Part Fourteen. Vegito

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I panted as I tried catching my breath, laying beside Gogeta.
The only word I said was awesome. We didn't try to cuddle or touch each other, it felt awkward.
We avoided eye contact and just laid there.
I then sat up and started getting dressed. Gogeta still stayed on the ground, sweat all over his body.
"My parents, they are going to be upset that I haven't came home." Gogeta said and started getting dressed too.
"I'll go with you." I said.
I was soon back in my clothes, which were still ripped and teared from that fight with Broly.
"Kakarot probably told them everything already." Gogeta said.
I put an arm around him and said,"Let's go."
We started flying to his house.
We landed outside his house, the sun shining brightly. When did the sun rise?
Gogeta's father was outside, standing against the door. His eyes clothes, at least until he heard us.
His eyes opened and he lunged at Gogeta!
He grabbed Gogeta's tail and yanked it repeatedly, making Gogeta yelp! I also felt the pain in my tail.
I growled and shoved him off. Gogeta's father stumbled back and also growled.
"Your lucky your a prince, I can't hit you back." He growled.
I stood in front of Gogeta and said,"Gogeta will now live with me, it seems like you treat him like an animal. You don't deserve him."
"Shut your mouth! Don't tell me how to raise my son!" He growled at me and started making the Oozaru face.
"Dad no—"
Suddenly his dad lunged at me and slashes his claws across my chest. I stumbled in shock, and then I roared as I made the Oozaru Face. We circles each other and then he punched me.
I kicked him.
He punched.
I kicked.
He kicked.
I punched.
We both kicked.
We both punched.
We went back and forth. Slashing our claws wildly, attacking rapidly. Gogeta screaming at us to stop.
Soon Gogeta's mother came running outside and attempted to get in between us, but her mate pushed her away.
We kept fighting. Gogeta's dad grabbed my tail and roared as he slammed me on the ground. I coughed, he stood over me and kicked me repeatedly. I quickly stood back up and punched his stomach.
He stumbled back, and growled. His fangs shining in the sun light.
"You won't take my son with you!" He roared at me.
"Yes I will! He'll be treated better with me!" I growled.
"NO HE WON'T!!!!" Gogeta's dad roared and punched me.
I stumbled back, and then he kicked my face. I spit out blood from the kick. I growled and then roared.
I tackled Gogeta's dad to the ground and started punching him repeatedly. His tail wrapped around my neck, choking me, but I kept punching him!
Left fist!
Right fist!
Left fist!
Right fist!
Left fist!
Right fist!
Until I couldn't breathe anymore. I fell down on top of Gogeta's dad. As I clawed at his tail to let go of my neck.
Soon he let go and we both just lay there exhausted.
I slowly stood back up and limped towards Gogeta. Gogeta helped me stand and called me stupid.
"Bardock!" Gogeta's mother yelled and rushed to Gogeta's dad.
The door opened to Gogeta's house again, and out came Kakarot.
He saw Bardock and I all bloody and injured.
He growled and walked towards me. Kakarot then punched my stomach!
I groaned.
"Kakarot!" Gogeta growled and pushed Kakarot away.
"Let's go Gogeta." I said.
"Yeah." Gogeta replied.
We both then flew towards my house.
We landed outside the main gate, a few guards saw us and ran towards us once they realized who I am.
"Prince Vegito!" They yelled as they grabbed me.
They ran forward, with Gogeta behind us. They led me into the medical room of my castle, and quickly undressed me.
Then they opened a healing tank and placed the breathing thing on my mouth.
They closed the tank and soon the liquid came up, filling the tank. I sighed as the blue liquid soothed my injured body.
Soon Gogeta appeared in the room and asked the guards how long it would take for me to fully heal.
"It will take him about four hours." One said.
"Oh ok. Thank you." Gogeta replied.
"No problem."
They then left the room, leaving Gogeta and I alone.
Gogeta walked up to the tank and placed his hand on it. I placed my hand where his hand is.
"Your such a dummy, you big dummy." Gogeta said.
He smiled at me and then soon my dad came into the room.
"Vegito! What happened!?" Dad asked.
I didn't reply because I can't talk while I'm in the healing tank.
"Oh wait, that's right, you can't talk in a healing tank. Well, Vegeta told me you, him, your mate, and some other Saiyan called Kakarot defeated Broly. I'm impressed, but I know Broly didn't do this. Who did?" Dad asked.
He then turned to Gogeta and asked,"Who did this to my son?"
Gogeta rubbed his arm and replied,"Well King Vegeta, it—"
"King Vegeta! Frieza is here!!! He is calling for you!!" A servant yelled from the door.
Dad cursed and quickly left the room.
I pulled the breathing mask off my mouth and punched a hole in the glass of the healing tank. I then opened it and put some Saiyan armor on.
"I'll kill Frieza." I growled.
"Vegito calm down." Gogeta said.
"Gogeta, get in the second healing tank. Your still hurt from the fight with Broly too." I said.
He sighed and said,"Ok, but don't try killing Frieza."
I undressed Gogeta and helped in the healing tank, I placed the breathing mask on him. Then I pressed a few controls, closed the tank and watched the water rise up to the top.
I'm still scratched up, because I didn't let the healing tank finish healing me. I left the medical room and followed the noise of my dad speaking in fear.
Soon I found him, Frieza.
Talking with my dad. Frieza was thanking him for imprisoning Broly.
"Thank you so much for catching that brute. He could've proved to be a nuisance to me." Frieza said.
His two underlings by his side.
Zarbon and Dodoria.
They were standing in silence.
"Hmm. Who is this? Is that your son, Vegito?" Frieza asked as he noticed me.
I stepped forward and stood next to my dad not showing any fear.
"Yes I am his son. You have thanked my father enough, you can leave now. You trash." I growled.
"Vegito!" Dad growled.
"Ho ho ho! This one has quite a mouth." Frieza said.
"Sir, allow me." Zarbon said.
"No sir, allow me!" Dodoria countered.
"I'll allow you both. Just don't kill him." Frieza said.
Suddenly his two men were on me, I made the Oozaru Face TO maybe scare them. It didn't help, Zarbon kicked my face and Dodoria punched my stomach.
I fell on my knees, holding my stomach in pain.
If these two are that strong, then image how strong Frieza is!
"That's enough boys. King Vegeta was about to invite us to dinner. Isn't that right King Vegeta?" Frieza asked.
Dad quickly said yes and led the three to the dining room. I growled and punched the floor.
"He made a joke out of me!" I growled.
I stood up and clenched my fists.
"I'll kill him, but I need help to do it. I need someone who is extremely powerful.....Broly."
To be continued....

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