to go to her room,when Sanskar came in her room,she was sitting on her bed)

A lone tear escaped from her eyes,.she removed the comforter than was covering her legs,.
Swara;( monologue) since that day, life stopped,. Nd I had digest this bitter truth of my life nd accept as my destiny,. Nd I don't wanted to stop ur life like me,.u had ur dreams to follow,.that you would have left for me,.I wanted to be ur strength not ur weakness,. anyway I didn't deserve you nd I accepted my fate that I m not the one for you,.but still it hurts..

Sanskar room;
Sanskar was sleeping but was totally restless,.
Sanskar;( murmuring) swara...swara..pls ..pls don't leave me..pls,.don't go.. I.. will..die. swara,.pls ..
Suddenly he woke up..nd look around,. finding himself in his room,.,he take water bottle nd gulp water in one go.. after that he take a deep breath,.
it wasn't first time, happens to him most of the night but no one knows this accept for Laksh,.
" You're fine?"
Heard Laksh voice..
Sanskar ( look at him) yeah,..
Laksh; same nightmare?..
Sanskar nods nd look away,..
Laksh; till when Bhai.. how much time,..u r gonna tolerate it..
Sanskar got tears in his eyes; I also don't know,.. every single day I wish to forget her but her memory haunts me.. I don't get peace.. she snatched it..
Laksh; Bhai,.
Sanskar;( chocked) why she did that? I loved her selflessly,.I tried to mend it. I tried to know if I have done mistake,.if she have any problem,we could solve it,..but she said she never loved me,.you know lucky.. that day she made my mind believe on her words but my heart never able to believe that it was not love for her.. it still believe that she loves me,. Why can't I hate her..
Laksh hug him..; relax Bhai.. pls don't think about it much..
Sanskar; I m fine Laksh go.
Laksh; are u sure?
Laksh left..
Sanskar;( monologue) four years passed but still I can't able to forget that day ..I want to erase that day from my life but I can't..


To be continued.....
Precap; what Happened that day...??

That's all for today's update..will be back with next shot,soon.. I don't know whether it will be final or not ,..most probably second last.( 3a).. let's see..
Take care..bye guys..

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