2. im coming with you

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Chapter Two 

im coming with you 

3rd Person pov 

the next morning after she stayed up the whole night talking to sam about Miguel, she walked downstairs and saw her dad talking to him and she smiled, not because of her dad but because of Miguel. she didn't want him getting hurt just because he wanted to know his dad but he wasn't a good person. 

she stood at the stairs as she watched the two of them interact and she couldn't help but want to pull Miguel away from her father. 

"I'm going to el hoyo verde later with xenia, you gotta come out with us, you'll love it. please come on, you cant leave Mexico without a few stories, right?" he said and she listened to Miguel agree making her sigh. 

she went back upstairs and changed into her clothes. she heard someone in the doorway and she looked up to see Miguel standing in her doorway. 

"you look very fancy" she told her brother making them both smile and laugh. 

"sorry for invading, but your dad asked me to come with you guys to el hoyo verde tonight and i just couldn't turn him down, if that's okay with you" he told her and she smiled. 

"yeah of course its okay with me, i mean sometimes its hard to hang out with my dad on my own, it can get a little hard to talk to him about somethings" she stated and he nodded. 

"i get it, my mom is the same" he told her and they both smiled before their phones rang. they laughed and he walked out to answer it as she looked at hers and saw sam was calling her and she picked it up. 

"sam hey whats up?" she asked the girl and sam sighed. 

"is Miguel there with you? is he okay?" sam asked and xenia couldn't help but feel a bit jealous that sam called for Miguel and not her. 

"yeah, he's with me, he's okay. he's going to be hanging out with me and my dad tonight, i have to go though" she exclaimed not wanting to let the anger and jealously fester in her. 

"alright just call me later" sam said 

"of course,bye sam" xenia exclaimed and she ended the call with a sigh. she walked out of her room and was met with Miguel and her dad. 

"ready to go?" he asked and she nodded as they left the house, they went to el hoyo verde and walked in. miguel looked around with a smile as they looked around and he looked up. 

"this is awesome" Miguel said 

"i knew you would love it, xenia does too. seems you two have something in common" he said and she stared at the cage where the two men were fighting as she ignored her father and her brother talking. 

"you're kind of like the mayor, huh?" Miguel asked and xenia scoffed silently so they wouldn't hear her and get mad. 

"well, i made a lot of money back in the day but not in the wrestling business, the kind of business where you make a lot of friends in high places, enemies too but i put the past away" he said and xenia stared. she was apart of his past and so was miguel. their drinks came over but xenia didn't take it. 

"to putting the past away" Miguel cheered with her father and she sighed. but then his phone rang and he picked it up and soon enough they were leaving el hoyo verde and going to the hidden store across the street. xenia stared outside of the window as she watched Miguel and hector talk to each other. 

"why would you say that?" Miguel asked after hector said that maria was only after his money. 

"you know about icarus , kid? my dad used to tell me all the greatest stories , that was his favorite, fly too close to the sun chiquito, you'll burn your wings right off. what you don't learn until you're older is that the sun is the government , it's women. you'll fly too high , they'll come and bring you down. people will always come after what yours, they want you to sleep with one eye open, i cant even go back to my home in Ecuardo, can you imagine?" he asked 

"what happened in ecuardo?" Miguel questioned 

"success, success happened. that women i told you about , i was practically your age when we got married. hey,hey. don't ever make that mistake, she couldn't stop me doing my business, her mother? even worse" he said and xenia stared. 

"and you know what i regret? nothing, nothing. that is the cost of doing business, that is the cost. sorry, i got myself all worked up. i know what we need, do you want a churro?" he asked Miguel 

"no, I'm not hungry , i should probably get going actually" Miguel said and he turned and began to walk away. 

"Miguel, wait, I'm coming with you" she called to her brother as he stopped and turned to her. they made eye contact and he knew that she knew about them being siblings. he couldn't get her little brother away but he could get here. 

"xenia no you are not" her father called to her and she turned aggressively. 

"yes i am, you're not a good person, you just admitted to being apart of a drug ring and you think that I'm going to stay here with you after hearing that? no way, I'm going with Miguel" she stated and he walked out making her follow. she leaned against the wall as she watched Miguel call their mom 

"and that sister you told me about? i found her" he stated as he stared at xenia and she smiled at him sadly as she watched the tears run down his face. all of a sudden, a car pulled up and man got out. xenia watched as Miguel made eye contact with the man and he ended the call, said man walked over and hugged Miguel as he cried. 

"you must be the sister" johnny said and she nodded softly 

"i am" she exclaimed 

"shes coming with us" Miguel said and johnny nodded. 

"alright then lets go" he exclaimed and he walked them to the car. xenia sat in the back with Miguel as she saw a boy in the front seat and she watched the way Miguel looked at him but didn't say anything. there was tension in the car and xenia didn't like it. 

but what would happen when she went back to the us and met sam? what would happen then and how would Miguel react?

there was only one way to find out 


I'm literally in love with the pen pal trope and Sam/Xen is so cute

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