Downfall and Highrise

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Ruby and Yang are now facing off against Mercury himself. Mercury jumps back and kicked Yang away, and his jumps back again. Ruby than charged at him. He uses Talaria to kick Crescent Rose out of her hands. He than speaks sarcastically and very mockingly at her.

Mercury: "Uh oh, what're you gonna do now?"

Mercury tries to throw a left cross, but Ruby ducks and headbutts him upwards - in a similar manner to what Ozpin taught her what to do. Mercury steps a few feet backwards and holds his nose in pain, before growling at Ruby. Ruby than picks up Crescent Rose, and speaks to him in a angry voice

Ruby: "Whatever it takes to shut you up."

Meanwhile, Nora Valkyrie is seen holding Magnhild up defensively protecting Jaune Arc, who is still healing Weiss Schnee.

Nora: "You guys doing okay?"

Jaune: "I- I think so. She's coming to. I just wish this would go faster."

Nora: "How about you don't complain and just be thankful you unlocked your Semblance when you did."

Jaune: "My Semblance?"

Nora: "How else do you think you're healing her, dummy?"

Jaune stares back at her in disbelief before looking back down at Weiss.

Jaune: "No. I don't think I'm healing her. Our Aura heals our bodies. It feels... it feels more like I'm using my Aura to amplify hers!"

Nora: "Wait, aren't you worried about running out?"

Jaune: "Pyrrha once told me I've got a lot of it. I still believe her."

Suddenly, Weiss opens up her eyes, stirring.

Weiss: "Jaune?"

Nora smiles before standing guard again. Meanwhile, Lie Ren is seen taking on Hazel Rainart, who punches the former back into the wall. Hazel then launches an electrical charge from his lightning-Dust enhanced arm, electrocuting Ren, causing him to scream in pain before falling to the ground.

Nora: "REN!"

Jaune: "Go! I've got her!"

Nora nods at him before proceeding forward.

Weiss: "Jaune... what's happening?"

Jaune: "You took a heavy hit, you need to stay with me while the others fight."

Weiss: "That's... annoying."

She spoke with a sigh. Jaune smiles and spoke out to her, happily

Jaune: "Heh, good to have you back, Weiss."

Meanwhile, Qrow Branwen is seen getting knocked back into the wall and then falls to the ground next to the downed Ren, who struggles to get back up as well. Oscar Pine uses The Long Memory to block flaming rocks being fired from Stalwart. Hazel charges forward and punches Oscar several feet back.

Hazel: "Hiding behind the face of a child? A monster like you must be stopped!!"

Nora charges at Hazel with a loud battle cry. She leaps into the air, but Hazel catches Magnhild and slams Nora into the ground. Hazel then grabs Nora's head, electrocuting her with his lightning Dust-enhanced arms. She screams out in pain.

Hazel: "How many more children must die for you?!"

Suddenly, Nora grabs Hazel's wrist.

Hazel: "Huh?!"

Nora, inadvertently enhanced by Hazel's electricity thanks to her Semblance, stands back up and flips him over her shoulder. He rolls back several feet away. Nora then holds Magnhild up defensively, before Ozpin gets her attention.

Ozpin: "His Semblance... he can block out pain. It's how he is able to handle injecting so much Dust into his body."

Nora stares back at Hazel, who stands back up.

Nora: "I don't need him to hurt..."

Hazel screams and charges forward again.

Nora: "I just need him to GO DOWN!!"

As Hazel nears her, Nora preps to swing Magnhild. She then swings her hammer right into Hazel's chest, her counterattack launching him through the wall and outside onto Haven Academy's quad. Adam Taurus and White Fang soldiers look on.

What's going on in there?

Hazel: None of your concern...

Adam and his followers stare in amazement as they watch Hazel get back up. He then takes out a pair of red Dust crystals and stabs them into his arms. He lets out another roar as Ruby watches from inside the building. She then looks back to her friends and allies, all of them looking tired and worn out from the battle they've endured.

White Fang Solider: "What's going on in there?"

Adam turns and spoke very sternly at him.

Adam: "Stay focused! Our friends are almost done here."

Adam and his followers get back to work, but then they hear a voice call out to him.

Blake: "ADAM!!"

They all look up and see Blake Belladonna standing proudly on top of the roof of a nearby building.

Adam: "Blake?"

Hazel: "Who is that?"

Blake: "Stand down!"

The White Fang soldiers aim their firearms at her.

Adam: "Wait!"

He than puts his hands up as the White Fang soldiers stand down, before laughing evilly.

Adam: "To think that I went through so much trouble to find you, only to have you deliver yourself to me."

Blake: "This isn't what's right for the Faunus! Stop what you're doing and we can end this peacefully."

Adam: "You're wrong, Blake, and you can't stop us."

Blake: "No, I can't. Not by myself."

Sun: "That's why she didn't come alone!"

Adam and his followers turn to the left in surprise, seeing Sun Wukong, Trifa, Ilia Amiltola, and Leon standing in front of a massive legion of Faunus all armed with blunt weaponry, their shields bearing the old White Fang symbol.

Adam: "What?!"

White Fang Soldier: "Who's there?"

They then turn to the right, and see Ghira Belladonna leading another massive legion of Faunus.

Ghira: "Your brothers and sisters."

One of the White Fang Soldiers lowers his weapon, recognizing one of the Faunus in the crowd.

White Fang Soldier: "M-- Mata?"

Mata is seen in the crowd holding a club and shield. Mata than spoke in a pleading tone.

Mata: "Please... stop this..."

Adam and his followers look all around them assessing the situation.

Adam: "Make no mistake, brothers! These are our enemies! And we will not let them ruin--"

Suddenly, Adam is interrupted when a Mistral airship shines its searchlight down on Adam and his group. The Mistral police captain is seen on the airship with Kali Belladonna.

Mistral Police Officer: "Adam Taurus, this is the Mistral Police Force! Lower your weapons and surrender peacefully."

More Mistral airships arrive. Back inside, Ruby knocks Emerald back a few feet. Emerald then hears the sounds of the Mistral airships as their searchlights shine through the windows. Everyone stops what they are doing. Weiss leans up as Jaune continues healing her.

Weiss: "What's happening?"

Jaune: "I'm not sure. How are you feeling?"

Weiss than sits back up.

Weiss: "Better. Much better. Keep it up."

Weiss says, while she activates a summoning Glyph on top her hand.

Back outside, Blake lands to the ground from the roof.

Adam: "How?! How did you do this?!!"

Blake: "Adam, it's over."

"Give it up, Adam.

Adam looks around as the crowds of Menagerie Faunus get closer to him and his group, and also sees the former leader: Sienna Khan. He then pulls out a detonator.

Adam: "Then it's over for all of us."

Female White Fang Soldier: "Hey wait!"

Adam's followers hold up their arms as they brace for the impending explosion. Adam presses the button, but nothing happens.

Adam: "Huh?"

He presses the detonator button a few more times, nothing happens.

White Fang Soldier: "What are you doing? Trying to get us all killed?!"

Suddenly, Adam grabs his collar, and speaks in an engraved tone at the soldier.

Adam: "I am making humanity pay for WHAT THEY'VE DONE!!"

Adam let's go and pushes the White Fang soldier back when Blake speaks.

Blake: "We sent someone over to confirm your explosives, and once we did, she disarmed them."

Ilia Amitola walks out from around the tower, dropping her black camouflage as she holds the wires in her hand that disabled the bombs. Trifa has the same and the bonds are webbed sticking. Adam seethes, realizing that the situation is no longer in his favor. Adam than turns to Hazel.

"What do we do?!

Hazel than cracks his knuckles, and speaks out to the Faunus.

"This... is your business. Not mine. Fix it."

Adam just glares back at him before turning to Blake.

Blake: "I told you, Adam. It's over..."

Adam, not having any of it, yells out in frustration and charges forward toward Blake. He takes out Wilt from Blush to slash at her,

but Blake uses her Semblance to get out of the way and she knocks him down by balling her fists together and hitting his back. Adam falls to the ground on his knees, before yelling out to his followers.

Adam: "KILL THEM!!!"

And thus, the battle between both Faunus groups begin. The White Fang soldiers draw their weapons and attempt to fire at the Mistral airships. Sun leaps around twirling Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang in its staff form, while Ilia fights with Lightning Lash, and Trifa using Moon Thread . Hazel observes the situation in front of him but is then suddenly impaled by a white, glowing stinger. He is then pulled back inside the building and sits up to see that Weiss is back on her feet with a summoned Queen Lancer flying above her.

Hazel tried to stand up, but Papyrus comes out of nowhere and aputates Hazel's arm, which actually caused indescribable pain. As she prepares to fight again, she gasps as she notices someone entering the building. Yang and Ruby look back as well and gasp when they see Blake, her eyes widening as she sees all of her teammates in the same place.

Blake: "Yang?"

Yang stares back at her in disbelief, before her sister snaps her out of her trance.

Ruby: Yang! Go!

Ruby said, as she points in the direction of the vault entrance.

Yang runs forward. Mercury runs up and grabbed Yang by the right arm. Yang's eyes briefly turn red before turning back to normal. She detaches her arm and continues forward, causing Mercury to lose his balance for a bit. She jumps down the hole leading to the vault. Mercury attempt to give chase, but than he is stopped by an ice wall that suddenly appears in front of them. He turn around and see Weiss with her Queen Lancer summon as she prepares to fight the both of them. Jaune watches from his position and smiles. Ruby then turns back around to look at Blake, and both nod at each other as the cat Faunus goes back outside to join the battle. Papyrus and May also rejoined and began to fight in this battle.

In the Vault...

Back down in the vault, the Copy looks to the motionless Vernal. She looks back at Raven and hisses at her.


Raven smirks, and shoots Omen out of her hilt, and the two beings begin their battle against each other. They strike at each other with a flurry of vicious sword strikes. The two eventually clash, the strike breaking Midnight and the shrapnel hurting her Grimm arm. She holds her arm in pain.

Raven: "Aura can't protect your body. You are just a Grimm.  You turned yourself into a monster just for power. I may want power..."

The copy turns and sees that Raven has activated her powers, fully.

"...but even I would never go this far to do so."

The two proceed forward to clash again. During their bout, Raven quickly switches between the various colored blades in her hilt to counter Cinder's various weapons that she conjures.

As their battle intensifies, 'Cinder' conjures a giant flaming sword while Raven uses her Maiden powers to create a massive ice sword.

Their clash creates a massive shockwave that shakes the cavern, with the combatants above ground also feeling the tremors. Due to their battle, the giant stalactites hanging from above start to drop. Both Maidens jump back to dodge out of the way. But at the Maidens battle, an entity than began to heal Vernal's wounds, and allowing her to live in the mortal realm.

Back at the City of Mantle...

Sans is now facing off against Carmine. He jumps over and ducks under the Sais, as she launches them, fast. She than made a weather, and tried to freeze him. But Sans saw what was about to happen, and dodged the attack, entirely. He than summoned a crystal ball and threw it, fast. She got hit, and was hit 30 feet away, and went into a giant building, creating a crater 20 feet larger than a normal human. She than recovers and saw that Sans is still here, and it is making her very angry seeing him fine. She than stood up, and jump towards him, while putting her Sais above her head, and went into a movement that is somewhat drill-like.

As she began to attack, Sans than used the crown.

Sans than use the Abyss Crystal to make a shield, which cause her to bounce back and to the ground. As she is falling down, he than grabbed her by the neck, and prepared to give out the final blow...but Sans stopped, as he lowers her to the ground.

"Why...are you sparing me?"

Carmine spoke to him. Sans than smiled, as the entity speak in his mind.

"Because...I know what would happen if I do. But he can avert it."

The crown has given him a vision of what he had seen, the future of what he'd do, and now, he is going to play along with it. He than spoke out again to the Bounty Hunter.

"I know of the deal that the one who put a bounty in me promised to give you. However, what if I can give you more than your sender's promise?"

Carmine looked in confusion.

"What...What do you mean?"

San than spoke out loud, calmly.

"If you assassinate Watts, the person who sent you, I will give you more money than he had ever promised."

The yellow gems glow, taking its effect.

"How much money?"

Carmine spoke with great intrigue. Sans smiled and spoke out.

"About Five Million dollars max."

Now Carmine speaking out loud.

"Really?! You can do that?!"

Sans nodded, but not before speaking out.

"By the way, if he tries to make a deal, do not listen. will not get the money that you deserve."

Carmine nodded in agreement, and than goes tunneling underground, fast. Sans sighed, before going back to assist his friends in taking care of the Grimm. He than activated Evo Cell.

He than summoned his Gaster Abyss Blaster, and blasts the remaining Grimm right to oblivion. He sighed and goes down. As he stands up, he reverts back to his form, and Amber, along with the others ran up to him.

Amber than hugs Sans very appreciatively. Emerald diss the same, and Neo jumps and hugged him by the neck itself. As Sans hugs Amber, he than noticed Soul Gaia and Kyo, all having an appreciative look on their faces themselves. They than lowered their head, before fading back to where they had came from before. Sans just continued hugging everyone. They had successfully defended Mantle.

Back at the Vault...

Both entities jump back to dodge out of the way. As Raven prepares for her next strike, The Grimm Cooy used her arm to elongate through the dust and grabs Raven's neck. As the Grimm arm slowly drains her powers, Raven notices something and smirks. She sends out a frost-like attack from her palm and freezes Cinder's feet in place as more boulders from the cave in crash down on her. Raven, now free from her grip, does a massive leap into the air and lands on top of one of the falling stalactites. She looks down and notices the Copy had survived the cave in, using her fire powers to fly up to her. The two fight their way around the falling stalactites. Eventually, the stalactites land back on the ground, and both Maidens are on their knees, panting in exhaustion while their Auras shimmer as they are about to break.

Raven: "Had enough yet?"

The copy screeched at the Spring Maiden.

Raven: "If you were stronger or more clever, then maybe... you'd remember to watch your back!"

The Copy glares at her, wondering what the Spring Maiden is talking about, but then gasps as she looks behind her. She notices the healed Vernal aiming one of her weapons at her and fires. The Copy blocks the attack, but Raven quickly dashes up behind her and lands a devastating lightning attack on her face, shattering her mask and revealing the heavily scarred left side. The sheer force of the attack sends it over the edge of the vault's walkway and above the abyss. She stares back up at Raven, who uses her powers to freeze the Grimm Copy into an ice statue. The Grimm Copy's frozen body falls down into the dark depths of the abyss, fading from view, in which the sound of ice breaking's heard, meaning that the Grimm Copy shattered into a million pieces. Raven looks down as she watches her enemy now shattered after shining light on it, before deactivating her Maiden powers and sighing.

Raven: "Thank you, Vernal. You have done the task. Now you may return back home."

Raven opens the portal, and Vernal bows to her, before walking into the red portal. Raven then proceeds to the Relic chamber's doorway.

She activates her Maiden powers again and begins the process to unlock the chamber.

Eventually, the door opens up, and on the other side, a massive desert is shown with a path leading to the Relic of Knowledge, which rests on a stone pedestal.

Just as she's about to enter the chamber, Raven hears the sound of Ember Celica, as well as a voice.

"Hold it, mom.

and turns around to stare in shock at her daughter landing behind her. Yang is shown doing a one-fist landing. She than glared at her mother, and spoke out.

"You need an explanation, now."

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