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"You need to apologise to your dad."

Katrina and Mary are both standing in front of the Academy, Katrina feeling more nervous than ever. She couldn't tell Mary everything- she couldn't've understood- but deep down Katrina agrees with Mary. It's not her dad she's angry with, it's her granddad, and it should remain so.

"Wish me luck." Mary nodded as Katrina knocked on the door, looking up and instead of looking down to see Vanya on the door.

"Hello, Aunt Vanya."

"Katrina!" Vanya called. Katrina bowed down to hug Vanya- it definitely will take some time for her to get used to seeing her aunt on a wheelchair. "Where have you been? We were all looking for you!"

"My friend accompanied me back," Katrina said, her head gesturing the side where Mary waved at Vanya. Vanya rolled her wheelchair back before opening the door wide.

"Come in, both of you," Vanya said, gesturing her head to the Academy. Katrina stepped in, followed by Mary. "What's your name?"

"I'm Mary, Katrina's friend," Mary introduced herself. "Umm, maybe I should get back. My dads are probably looking for me."

"Thank you so much for bringing Katrina back, we've been looking for her." Katrina bit the bottom of her lips as she scratched the back of her head. "Don't you want to stay for a bit? I can ask Diego to get you back home, he has a car."

"No thanks, I can get back on my own." Mary gave a curtly nod at Katrina and Vanya, waving at Katrina before she leaves.

"Goodbye Mary, stay safe." Mary nods as she left. Katrina turned to face Vanya again, looking down again. "... uhh, Aunt Vanya, where is everyone?"

"Oh, uhh, everyone else are looking for you," Vanya answered, which made Katrina feel guiltier. "Your dad was a mess when you leave, he wouldn't stop crying until we all agree to look for you. Well, they did. I volunteered to stay in case you returned, and you did. I need to text Luther, want something?"

"No thanks, Aunt Vanya-" Katrina shook her head. Vanya turned the phone to send a quick message, before quickly turning it off again. Katrina sighed, looking at everywhere but her aunt.

"Kat-" Vanya called. Katrina turned her head to face her. "Only Grandmum, Pogo, and Uncle Diego knew this beforehand. None of us knew this. We don't see you as any less, you're still the same cheerful girl."

"Thanks, Aunt Vanya."

The door swung open to reveal Luther. Just like what Vanya said, he's a horrible mess. His skin is visibly paler, his eyes bloodshot, Katrina is sure there are eye bags under his eyes. No more words exchanged as Luther ran forward, engulfing Katrina in a huge hug. Katrina can only pat her father's back awkwardly, speechless.

"Are you ok?" Luther asked. Since he opened his mouth, Katrina notes that Luther's voice has gone significantly hoarse which breaks her heart even more. Luther immediately held her hands, inspecting her fingers. "Have you eaten? Are you hurt? Where did you go?"

"I'm fine, Dad," Katrina sighed, biting her lips. "I was at Mary's house. I'm sorry, Dad-"

"No, none of that-" Luther interrupted, shaking his head. "I'm just glad you're back home and safe. I'm sorry I lied to you."

"Come on, Dad, you need to sleep," Katrina said, squeezing Luther's fingers as she stood up, Luther following behind. "We can talk later after you sleep."

"I love you, Trina."

"Love you too, Dad." Luther let go of Katrina's hands, heading for his room to sleep. Katrina only stared from where he stood sadly, the memory of yesterday still etched strongly in her mind.

"Your dad knew you'd react like this, that's why he didn't tell you," Diego said, touching Katrina's shoulders, squeezing them. Katrina froze before she looked down, pressing her lips together. "Will you come with me? Can we talk?"

"Ok, Uncle Diego." Katrina held Diego's hand, following Diego as he directed her to the kitchen, brewing her some hot chocolate and marshmallows, which Katrina drank wholeheartedly. "Such a nice drink, isn't it?"

"Yes, Uncle Diego."

"If I remember right, you're a theatre nerd, aren't you?" Diego points at Katrina. Katrina broke into a smile, nodding shyly.

"Aunt Allison took me to a musical once, I love it."

"You also love reading novels, don't you?" Katrina nods. "What genre?"

"I like mystery, fantasy, YA, contemporary," Katrina answered. "My favourite is the 'Three Dark Crowns' series."

"I see," Diego nodded. "Do you know how I lost my right eye?"

"No, Uncle Diego."

"We were on our tenth mission," Diego revealed. "Nibling Five just went missing, we were all a mess. Especially your father, as their twin. There was a mission, and a sword almost hit your dad in the head, but he was too distracted. I sacrificed myself instead, losing my right eye."

Katrina bit her bottom lip, not daring to look up her uncle. "I blamed him for a long time. I hated him for a long time. I didn't realise how much he loves every one of us, to react so terribly whenever each one of us got hurt."

"I'm sorry, Uncle Diego."

"Don't apologise to me, apologise to your dad-" Diego shook his head, looking at the empty arch. Katrina nodded, looking down at her hot chocolate. "Are you really angry at your dad?"


"Do you really hate your dad?" Diego clarified. Katrina closed her mouth, not answering at all. "If you want to leave him, let's go. I'll help you pack your bags, I'll deliver you to a homeless shelter, and they'll help you get on your own two feet. After that, you're on your own. Is that what you really want?"

"I don't-" Katrina sighed, stirring her hot chocolate drink. "Know."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know," Katrina clarified, feeling another wave of tears coming. "I don't really hate him, but I hate that he won't leave this house. I would've been fine if I'm not homeschooled, I would've loved it, even. I would've loved never having to lift 50 kilograms of weight or forced to see Granddad's peepee-" Diego subconsciously closed his eyes as he hears that.

"Kat-trina, you have to t-tell your d-dad," Diego said. Katrina only softly nod, she did bring it up already. It's not that he would laugh at her, on the contrary, he would listen to her. "I d-don't know- I've nev-ver, but he has. He will l-listen. He'll nev-ver make f-fun of y-you."

"Yes, Uncle Diego."

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