Part Twenty Six. Vegito

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"RAUGH!!" Baby roared and threw a punch at me.
I quickly reacted by throwing a punch at Baby, our fists collided sending a shockwave of air around us.
I hopped back and asked,"How did you take over Oni-Chan's body!?"
"I am a parasite! I can control whoever I want!" Baby replied
I growled and punched his face twice, then I kicked him away.
"Leave Oni-Chan's body!" I roared and punched him repeatedly in the stomach.
Baby coughed up blood, then he growled and grabbed my two fists.
"Sorry but King Vegeta is never coming back." Baby said and then he punched me away, I crashed into a piece of rubble.
"Ow." I groaned and then Baby lunged at me.
He kicked my face and lifted me up by my hair.
"You want your Oni-Chan? Huh?" Baby mocked.
"Yeah, give me back Oni-Chan!!!" I yelled and punched Baby.
He went crashing into rubble, Baby stood back up and cracked his neck. Then he cracked his fingers.
"Time to use fifty percent of my power." Baby said and lunged at me.
I lunged at him, then we slammed into each other like two linemen in football.
Baby growled and kicked me back, then I roared as I blasted at him. Baby deflected my blast and then he flew in the sky. Baby the started shooting multiple ki blasts at me, I backflipped away as I avoided the blasts.
Baby then flew at me, he punched my face and then kicked me in the chest. I stumbled back, but then I roared as I flared up my energy. I then grabbed Baby by his hair attempted to slam him, but he countered by twisting me and slamming me!
I coughed up blood then Baby lifted me up and slammed his fist into my gut!! I coughed up more blood!! Baby then punched me in the face three times, after that he kicked me in stomach!
I slid on the ground and held my stomach in pain. I groaned and winced, I bared my teeth then I looked around.
Saiyans and Tuffles fighting. Our men fighting against the strong weapons of the Tuffles. Suddenly a huge green explosion happened!!!
Baby chuckled.
"Hatchiyack is having fun." Baby said.
"Who's Hatchiyack?" I asked.
"My partner, he's almost as strong as me." Baby said.
I turned to look at several more green explosions.
I then turned my attention back to Baby, I got in my fighting stance and smirked. Baby did the same.
"KA ME HA ME HA!!!!" Suddenly a blue blast hit Baby!
He fell on the ground, getting caught off guard.
Baby stood back up and snarled, looking at his attacker. It was Kakarot!
He looked angry, he roared and lunged at Baby. Kakarot slammed a punch into Baby's face, then Baby rammed his fist deep into Kakarot's stomach.
The went back and forth. I looked in shock, I didn't know Kakarot could be this strong.
"Give me back my mate!!!" Kakarot roared and punched Baby repeatedly.
Baby growled and then roared as he punched Kakarot several times. Kakarot went crashing into the ground, but he got back up. His armor broken and spandex ripped, injuries all over him.
Kakarot roared and punched Baby repeatedly, Baby growled then sent a powerful punch into Kakarot's chin! Kakarot fell back, but then stood back up.
He won't give up!
"Give me Vegeta back." Kakarot growled.
I then ran towards Kakarot and stood by his side.
"I'll help you fight him, we'll get Oni-chan back together." I said.
Kakarot smiled and said,"Yeah, let's go!"
Kakarot and I lunged at Baby. We threw several attacks at Baby, he blocked and dodged our attacks then he punched after that he kicked Kakarot in the chest! Kakarot and I both stumbled back, but then Baby laughed.
"This is fun!!! With this Saiyan body, I feel excitement during a battle!! Hahaha!!" Baby laughed and then he grabbed my tail!
I yelped and fell down, the Saiyan Race's only weakness. Our tail. I can't move when Baby has such a tight grip on my tail.
Kakarot growled and threw punches at Baby, Baby blocked the punches then blasted Kakarot away.
Baby chuckled and then he did something horrible. He tugged on my tail and then he tore my tail off my body!!! I screamed in pain and felt blood splatter.
Baby laughed and tossed my tail aside. I felt tears brim my eyes, I growled as I fought back the tears. I coughed and then threw up.
Baby continued laughing and then he kicked me. I groaned in pain, Baby stood over me and smirked.
"How did that feel?" Baby asked.
"Fuck you." I growled.
Baby frowned and then he punched my face! I moaned in pain, then Baby grabbed my hair and threw me at a big piece of rubble.
I fell down, I tried getting up but m body screamed with protest. I growled but stood up anyways. Baby walked towards me, chuckling.
Until Kakarot appeared and rammed his fist into Baby's face!! Baby went crashing through several piece of rubble. Kakarot ran over to me and helped me stand.
"He's strong." I said.
Kakarot frowned.
"Your a Super Saiyan, you fulfilled a 1000 year prophecy." Kakarot said.
Actually that was Broly.
"You gotta defeat him, so that you can get your brother back and I can get my mate back." Kakarot said.
I growled and then I pushed Kakarot off of me.
"I can stand on my own." I said.
Kakarot smirked and then I could see Baby flying right at me. I clenched my fists and then I made the Oozaru Face.
"SPIRIT SWORD!!!" I roared and shot out a blade of energy at Baby!!!
The blade punctured him, poking through his chest and out his back. Baby coughed up blood, then I let my Spirit Sword dissolve.
Baby coughed and held the hole in his chest. I smirked and then Baby smiled.
"Looks like I have to transform. RAUGH!!!!!" Baby roared and then a white glow surrounded him!!!
When the glow died down, Baby looked different. The hole in his chest gone. I couldn't even tell that he's controlling Vegeta's body anymore. He looks like a completely different person.
Baby smirked and said,"You can't win."
To be continued...
Btw this is what Baby transformed into.

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