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Katrina was reading her book when she heard a couple of knocks on her door, rushing over to open it. When she turned five years old last year, her grandfather decided that she was old enough to have her own room and gave her a room separate from her father's, her father respecting her privacy and knocking her room door every time he wants to come in and she has to let him in before he would come in. Katrina opened the door to reveal her father. Katrina instantly hugged him, who hugged her back.

"Can I come in?"

"Sure, Dad," Katrina said, pulling herself away. Luther stepped in the room, closing the room door behind him. "So, can you convince Granddad to let me out?"

"Granddad still thinks its unsafe for you to leave the manor-" Luther shook his head. Katrina sighed. It's been five years since she starts asking to even have a few hours outside the manor, but it seems that Reginald will never let her see the outside world. "Just a bit more, don't be discouraged."

"But I can control my powers better, Dad!" Katrina exclaimed as she stomped her feet to the ground. "I can lift 20 kilograms, now! And I can hide it well!"

"I'm not doubting your ability at all, Sweetie-" Luther shook his head. "I don't know why. Granddad must have his reasons, he loves you in his own way."

"Huh, he loves me-" Katrina scoffed, folding her arms. Luther bit his lips.



"I wanna teach you something about gender identity and romanticism," Luther said. "Can you get your paper, Trina?"

"Sure thing, Dad-" Katrina nods, fetching her notebook from her study along with her pen. "What?"

"What do you know about gender identity and romanticism?"

"Pogo told me that gender is who you are, romanticism is who you like," Katrina answered, pointing to herself. Luther nods.

"What do you know about romanticism?"

"There's heteroromanticism or straight, that's liking the opposite gender," Katrina recalled. Luther nods approvingly. "There's homoromanticism or gay or lesbian for girls, that's liking the same gender, there's biromanticism, that's liking two genders."

"You're already on the right track, Trina-" Luther nodded. "Straight, gay, bi, you're right. But there's more, write it down." Katrina nods, opening her notebook. "So, gyneromanticism is liking girls and androromanticism is liking boys. There's panromanticism, liking all genders. There's aromanticism or aro, can also be called greyromanticism, low liking any genders. There's polyromanticism, liking a couple of genders but not all. There's demiromanticism, only liking people you're really friends with. Although there might be more, these are the ones I have memorised for sure."

"Poly is liking a couple of genders at once-" Katrina nods, her pen incising paper. "Ok."

"How many genders are there?"

"Gender and sex are two different things, there are many genders as there are many sexes, male, female, and intersex spectrum," Katrina elaborated. Luther nodded approvingly. "For gender, there are lots, but Pogo can't tell me how many exactly."

"You're right, there are many genders. Conventionally, there are cis boys, born males and identify as boys and cis girls, born females and identify as girls. There are trans boys, born physically girls and identify as boys and trans girls, born physically boys and identify as girls," Luther took over as he starts explaining, Katrina listening carefully. "There's also demiboy, identify as boys but not fully, demigirl, identify as girls but not fully, agender, identify as no gender, bigender, identify as two genders, trigender, identify as three genders, polygender, identify as three genders, pangender, identify as all genders, and nonbinary or genderqueer, identify as beyond the gender binary, if I'm not mistaken. There can be more, but that's so far that I've memorised. Anyway, have you written that down?"

Katrina hummed.

"Do you know what pronouns are?"

"Pronouns are words to refer to people."

"What are they?"

"She/her," Katrina recalled. "He/him, and they/them."

"Those are the ones accepted already, but there are neopronouns," Luther corrected. "Like xe/xim, ey/em, more. Like names, you can't assume a person's pronouns and you must always respect them."

"Ok, Dad. I've written them down."

"Do you know that I'm aromantic trans man?" Luther asked. Katrina shook her head, furrowing her brows. "I'm born female or AFAB- stands for assigned female at birth, but I'm always a man and I altered my outer body to follow my heart. I use he/him. Aunt Vanya is lesbian trans girl, she was assigned male at birth or AMAB and she altered her outer body to follow her heart, she uses she/her. Uncle Diego is bisexual AFAB demiboy and altered his body too, uses he/him. Aunt Allison is straight AFAB demigirl, uses she/her. Uncle or Nibling Klaus is pansexual AMAB genderfluid, boy or nonbinary and uses either he/him or they/them, ask. Nibling Five was an asexual agender and uses they/them, and Uncle Ben was a polysexual cisgender, used he/him."


"But not everyone is supportive of this, Trina-" Luther held her shoulder. "There'll be many people who deny the existence of the non-straight and non-cisgender community, or the gay and transgender community. If you can't actively fight against them, the least you can do is believe and say that they're wrong."

"Don't worry, Dad-" Katrina nods, looking up her dad. "I'll always believe that they're wrong."

"Memorise these notes, update them when you learn new pronouns/gender identities/sexualities," Luther advised. Katrina nodded as she closed the notebook, placing it and the pen on her study. "Anyway, I will update them, but later when you've grown up more."

"Ok, Dad."

"Anyway, what about you?" Luther asked, still sitting the bed. Katrina turned to face her father, her brows furrowed. "I told you about mine and your uncles, aunts, and niblings. You don't have to tell me now if you're not comfortable, I can wait."

"You'd be supportive anyway," Katrina said, leaning back as she stands. Luther nods. "I'm cisgender lesbian, I think? Girls are so pretty. But can I change them later?"

"That's great, I'm happy that you trust me enough to tell me-" Luther stood up, softly kissing Katrina's forehead. "And of course you can. You can change your gender identity and your romanticism as many times as you need, there's no limit to coming out."

"So, if I start dating a girl-"

"Not yet-" Luther mockingly squinted his eyes. "Not until your age is already not on the clock. And it has to be consensual from all of you."

"Ok, Dad."

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