Home is Where the Heart is/Rememberance

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Sans Gaster Point of View...

Home...after a few years...I am finally back to my home. It feels so...great. To return here again. Me and Amber than dropped down to the sidewalk softly. We than looked at each other, as we landed down.

"So...back to our city."

I spoke to my girlfriend. Amber nodded, as she spoke.

"Yes...we are back again."

We than turned and flied to where I had always wanted to be inside of again...back to the house where me and my brother papyrus had lived on. It has been to long since I was away from there.


"Well...here we are...back to the house again."

I spoke to Amber. The house didn't look like it had been changed at all. Amber than turned and spoke to me.

"Well...appearances aren't always as they seem, Sans."

I than turned to Amber, as I spoke to her.

"I know...but at least I get to come back here again...as it has been  so long, since we had stayed at my home. I just feel very homesick."

Amber than grabbed my hand, and squeezed it a little."

"I know, Sans. I know."

I than felt like I might cry. So I put the scarves under my eyes, and spoke to my beloved.

"Let's go."

She nodded, and both me and Amber entered.

When we went in...oh boy. My house looks like it is a Gods-Damned mess in my lively position. It was very dusty, and I'm surprised that it was like this after being away for so many godforsaken years.

"Geez. We should have gotten someone to take care of the house that we lived inside of, now should we?"

Amber turned with a black expression.

"You didn't need to say that out loud, Sans."

I than facepalmed, and than turned to Amber.

"Amber...get out of the doorway, and go behind something outside. About time that I get rid of these dust bunnies now."

Amber nodded, and went behind a tree. I than opened my wings, and flied in the middle of the room. I than looked around the place, and than took a deep breath.

"Well...here goes."

I than started to spin very slowly. Not to fast, just a bit normal pace. Than, I began to increase my speed, with some wind blowing a tiny little bit. Than, it began to increase my spinning speed to fast, that the dust are starting to come to me. I used telekinesis to open the door, and dust began to come out of my room. The same goes for Papyrus' room, as Dust came out of his room, as well.

"Ghhhhh....GETTING DIZZY!!!"

I than began to spin so fast...it is now a tornado of dust!! Dust than began to come out of the kitchen, as it joined the twister of Dust Bunnies to. Than, I began to move in a sideways motion...and than pointed at the doorway!! I than SHOT out of the house, and out into the open!!! The door closes, and I began to use Telekinesis to stop the dust from spinning around me still. I than made an opening, got out of the many masses of the Dust Bunnies, and landed on the ground. Amber came out of the hiding place, and looked impressed.

"That is about under 30 seconds. A new record, Sans."

I than shrugged at her.

"Well...it is not the first time I did this."

I than summoned a Gaster Abyss Blaster...and blasted the Dust Bunnies to Dust Oblivion. I than huffed a bit, and than turned to Amber.

"Well...let's see how it looks like from inside now."

We than entered, and it was much more better inside.

The inside looks the same as it always has been when I had lived here. I than sighed, as I spoke out.

"I really wish that my father was here...he would have been so proud of me for what I have done for us."

Amber than wrapped around her arm around my shoulder, and pulled me close to her.

"We all wish that, Sans."

But as I began to think about that, Amber than spoke out to me.

"Sans...do you remember of the first song that we made for each other."

I than looked at her.

"Yeah...I do remember."

Flashback...back as pre-teens....

I was setting up the camera, as I had a guitar up.

"Alright, the camera is all set, and we are ready to go to town."

I than turned to Amber, as I spoke to her.

"Amber, you ready for this."

She nodded.

"This will be my first time singing for the audience."

I smiled, as I spoke to her.

"Well...you will not get the chance to sing to everyone."

Amber smiled, as I began this speak quietly to myself.


Than, the song begins playing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I remember what you wore on our first date
You came into my life
And I thought hey
You know this could be something
'Cause everything you do and words you say
You know that it all takes my breath away
And now I'm left with nothing

So maybe it's true, that I can't live without you
Well maybe two is better than one
There's so much time, to figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two, is better than one

I remember every look upon your face,
The way you roll your eyes, the way you taste
You make it hard for breathing
'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away
I think of you and everything's okay
I'm finally now believin'

And maybe it's true, that I can't live without you
Well maybe two is better than one
There's so much time, to figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two, is better than one

I remember what you wore on the first date
You came into my life
And I thought hey

Maybe it's true, that I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
There's so much time, to figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking

Oooh I can't live without you
'Cause baby two is better than one
There's so much time, to figure out the rest of my life
And I've figured out with all that's said and done
Two, is better than one

Two is better than one

Flashback ends...

I smiled at that.

"One of the greatest memories I have ever made in life."

As me and Amber looked, a familiar voice spoke out to me.


I froze, and turns to the person speaking. And it was someone that I never expected.

The person before me is a reptilian Faunus. She has yellow hair that spike up, a lab coat, glasses, and a tail. She is about my height. Can it be?


I spoke. Alphas than ran up to me, and hugged me.

"It really is you! Welcome back to Ebott City, Sans."

I than spoke out to her.

"I am glad to come back to my home. Been so long since I had stayed in here."

Amber than looked confused and questioned to me about her.

"Sans, who is that?"

I than realized that Amber is watching. So I than spoke.

"Oh, right. This is my friend, Alphys. She is my father's assistant. Alphys, this is my girlfriend, Amber, day hi to her."

Alphys, being the shy person she is, than walked up to her shakily, and held her hand up.

"Umm...Hiya! I'm...Alphys. But to meet you, Misses Amber!"

Amber than shook her hand, and spoke with a smile.

"Nice to meet you to."

I looked and smiled at the scene. But as I smiled, I heard 2 other voices come in.

"Well...if it isn't our most loyal subject, Sans."

I than turned to see who it is.

"Queen Toriel, King Asgore..."

I than went in and vowed to the 2 goat Faunuses. Even though I am much more powerful, the 2 rulers of Ebott are very, very kind people. I am even friends with their son, Asriel. I than stood up, and spoke out.

"We have a lot to discuss, and it's very serious."


I had been explaining to Alphys on what is happening, and the situation we are dealing in, along with the King and Queen, who are well aware with the existence of Salem.

"So...Salem is finally making her move."

Toriel spoke to me. I nodded at her.

"Yes. She was able to release Gaia and Nightmare for their seals...making it worse. We need to prepare, in case she attacks the city."

The 2 nodded, as Asgore than began to speak to me.

"This is a very dire threat. After all, all three of them together is a very dangerous thing to have."

I than looked down, and spoke to him.

"What are your orders, your majesty."

Asgore than looked very sharp, and later spoke out to me."

"Sans, you may leave and train for when a thing like this happens. I must inform Undyne of what is happening, so that we can prepare for a wave of Grimm she commands to us. I shall not let them touch this place, out home."

I stood up, and nodded. Amber and I than went out of the kingdom.

"This situation...it is taking a toll on everyone around us."

"I know, Sans. But we need to focus on what we need to do now. We cannot focus on the situation itself, until it comes."

I nodded, as we all continued down the Kingdom Halls.


I than sat on the grassy hills of the kingdom. The flowers around me are so beautiful to even the slightest look. I looked down, and spoke to myself.

"Everything, everyone, everyplace...it's all changing. Salem...because is her...there is no coming back. If we all need to come back to our lives...we need to finish her. The problem is...only Kyo can preform something like that. What can we do?"

Than a voice spoke out to me.


I than turned, and saw someone I did not expect to see.


I than stood up, and went forward to him. He look down and smiled at me.

"You've grown since I had last seen you."

I smiled, but than a frowned when he spoke out

"But I am still taller."

This ticked me off and I began to shout loud at him.


Before I could continue speaking, he than laughed, as he spoke out to me.

"Relax...I was just joking. You haven't changed that much, Sans."

I pout a little, before finally made my face normal. I than sat down, and Asriel, sat beside me.

"Hey, Sans."

I than turned around. He than spoke to me.

"Remember the fun times we had as little fun children?"

I looked surprise, before looking at the horizon, now smiling.

"Yeah...I do."

Flashback...Years ago...

"Hehehehahahaha! Can't catch me, Sans!!"

Asriel spoke, back as a 8 year old. He is playing tag with Sans, as he had been chasing him around quite a lot.

Sans is very excited to play with the son of the 2 rulers of Ebott. He is using his wings to chase the prince around.

"Hahahaha...oh I will, Azzy!!"

He than began to chase him in a circle, until he than turned around and he caught him. But the thing is...they went tumbling down like a large ball, as Sans wrapped his scarves around to make a shield, that is soft from inside.

The shield than began to hit a number of things, like trees, rocks, and bushes. After a little while, the ride finally had stopped, and the ball began to unravel.

Sans and Asriel looked at each other, and they both began to laugh and jump around very excitingly.



As the both of them than began to jump around and feel happy, Asriel noticed something, and than spoke out loud, worried.

"GOLLY!!! I need to meet up with my parents!! Sorry, Sans. But I have to go."

I than looked at the time, and spoke out.

"Oh geez, I need to go as well! Think we can play again another tome, Azzy?!"

Sans shouted to Asriel. He turned and nodded.

"Yes, we will! Se you son!"

He than ran up back to the Kingdom. Sans waves, before he flies away, fast.

Flashback ended...

Sans smiled and nodded. The than turned around, while he now sits on top of a cubed rock.

"Of course is do remember. Why wouldn't I remember...Azzy?"

This made a vein appear on his head, and began to speak in a angry tone, though it is controlled.

"First of all...don't call me Azzy..."

Sans giggled at that, seeing he now hates the childish nickname still given. Asriel than calmed down, and spoke in a low voiced

"And second of all...I wanted to remind you of that, because of how I missed being a little kid."

Sans chucked a little bit, before speaking over to him.

"Yeah, I miss being a little child as well, Asriel. We all did."

Asriel than stood up, and went up.

"Where are you going, Asriel?"

Asriel Dreemurr than turned to me with a tired expression, but also had a sincere smile now present on his royal face.

"I'm going...to prepare for the battles that you had warned. Need to practice my semblance, Magic...all of that. But...it was good to see you again after years, Sans."

I looked up and smiled at him.

"You to...Asriel."

He nodded, and went back to the castle. I look up, and began to think of how the future will play out...as the sun began to set I've the horizon.

"As the old saying goes...yesterday is history....tomorrow is a mystery. Today...

...is a gift..."

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