Chapter Twenty: Solemn Morning

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Virgil looked out at the sky as the sun began to rise. Today was the day of his race. The champions were to race at noon, giving him a few hours before he needed to get his dragon of choice down to the starting platform. The sky above him was grey and overcast, giving the morning an even more ominous feeling to it. Virgil knew that today wasn't going to go well, but he had no idea how severe the race would be.

He'd done everything he could to keep the racers safe, but the other champions didn't have an interest in maintaining safety. Because they trained their dragons aggressively, the other champions saw dragon riding as an aggressive sport. 

Virgil still needed to choose his dragon for the race. He gazed across the field at the forest longingly, knowing that Dante would be the best choice. He was one of the fastest breeds and their bond would come in handy while navigating the race. However, he couldn't bring himself to expose Dante's existence. The stable boy wasn't certain what the queen would do if she found out about him. She could steal him. His breed wasn't native to this part of the world which made him rare. She could sell him. 

He shook his head; he would never be able to live with himself if something happened to Dante. Virgil would have to ride one of the dragons from the royal stables. 

He entered the stables, looking through the stalls of slumbering dragons. The queen had gotten a great diversity of dragons. They were many different sizes, personalities, and classifications. Virgil needed to pick wisely for the race. He could pick a larger dragon who could hold their own in a fight, or a smaller dragon who would be able to evade the other dragons. He was uncertain of which tactic would be wiser.

A couple of the dragons were awake and looked at him as he walked back and forth in front of their stalls. "Perhaps a fighter, who's also fast," he mumbled to himself. One dragon in particular raised her head and made a noise. Virgil looked at her and nodded. "I trust you Ara."

She was a Jade Skull dragon of the Water Dwellers. Jade Skull dragons were fiercely loyal and stubborn when it came to combat. They came in many shades of green and had heavily armored heads. The plating on their head and back was what gave them their name. They were common in coral reefs and agile. Ara would be the perfect fit for the races; the only thing she lacked was fire and she made up for that with her horns and claws.

The hours passed by quickly and soon he was leading Ara down to the village. The streets below the starting platform were packed with citizens, and the royals were already making their way up to the viewing box. 

Virgil hoped he wouldn't have to talk to Roman before hand, feeling as though the confidence he was holding onto would disappear if he saw him. Once look of concern from the prince's beautiful eyes and he'd collapse under all the pressure he was feeling. He scrunched his eyes closed and took a deep breath. He refused to think about it.

On the starting platform, the other champions and their dragons were arriving. They were putting on saddles, reins, and harnesses, but to his surprise, armor as well. 

He felt the pit return in his stomach as he watched the way some of the champions snapped at their dragons and smacked them. He could feel the tension radiating off of the beasts, the anxiety and anger they felt toward the humans. Ara was clearly uncomfortable as well; he patted her neck and cooed softly to her. "It's okay girl."

"That softness isn't going to do you much good during this race," a familiar voice said. He turned to see Ormus standing confidently behind him. "Dragons are dangerous and aggressive. They're meant only to destroy, and to entertain those daring enough to handle them."

Virgil stood up straighter and glared at him with intense hatred. "You're wrong," he muttered. "And if someone is killed today, their blood will be on your hands."

"Strangely enough," Ormus chuckled, leaning in close to his face. He grinned evilly and from this close, the stable boy could see the lack of empathy in his eyes. The man before him lacked a soul. "I'm okay with that."

The Fire Stone Champion then walked away, probably to bring the beast that was his dragon to the starting platform. Virgil clenched his fists and dug his nails into his palms. His jaw ached from biting down with so much force. He willed himself not to lose it. His nerves and emotions were at their boiling point, but he had to be strong. 

Ara cooed and nudged his cheek with her muzzle. "Thanks Ara," he murmured, reaching up to pet her as he calmed down. "We can take him."

It's not him I'm worried about though, he thought uneasily. The Lava Surfer let out a bloodcurdling roar that got everyone's attention. He watched as the beast was led onto the platform by men holding chains. That thing is capable of so much damage and death... if it gets loose, the racers won't be the only ones in danger. They didn't train it, they tried to break it... but that doesn't work on dragons. The second that thing gets the opportunity to break free, it will destroy whatever it desires.

"Virgil!" a beautifully familiar voice called. He tensed up and didn't turn around. "Virgil! I want to talk to you!"

Virgil didn't turn around, looking down at the ground as he moved to put a saddle on Ara. The prince was on the stairs leading up to the royal box. He watched as the stable boy ignored him. The sight made his heart pang a little. He couldn't blame him for not wanting to talk, but he'd just wanted to wish him luck. 

With a sigh, Roman turned and headed up the stairs to sit with his mother. "Good luck..." he whispered.

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