chapter 46

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Jack saw the Mario kart game and grabbed it, "I'm gonna have to steal some of your games" he said smiling. "You can borrow them sometime if you want to" Mark smiled

Jack blushed a bit, "really?". Mark grinned and nodded, "Of course"

"Do you let your friends burrow your video games?" Jack asked curiously. "Well, Felix is my only true friend and he has plenty of games too, so not really." Mark shrugged

Jack nodded, "I wish I had as many games you two have" he said more to himself than anyone else. Mark smiled, "You can always come over and play"

Jack blushed a bit and smiled kindly, "t-thank you, mark" he said smiling. Mark smiled at Jack and pecked his lips, "Now, let's play."

Jack smiled and nodded, he handed the game to mark. He grabbed a controller and sat on the bed. Mark smiled and put the game I the console, he grabbed a controller as well and sat next to Jack .

Jack smiled, "I'm gonna win!" He said proudly. Mark smirked, "I'm gonna win"

"Nooo, I am!" Jack said. Mark smiled, "Let's see." He hit play and they began choosing characters.

After they chose their characters and cars, the game started. Mark was currently in third place.

Jack was currently in first, "Yes! I'm winning!" He cheered. Mark snorted as a blue shell hit Jack. Mark passed on to second place.

Jack playfully glared at mark. Mark smiled and was very close to Jack.

Jack blushed a bit and tried to ignore mark as he played. Mark smiled and passed Jack in the game, "Haha, suck it!"

Jack smiled, "ok, but what do you want me to suck?" he joked smiling. Mark laughed and continued to play. He won the first round.

*time skip*

jack pouted when he lost again, him and mark were tied until mark cheated by kissing Jack's cheek making Jack not pay attention. Mark smiled as he won again.

"You cheated!" Jack pouted. Mark laughed, "Did not"

"Yes, you did!" Jack whined. Mark smiled, "I don't remember doing anything"

"You made me unfocused!" Jack squeaked out. "Did noooot" Mark laughed

"Yes, you did!" Jack crossed his arms and pouted more. Mark smirked and started to tickle Jack.

Jack blushed a bit and started to giggle a bit. Mark tickled Jack more.

Jack giggled more, "m-merk, stop!". Mark shook his head and laughed as he tickled Jack

Jack smiled and then suddenly tackled mark onto the bed. Mark yelped. He grabbed a pillow and threw it at Jack.

Jack yelped, he confused but before he could do anything. Mark pulled him into a hug.

Jack blushed and let out a small squeak. Mark hugged Jack tightly and smiled

Jack hugged Mark back. Mark smiled, "I love you "

"I love you too, you goofball" jack said smiling. Mark smiled more and kissed Jack's cheek

Jack blushed and giggled, he then realized his glasses weren't on him anymore. Jacks eyes widen and he looked around worriedly. Mark Looked at Jack

Jack got off of mark and off the bed. He then looked around on the floor for his glasses. Mark sat up confused

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