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A certain Farm Boy carries a pitchfork into the barn, which has loose bits of hay strung about the floor. He passes a sink with a mirror behind it, and something makes him pause and take a closer look. He sees his own reflection and lifts a lock of his hair, as if expecting something different.

He leans forward and examines the mirror more closely.

???: "Hello?"

Just at the farm boy is about to back away, a loud voice booms out, sending him crashing backward.

Ozpin: "Hello! I'm Professor Ozpin!"

The farm boy looks up at the sink and mirror from the floor of the barn, breathing heavily. From outside the barn, a woman's voice calls out.

Female: "Oscar? You be careful with those tools!"

Underneath the Seas of the Dark Abyss itself...

Kage has been monitoring that boy from the farm. He sensed that Ozpin's soul has somehow merged with the boy. As he looked at the boy, Oscar, as the female called him, he than remember something. Something that lies within his past.

Flashback...9 years ago...Ebott City...

"Come on, Sans! You cannot catch me faster than I can fly!!"

Kage as a kid is playing tag with Sans, with the both of them as 9 year olds. Both Kage and Sans are flying with Kage's cloak and Sans' scarves. Thankfully, they are not fully in the air, and instead are a couple inches off of the ground. Sans tried to catch him, but both speeds of the Twins are so even. Sans and Kage both laugh as they kept on playing. Sans than has a dirty grin and warp-tackled his older twin brother to the ground.

"Come on! That is cheating!!"

Both brothers than laughed heartily. As they still thought that the game itself is very funny to play.

Next memory, they are seen playing on the beach. They are in the water, with his father and older brother, Papyrus, teaching them both how to swim. After a bit, they all looked at each other and began splashing themselves with water.

"Come on!!"

"I got you!!"

"Now you!!"

The third memory involved their 8th birthday. Each of them got books of their wanting. Sans got the book that's called: "Tales if the Abyss."
And the other book that is called: "The Knightly Shadow."

Each of them often tells the story of one another. The book that Sans has is a mythology book, while the one that Kage has is a action-type book. They often read for one another for the good memories.

The last the most greatest of them all, as well as a type of vision he desires. It is of their entire family...all together and well. Sans and Papyrus, as well as they father and mothers together, all standing proud and happy.

Kage sheds a tear, as he remembers all of the good times that he has had with his entire family.

"I just wish I was still here with them all."

He spoke quietly to himself.

"You know wishing will not bring them back from death."

Kage turn to hear that Kairisei is speaking to him.

"No matter what you wish, it will not happen. The only thing that you can do is accept the fact that your father cannot come back from the dead, ever. He is not a god, and cannot return for the event that has caused him. The only thing that you can do is protect what remains for your family, and make sure that you can carry on your father's legacy. After all...your father does descend on you helping them.

Kage than looks down, sighing. The than looked back up and spoke to the God of Regression.

"I know that, Kairisei. I am well aware that whatever I do cannot undone what has been killed. The only thing that I can do is simply try my best to move on from this sort of thing. father...he has been the reason that I have gotten the life that I wishfully deserve. I just wish that he can see me now...or better yet, appear so that he can help me in apologizing to my 2 brothers. All that I can do is watch. But...maybe...when the time is right...I can reveal myself to one of that I can reveal what you have revealed to me...the Prophecy."

The being that spoke out.

" least you know of what you are doing."

Kage nodded his head, as he looks at the Orb. The Orb is now showing Ruby and the members of her group. Now...they are going to a place that is called Higanbana. This place is one of their next stops. Now...Kage is going to see what will happen.

Meanwhile with Ruby's group...

On a path through the woods, Ruby's group moves forward with Ruby looking at a map.

Ruby: "Come on, guys! If we pick up the pace, we can hit the next town before sunset!"

Jaune: "Assuming it's still there

Penny: "Of course it'll be there. This one's supposed to be pretty big! Hee-gan...bayn-a."

Ren: "Higanbana. It's a well protected village with a popular inn."

Nora: "Which means, no camping in the rain!"

Ruby: "See? Everything's going to be fine!"

May: "You know, we've had a lot of ups and downs. But things could be a lot worse. I really thought we'd see more Grimm."

Ren: "As did I."

Yang: "I guess our luck is finally turning around!"

The scene changes to Team RNJR being viewed from above, a rocky outcropping just on the edge of the view.

Mecha, Penny, May, Pyrrha, and Summer: "To Higanbana!"

Jaune, Ren, Nora, Weiss, and Papyrus : "To Higanbana!"

Ruby and Yang: "To Higanban... ban-a!"

Summer giggled at the scene.

A Beowolf stomps into view and growls at the four kids. Just as it is about to leap, it is stabbed through by Qrow. Three disintegrating bodies of other Beowolves are just behind him. A black raven caws from a tree branch on eye level with Qrow, catching his attention. He looks at it and it flies off, following RNJR. Qrow than scoffed out.



It's raining on the village of Higanbana. Through the window of an inn, the four kids are shown silently discussing with the proprietor. A backward zooms brings the visual out into the street, and through yet another window being viewed from the inside of a tavern. Qrow sits at a table, watching.

A waitress sets a glass with liquor and ice in front of him.

Qrow: "Oh, I didn't o—"

Waitress: "From the woman upstairs. Red eyes. Said you wouldn't mind bottom shelf."

Qrow turns and looks up. An overhead shot shows the spacious lower level of the tavern and its several round tables, while the edge of a balcony is just visible. Qrow turns back.

Qrow: "Thanks."

The Waitress than winks.

But I went ahead and gave you top. Lucky you.

With a pleased smirk, Qrow watches the waitress as she walks away. After she is gone, he looks through the two windows to see no one visible in the lobby of the inn.

Qrow: "Yeah."

He takes his glass and heads upstairs. Raven Branwen waits for him at one of the tables, her mask atop it.

Raven: "Hello, brother."

Qrow stares at her from the top of the stairs for a moment before moving to her.

Qrow: "Raven."

He pulls the chair that's beside her and drags it to a position across from her instead. With his hand on the back of the chair, he simply looks at her expectantly. Raven rolls her eyes and moves her mask to the side. Qrow sits down.

Qrow: "So, what do you want?"

Raven: "A girl can't just catch up with her family?"

Qrow: "Well...I guess considerin' you wanted Sans' forgiveness, I'm gonna say yes on that department. Now how 'bout we get on with it? Unless you plan on keeping these comin'."

He sets the glass down.

Raven: "Does she have it?"

Qrow doesn't answer right away, instead running his fingertip along the edge of his glass.

Qrow: "No...but Sans has the two of 'em. One that you gave to 'im, the other that he got from the Fall Maiden Vault that is under Beacon Academy."

Raven nodded her head at her younger twin brother. Qrow than begins to put his finger in the liquid, and began to stir it.

Qrow: "You should come back, Raven. The only way we'd beat her is by working together. All of us."

Raven: "I can't, Qrow. I need to prepare my Tribe in case that Salem decides to attack. And also...I have a feeling that Ruby and her group are also being watched. But I have no idea who is watching them, since they are not seen and are very well hidden from even my line of sight."

Qrow than spoke out with a sigh.

"I had a bad feelin' that you would go and say that. But the problem here is that Salem is going to attack Haven soon, which is where the Relic of Knowledge resides in, and only unlocked through the power of the Spring Maiden. I don't know where the Spring Maiden is, either, but if you do, I need you to tell me."

Raven looked at Qrow for a bit, before grabbing her mask and speaking out to him.

"I'll see what I can do, Qrow.

Qrow grimaces as Raven walks away. The sound of her sword getting unsheathed is heard and he looks up, unhappy. Raven walks into her red portal and disappears. There's the sound of breaking glass and a gasp. Qrow turns to see the waitress, trembling at the sight of Raven disappearing. She takes a cautious step backward as she looks sideways at Qrow.

Qrow than gesturing to his glass and spoke out loud.

"Make this one a double."

Kage is looking through the sphere of the Orb. Seeing the twins talking almost reminded himself of the time of when he was still with his younger twin brother, Sans. Just the sight of them made him sigh very sadly.

"Those 2...they reminds me of when me and Sans are just little kids. I miss the good old days. They are the greatest ones that I had in life. I just wish that I could have the ability to express this sort of feeling again. Unfortunately ...all I can do is simply remember them...and not feel it again.

As he spoke, a yellow tear than came out of his eyes. He looks surprised, but than he wipes it away. He than hardened himself, and went back in monitoring.

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