Chapter 7: Gundam and True Nightmare

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An:Chapter 7 here and I've been playing this game called Line: Gundam Wars its a good game I've got good Gundam like Wing Gundam 0, Unicorn(Destroyer mode/Awakening), Sazabi, Cross bone Gundam, and many more its an awsome game so here I'm adding you a Gundam here which is my favorite of all Wing Gundam 0 its so amazing and it's Angel wings, its weapon is OP too well any way lets start shall we

3rd PoV

Another fun night happen to Y/N as he wake up feeling a weight in his body and turn to see his two sisters and Cleveland

Y/N:'Welp looks like I will be having a harem, better wake them up'

Y/N:Hey wake up its morning already

One by one they woke up and turn to Y/N

Unicorn:Good morning Onii-chan

Illustrious: Ara~ara~ Last night was so hot and feels like I can't move my legs because of the intense sex last night and Good morning

Cleveland: Morning Y/N!

They greeted him with a smile as they started dressing up and head to cafeteria

Short TimeSkip

As they head to cafeteria and see Enterprise eating and beside her is Belfast once they got their food they sit on Enterprise table as she looked shock seeing them then blush madly

This confuse the four of them, they turn their gaze to Belfast and see she's blushing too

Y/N:Are you two okay? You two are really red right now, Do you guys have a fever?

Enterprise: i-i-its n-nothing! R-really

Of course he didn't believe as he touch her cheeks and that makes her blush more

Y/N:Nothing seems wrong tho but why are you so red right now?

Enterprise: j-j-just don't w-worry about it, o-okay?

Y/n:Sure I'm just worried to my Ship girls if something happen to them I feel like it's my fault, that's how worried I am to my Ship girls

All on the cafeteria blush as they heard their commander that worried if something happen to them then someone sit on their table and see Akagi, Kaga, and Prinz Eugene this makes Unicorn hold to you and Enterprise glaring at both of them

Akagi:Hello Commander~ Names Akagi and this is my Sister Kaga~

Kaga:Nice to meet you...

Prinz:Ara~ara~ You look more handsome if closer and it makes my body so hot seeing your handsome face and that chiseled body

She licked her lips as he blush a little and push his glasses up and turn away

Y/N:Excuse me I'm going to bathroom

As he leaves silent envelope the cafeteria as some of them glaring at the three

Enterprise: Why are YOU here?

Akagi:Hehehe~ in case you didn't know we form an alliance because we want to see our new commander and I must say he's a perfect guy to have us~

Enterprise: I won't forgive you of what you did last few days

Kaga:Forgive or not you can't do anything we can stay here and be with our new commander

Cleveland: If we saw you do something were taking you out..

Prinz:Fine by us, We really just want that hunk guy~

Meanwhile to Y/N

Aa he head to bathroom and  splash his face with water

Y/N: This day just keep getting more bizzare and that's what I like

He is going to exit the bathroom then turn to see those motherf****** blocking his way

Y/N:What the hell do you want?


Something inside his snap as he transform to his Battle form and take out his blade and let's just say H.E I.S F.U.C.K.I.N.G FURIOUS on what he just said

His face turn into terror as he see him really REALLY furious and tried to run away

Y/N turn his weapon to a spear and throw it at his chest


A sound of a weapon Pierce a flesh as he immediately died   then burn his body immediately the other pussies look at him in real terror now as they made a biggest mistake in their lives

They know they are going to die if they did something to pissed him off


They run as fast as they can screaming in terror, Y/N starting to calm down then head back to cafeteria and seeing everyone is quite

Y/N:Is something wrong guys?

Cleveland: No nothing's wrong just not lively when your not here and *mutter*

Y/N:Did you say something in the last one

Cleveland: Nothing don't worry about it

Y/N's PoV

My phone rings and the one whose calling was Jackson one of my friends who helped me build Wing Gundam 0 and I know they are sending it now here

Y/N:Hey Jack so your sending it now huh

Jackson:Yeah and I know your gonna need it and we modified its armor to Vibranium and it's weapon

Y/N:*whistle* That's a strong metal there, how did you manage to find that many to modified my Gigantic robot

Jackson:*mutter* Plot

Y/n:Did you say something?

Jackson:Nothing and your Gundam will be there any minute

Y/N:Thank you again Jack for this

Jackson:Nah its nothing you save my family so think this as my repay for saving my family

Y/N:Again thanks and bye Jack hope your family have a happy life

Jackson:Thank you and bye

I hung up and smiled as my Gundam is coming

Belfast: Something happened master? You seem happy

Y/N:Well my Gundam is coming

All in cafeteria: Gundam?

Y/N:'All of them must be listening'

Y/N:Ahh its here well lets go outside to see it shall we?

They nod as we all head out then a white like space ship came down as all of them are confuse

Akagi:Is...that the Gundam?

Y/N:It's just that when transporting it but you will see it's beauty.....right!

Then some of the metal dissolve then it turn into an Angel Wing and all of them are shock to see a gigantic robot with an Angel Wings



Prinz:Thats so big!

Y/N:Thats what she said

Some of them blush at what I said bit regain their compose and admire our work, Our Angel

Y/N:Say hello to Wing Gundam 0 one of my finest creation


Y/N:Well not only me with some help of course but mostly me

Akagi:Not only your powerful a real genius too at making wonderful things

Y/N:Thanks and why dont-

Before I can finish a alarm goes on alarming everyone

Cleveland: SIRENS!

Y/N:Well perfect timing to test my new modified Gundam I'll take care of them

Illustrious: Are you sure?

Y/N:Don't worry I'll make sure to come back okay?

She nod and I kiss her forehead along with Unicorn and Cleveland then use my weapon to grable at the control unit of my Gundam

Y/N:Well then Lets test this baby out shall we

An:Hope you like it and next chapter you will be using Wing Gundam 0 and suggestion is open for Gundam I'll look for it

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