Prepare for Battle

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The Mantle Knights are now assembled around the shield, 30 feet away from it. Sans, having Spoken to Geno, is now prepared to fight off against the army of Grimm. As he looks forward of it, Amber, Emerald, and Neo are present with him, bravely. Amber than spoke to Sans.

"Sans...are you sure that this is going to happen?"

Amber said in great concern. While she does trust Sans, she is very unsure if what he is saying is true. But as Sans began to speak to Amber, a roar was heard. The group turn around, and they are met with a surprise. The Grimm was actually starting to come an a Army behavior. Sans than turns to Amber.

"Does this answer your question?"

Amber looked down, rather embarrassed. Emerald than spoke to Sans.

"What do we do now?"

Sans than turned and spoke.

"While the Grimm are coming, they are going break down the shield and go into Mantle. The Knights will hold them, but for how long will be unknown. I will try my best reducing enough of the numbers to make it easier for you all to kill the Grimm present. But as we do that, Carmine will go right through and try to find me. This is where the crown comes in."

As he spoke, the shows the crown, and puts it on his head.

While he is aware of the ability to alter choice...this is only a secondary power that Sans was able to unlock, thanks to his heritage. The main power of the Relic of Choice, is to give the user glimpses of the future of what they are going to choose. While normally...the visions are random, and cannot he controlled, Sans, due to his power, can control it, and can do way more than just look into the future of the choice he will make. He can also look into the future itself of what's about to happen next. And now...he knows how to turn it in his favor.

"When she comes in, she is going to do anything that she can to hunt me down. But if I can use the Relic, it may change her target to the one that sent her. And before you ask...I have a way to convince her. Trust me, will you?"

Everyone nodded their heads together. But as Sans turns around, the army came in fast and began to break the shield down. The knights went back, and so did SEAN. After a minute, bashing against the magical energy shield...


It shattered. And the Grimm are pouring in. Thankfully, the citizens are staying inside, hiding. The knights began to shoot them. They were able to get 100 of them together. Unfortunately, they went down after about a few minutes fighting against the Grimm pouring in. Sans and the others began to charge into the enemy. After a minute of looking, Sans shouted out loud.


Team SEAN than charged in fast at the Grimm horde, as they are using thief weapons, they clashed with them. Amber summoned fire and burned the Grimm. Emerald shoot and cut the Grimm down to size. Neo is using her umbrella sword to cut them. Sans is using Abyss Chains, Gaster Abyss Blasters, Abyss Shards, and is using his abilities of the Evo Cell form. This is an incredibly tough battle to even go against. 

Amber began to fly and blast the Grimm that are flying as well. She shot down their wings, and began to kill them one-by-one, bit-by-bit here. The Grimm are trying to kill Amber, but she has gain such mastery over her powers that she can now make weapons, such as this.

She than goes up and began to cut their wings down. The birds screeched in pain of what is happening. Amber than freezes the Grimm that are in ground now, and shattered with with a very large boulder of ice. She than looked back at the Grimm, and continued to fight the ones on air.

Emerald on ground is having difficulty taking down the Grimm. But she is still able to pull through. She swung on one of the lamp posts, before stomping on one of them, and crushing their heads from underneath her feet. She than looks and began to shoot at the Grimm. The Grimm around here are getting dangerous and are starting to try and kill others. Emerald than turned and began to shoot at one of the fire tanks, which caused a explosion that made the Grimm incinerated at the blast, and made them fall down to the ground, burnt dead. Emerald than was accompanied by the Mantle Knights, who began to shoot the weapons at the Grimm that are present. However, that did not last long, as the Grimm grabbed a barrel of fire dust and thrown it at the Mantle Knight, which exploded and sent the Mantle Knights offline.

Neo is using her umbrella and is using anything that she can to defeat them. She is using her sword to decapitate the Grimm to kill them. She jumps and kicks a bunch of them far away from her, greatly. She than used her umbrella to block the attack, quickly.

Sans is in the air. He summoned Abyss Chains and made them get turned to statues. He than used his Abyss Gaster Blaster so that it can shoot the Grimm that are flying out of the sky, and down below. But as he kept on shooting them, he turned and sees a familiar sight on one of the building's rooftops.

Sans recognized on who that person on there is.


The Bounty Hunter than gripped her weapons, as Sans prepares to use his Gaster Blasters, as well as the Relic. He hopes that this is the right Decision to make.

Back at Haven Academy...inside the Academy

Everything is going as planned. Raven is pretending to be on Salem's side. But Lionheart isn't playing around. In fact, he is along. This enraged so many, Penny actually began to glow differently.

This is Penny's true Semblance: Overdrive. This is basically a rage mode, similar to Yang's. However, she must charge up how own energy, so that she can use this semblence. Penny, Mecha, Pyrrha, and Summer, they are all outside. And now they are going to fight the Grimm coming here.

Back at the academy's interior, Raven then draws her sword as Qrow uses Harbinger to lock blades with his sister.

Qrow: "Running away was one thing, but this... you've crossed the line!"

Raven: "Sorry, brother. Sometimes family disappoints you like that."

Qrow: "We're not family anymore."

This is a lie. He is simply playing along with Raven's plan. But he has to make himself look convenient.

Raven: "Were we ever?"

Qrow: "I thought so, but I guess I was wrong."

The two then proceed with their fight, while Vernal confronts Weiss.

Vernal: "Let's see what the Schnee name really means."

Vernal draws her weapons, while Weiss holds Myrtenaster en garde. Of course, Weiss is aware that this is acting, she had to make it look like that this fight is the real deal here.

Weiss: "I'm more than a name."

Vernal: "Hm, prove it."

Weiss activates a glyph below her and projects herself forward to fight the Spring Maiden. Meanwhile, Oscar sneaks up the stairs to Lionheart while Hazel confronts Ren and Nora, who hold up their weapons defensively.

Hazel: "I don't wish to fight either of you."

Ren: "Nor I you."

Nora: "But we will if you're with her!"

Hazel than cracked his neck and knuckles, while speaking.

"Very well, then."

Hazel proceeds forward. As Lionheart nervously watches the fights going on, he then notices Oscar walk up behind him.

Lionheart: "Young man, I don't know who you are or what you think you're doing, but for your sake, I suggest you leave. Now."

Oscar defiantly remains stationary before taking a few more steps toward Lionheart.

Lionheart: "I'm warning you!"

Lionheart holds out Stalwart, while Oscar prepares to draw something from behind him.

Lionheart: "That's enough!"

Lionheart rotates his weapon, having a glyph appear above it which then conjures a flaming rock that launches at Oscar, who holds out his arms in front of him defensively as the attack explodes. Oscar is unscathed, though his Aura shimmers. He continues to proceed up the steps and draws The Long Memory. Lionheart's eyes widened, recognizing something.


Oscar: "Not quite."

Oscar then proceeds forward as his attacks force Lionheart on the defensive. He manages to whack Lionheart back a few steps.

Lionheart: "This can't be... I knew you would be back, but... you made it here! You found Qrow! How?"

Ozpin: 'Leo... what happened to you?'

Lionheart: mWait. You can't have had this form for long. You're... not really Ozpin right now. Boy. Child. If I deliver you to Salem, she'll have to be pleased with me, and I can finally get out of all of this! I can finally be free!'

Lionheart, now determined, preps his weapon again.

Oscar: 'What do I do?'

Ozpin, now considering his own friend dead to him, speaks out dryly.

Ozpin: "Fight."

Oscar proceeds forward.

Meanwhile, Weiss leaps around on her glyphs, dodging Vernal's weapons as she throws them like boomerangs. Weiss is then forced on the defensive and creates a large ice wall. She then stabs Myrtenaster into the ground as her Arma Gigas summon crawls out of her glyph. Suddenly, a large beam destroys the ice wall as well as the Arma Gigas before it could be fully summoned. One of Vernal's weapons knocks Weiss back several feet.

Vernal: "Don't think I'm going to let you take the easy way out."

Elsewhere, Jaune is knocked to the ground. The being he is fighting is a humanoid Grimm. It resembles Cinder, but all Grimm. Salem has placed the copy of Cinder's consciousness to make it act like Cinder herself. Of course, Cinder's still dead.

Ruby fires a bullet that narrowly misses Weiss, who is blocking Vernal's shots with Myrtenaster. Weiss attempts to summon, but Vernal is too quick and prevents her from doing so. Eventually, Weiss manages to launch Vernal out of the way and prepares to summon again. Suddenly, Vernal appears in front of her and lands an attack that depletes Weiss' aura. Weiss lets out a pained scream. Jaune hears this and looks in her direction as tears well up in his eyes. Of course, this Aura damage isn't an act, and the tears are crocodile tears. 


Penny is seen going berserk on the Grimm appearing. She is cutting, shooting, and piercing the Grimm with the Abyss Crystals. Mecha is seen doing anything that he can. He made his Mecha Blasters appear and blasted the Grimm. Summer is shooting Grimm and cutting them down. Pyrrha is using any form of metal around her to attack them.

Mecha than flies temporarily, before slamming down on them hard. He than used his electrical attacks, during the time that he did that to the Grimm.

The Electricity was powerful enough to fry the Grimm close by his friends and himself. But as he looks at the Grimm killed by him, another than tried to attack him from his back turned. Penny, however, noticed and blasted the Grimm away from Mecha. Penny is now outraged at what the Grimm tried to do, and decide to take all her frustration on them.

The Grimm copy of Cinder then ignites her scimitar, which is now fully coated in flames. The copy and Jaune proceed forward to clash. Ruby looks behind her and notices this. She briefly thinks back to the moment when Sans has almost died from the Grimm, and her eyes start to shine bright again.


A bright light engulfs the area but dies down when Ruby is knocked unconscious by a Another Grimm. Suddenly, the Grimm Copy falls to her knees, holding her body in pain. She looks up, and barely misses Jaune's attack as it chips her mask that conceals the left side of her face. As it moves out of the way, Jaune trips and falls, but later gets back up and looking towards the Grimm Copy. It looks at Jaune enraged, and activated its Elemental Powers. But as it looks at Jaune, it than turns to Weiss, and than it has a plan set in motion. It than brings out a spear, and began to charge at the poor Schnee Heiress.

Jaune: "No...NOOOOOOO!!!"

Jaune could only watch helplessly while the Grimm Copy just continues to advance towards Weiss, having the intent to go kill her.

The Humanoid Grimm throws the spear and it impales Weiss through her abdomen. She gasps in shock as everyone stops their fighting and stare in shock as well. The spear then disintegrates as Weiss goes motionless and slumps forwards.

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