Hanging out with Emerald, Ilia, and Trifa

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Sans P.O.V

It has been a week, since the Breach in Vale. Man, it has been a total nightmare for me! I had almost wasted my energy in fighting them. Luckily, my friends have been with me he entire time. I have no idea how anyone can deal with it. Right now, I am in my room, looking at the Book of the Abyss, which has nothing related to my powers, which I think so.

As I kept reading on the book, I than heard a knock on my dorm. Than, I heard Emerald's voice along from the other side.

"Sans? It's Emerald. Do you mind if I come in?"

Sans thought about it for a bit, before deciding to open the door, letting Emerald inside of the SPAN Dorm.

"What is it, Emerald? Do you need me for something?"

Emerald than spoke it out. One I did not expect.

"Well...I noticed that many of your friends have been hanging out with you. So I was wondering...do you mind if I can hang out with you outside, in vale?"

This caught me by surprise. Is she putting me in a similar position to when Neopolitan hung with me. If it is that thing...

"Sure thing...I'll do it."

Emerald than jumped up excitingly, and hugged me into her...yeah best not mention it. After that, I got ready for another one date again.

I went outside with Emerald Sustri, Who is wrapping her arms around my right arm. I was blushing at what Emerald is doing to me. This is not really expected. But I did not complain. In fact, I am glad that she is treating me as an equal, and that master-servant type of thing.

Right now, we are at a carnival. It is really fun there. I can just go and play along for a number of hours here. But Cinder wants to go on a ride, and a game, where we shoot targets in a rather dark cave. Thankfully, the bullets aren't really harmful to both of us. I have no idea who made this sort of game.

As I was shooting my 19th target, I was about to shoot the final one. Emerald and me are tied. I was about to get tot he last one, until Emerald turned me around by force, and she...did a mouth-to-mouth on me. After that, I fainted.

Emerald: "Hehehehe...sorry Sans...better luck next time we do this~."

Well...that was a rather embracing situation to be in. I never thought she would do such a bold move. Than again...we do have a very deep relationship right one another. Do I wasn't really surprised at that action. Hopefully, nobody noticed us there.

Third Person Point Of View...

Unfortunately, they did not need to see them go there. Because they had guessed that Sans went out on a date with the Green Fighter. Needless to say, 2 people are very jealous of that, and both are certainly Faunus. One that is a chameleon, and the other's a spider. What happens to Sans...let us find out the situation.

Sans Gaster Point Of View...Next Day...

I'm now in my room, minding my own buisness. Apparently, I've have gotten a good time with Emerald, and everyone is pressuring him about it. It is seriously getting in my nerves, directly. I don't not know if I can stand such things. Right now, I'm is listening to music to calm himself. It is so peaceful, that I was almost falling asleep.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I was about to sleep, until I felt someone hugging me all over my body. I looked, and saw the souls of who it is.

"Ilia...is that you here."

I heard giggling, and she appeared on top of me. Man...her camouflage life's, and is hugging my body..and is listening to my music with one of my earbuds for the right year! Seriously?! When did she have time to do all of this?! This is very, very unexpected.

"Ilia?! Why are you here?!"

"Well, I realized that you hung out with Emerald, and I realized...I never had a chance to be with you through my whole life. You don't mind if I do the same thing that Emerald has done...so you?"

I looked, shocked, that Ilia has the nerve to say that to me. I never thought in a million years for this to happen. I mean sure, I had done it with Neo, and Amber before I came to Beacon, and later with Emerald, Who I was recently with yesterday, but it seems that Ilia wants to have a turn.

"Umm...Okay...I just hope that it isn't going wrong." 

She smiles, and we got ready to go out today.

Ilia is actually wearing pretty neat clothes today. It looks so beautiful, and it actually makes her look more cooler. Me, umm still wearing what I am always wearing everyday. I always wonder, what would it be like to date a Faunus such as her. Me and Ilia went to the same carnival as I did last time with Emerald. And this time, we are in a different part of the Carnival I was in. As me and Ilia kept on walking to this part, me and Ilia saw this machine. It said 'Just Dance.' I know this machine. I once played it sense I was about 10-years old, but than I overworked to...let's say, a Million Bits. Ilia must have noticed it, and spoke out to me.

"Are you think what I'm thinking?"

I turned and nodded my head. She smiled, and the game has just started, and guess which one that I had decide to play...I'll give you a hint. It is the video here.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Yep...it was fun to play. We went around again for a bit, until we came across....oh no. Not again. It is another stage. If this is where it is going to lead to, than I am running away.

I immediately turned with wings, but Ilia grabbed my wing, and pulled me right back.

"What's the matter, Sans? Don't you like singing aloud?"

Ilia questioned.

"Dang it. I am sick and tired to people always firing me into this."

"Well...I wanted to do this with you as well."

I sighed, knowing that She is not changing her mind. I went on stage with Ilia, and we sang a saw that I had made.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

For the sake of Everyone that I love
Protecting them is all that matters
For that reason alone, I will rise to fight
Right now, I feel there is no way I can loose~

Living for someone
Power for someone
Fighting for someone
Protecting them with my own hands

Trying not to destroy
a broken city
Just hold me tight
So no one can strip me of my hopes and dreams

I've chosen to walk this path
Imprisoned by these chains of solitude
All so I can protect the ones I love
That's the only reason I fight
Right now, I feel like there's no way I can lose!

My emotions are burning up
To take back the world in front of me
My passion to win becomes a sudden fire
Flying straight ahead, plunging into the dark
Toss aside your weakness, stand your ground
And release that raging flame
My feelings will reach you this way
Burning My Soul!

For anything that's taken away
For the purpose of the future
For the ones that reasonably hurt
I wonder if I painfully continued living

These memorable memories
These unforgettable bonds
The miracle that has been spun
It was connected for this moments

You just need to keep going on this road
Every distress will be illuminated tomorrow
The day that I decided to fight
It marks the beginning of my fate
I will allow you to settle it
All of our battles right here

My emotions are burning up
To take back the world in front of me
My passion to win becomes a sudden fire
Sadness suddenly hit this cheek
To take away the hope, but even then
Let it echo, these roar of mine
Onto the Sky of Oath, And now
Burning My Soul!

If courage (if courage)
Still existed (existed together)
In this chest (in that chest)
Let it surge (And keep grab it on)
The day I get lost (The day I get lost)
Do not be afraid (Not being afraid)
I'll keep changing and becoming much stronger
For the sake to keep standing up right here!

My emotions are burning up
To take back the world in front of me
My passion to win becomes a sudden fire
Flying straight ahead, plunging into the dark
Toss aside your weakness, stand your ground
And release that raging flame
My feelings will reach you this way
Burning My Soul!

The song ends, and we get around of an applause. It was incredible. I just hope that I do not get annoyed again for going directly on stage. Ilia and I went off stage, and she kissed me in the exact same place that Emerald kissed me in.

5 hours later...SPAN dorm...

Okay...I am beginning to bet that there will be one more coming to me. So I decide to go out for a walk to the pet store. When I reached there, I was about to grab the door knob, when my hand suddenly got stuck in thick Spider Webbing. I think you know who that might belong to...right?

"Hey, Sans~. How're you doing?"

I turned to see Trifa. I knew it. She was planning a date with me.

"Trifa...is that what you're planning to go through dating?"

I spoke out in a rather Deadpan voice to her. She smiled a bit wider. Obviously, she did plan it. Why am I not surprised? She was obviously planning that! She than walked up to me, and released the webbing from the door knob that I am rather stuck to.

"So...shall we go, Sans~?"

I knew it would be pointless to even argue back. So I just went with it and be done quick. And obviously, her favorite type of arachnid is in here. We walked inside, and saw the various animals inside here. As I wandered inside it, Trifa grabbed my hand, which has a web extending out, and led me to a enclosure of a big Tarantula. It's the Orange Biting Thingie! We went to grab a insect, and we put it in front of the Tarantula. She than went threat posture.

It was a big pain, but we are able to get it to feed it. It took like 10 minutes. I was looking at it, until I was bitten on the neck.

"OWWWWW!!! What the.."

I looked and see Trifa, biting on my own neck! What in the world! Huh?! Why is she doing that. Trifa than lifted her head, and she has blood dripping from her mouth. She outright sucked on my own blood!

"Sorry, Sans~. But as a Spider Faunus, I need blood to keep myself really fresh. I have also been doing it while you are sleeping~."

She's been doing it while I have been sleeping out?! That explains why I have been sore all over every single part of my body!

"Are you serious, Trifa?! How long have you been doing—"

"It has been going since last month~."

That is January! What in the world has she been doing this time?! I was clearly not expecting that. I looked and saw that my wound is healing, it man...it was painful.

"How long are you freshened without drink any person's blood?"

She than was in a thoughtful expression, before speaking out.

"About 4 to 8 weeks."

"Okay, How long you drink?"

"About every week, why asking?"

I than spoke to her.

"Can you at least do it every 3 weeks, please? I am not ver comfortable with you every single week. I felt sore all over my body! Really, I do!"

She smiled, and spoke out.

"Before our date ends today..."

She than got closed, and put me in a lip-to-lip contact once again. Man...this thing never ends.

After that thing, we go to Juniors. I've actually been there before. The guy who owns it thinks that I was a kid, but after telling him that I was much older than I looked, he let's me off the hook.

When men and Trifa took out drinks, I felt my Scarves being lifted, again. I know who that is.

"Hey, Sans. Nice meeting you again after all these months."

I turned and saw the twin sisters that I know of: Melanie and Miltia Malachite. We both have met each other before, even when I had not come to Beacon Academy. Rather surprisingly, they actually like my coat and often play with the fluffy scarves. When they met me, they all thought that I was so cute. Because of this, and my really immense fluff, I was given the nickname 'The Fluff King'. They are the ones that named me, and I take it pridefully.

"I still see you manage to retain the fluffiness there."

Militia spoke out to me.

"I wear the name of the Fluff King with pride, and always will wear it."

Trifa was surprised and spoke out to me, very...irritated.

"Sans...who are these 2?"

I turned and saw a wither dark blue aura around Trifa. I gave a deadpan expression and spoke to her.

"These are my friends, Melanie and Miltia. We have met a number of times, and are outright on friendly terms."

"If that is the case, than why is one of them hugged you from behind?"

I looked confused, until is realized that something is wrapping around from the waist down. I look to see Militia hugging me from behind me.

"Okay...they're just very affectionate."

She rolled his eyes, and returned to her drink. As she is distracted, Melanie than walks up to me, and whispers in my right ear.

"So, Sans, who was Beacon?"

"It is not bad, actually. A bit strange, but fine."

She nodded, and put her elbow right on the counter. She than put her left arm flat, as she looks at me, with great interest.

"How strange was it, Sans?"

"Call it over the top."

She smiled, and outright bit my ear. I really didn't mind it, but my Gods. Trifa than crushed her drink, which is empty. Needless to say, it was very unsettling.

Militia than raised up from hugging me, and kissed me right directly on my forehead.

"We'll be seeing you soon."

Both Malachite sisters walked away.

"Okay..that was so new."


I turned and saw her close to me, with a dark blue aura, menacingly pulsating toward my face directly.

"Do you mind explaining this to me, why they're so affectionate to you so much?"

Ohh...boy. This is going to be a long day...

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