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So before we get into this thing, I just want to know why I think this story deserves to be crossed over with RWBY. I saw many similarities between many of the characters, most notably, Abyss Sans and Ruby Rose. Both of them are born from mothers of a very unique lineage, and are both born with a special destiny ahead of them, as well as each having a half-sibling. The only 2 difference between those 2 is that Abyss Sans struggles to accept his heritage and be accepted by everyone, while Ruby struggles to control her power. Also, Abyss is already more mature, while Ruby is still somewhat childish. Also, Yang will not lose her arm in the story, but will still improve. And Pyrrha and Penny will not die in the story. Alright, now that this is over, let's get right into it.

Sans P.O.V

I had hoped that I would never had to suffer this sort of fate in my place. It had become the greatest nightmare I had to endure my entire life, but not more. My name is Sans...Sans Gaster. I am a child of William Daedalus Gaster, and the younger half-brother of Papyrus Baskerville, who is 2 years older. I have no idea who my mother is. All I remember is white hair and turquoise eyes, but nothing more. I was rather unique, as I had 'scarves' in my back, that allows me to change it to whatever i desire, such as claws, swords, shields, and tendrils. Also, I have one dark-blue eye on my left eye, and a turquoise on the right. People always feared and despised me, even though I did nothing wrong. They even wished my father put an end to me, which is something that hurted me immensely. Thankfully, my father is accepting to anyone, regardless of who they are, and stood up for me and threatened to shut them up and kill them, if they try to lay a finger on me. Alphys, Undyne, they both accept me, as my greatest friends. My Dad was a scientists, who's wealth surpassed even the Schnees, and my father, unlike all the others, was accepting to Faunus. He would even defend me from people who hurt or even kill me. But when I was 9, I wasn't as lucky as before. When my dad and brother were out to work. A person came into my home and tried to kill me, and tried to use the flight of my speed to get out of here, but he caught me and tried to kill me. I was saved by a man named Taiyang. He took me home to live here. I thought I was in for something good...only to go in for something much worse than before. I was tortured and beaten for no apparent reason. I was their target practice and slave. I thought it wouldn't get much worse, until now.




And there I go again, being the adopted middle child of the family, being blamed by 7-Year old Ruby, and 9-year old Yang for breaking a vase. I always wondered why was given such a bad fate by my own. I tried to protest that I stay until my father gets back, but they are stubborn than anything I have ever seen. They were nice for a week, until it went snap. After the beating was done, I was on the ground, broken, but healing. It has gone on for an entire 3 months. As I laid in the ground, the door opens again, and this time, my cruel sisters came into show off

Yang: "Hey, Freak, look what we've got."

I was to exhausted to turn around, and to depressed.

Ruby: "Come on, Freak! Look what we've got!"

No response. And than...



"How could they?"

It was a bloody nightmare for me. Getting punched, kicked, cutted, and spitted at, while I am in the kitchen. I never wanted this fate. I just want to return to my real father. As they kept doing it, Summer then spoke this it to me.

"You are a gods-forsaken freak! What do you have to say for yourself.

Nothing is left for me to say. She punched and stomp, but finally took it to far. She pulled her Scythe-Rifle hybrid, and shot me in the right eye.



Everyone stopped. As was twisting and turning in pain. I finally had snapped.

"Are you...happy now?



"I...I didn't mean t-to far..."


As I spoke, Gaster Abyss Blasters came out of nowhere and blasted them all. But I wasn't done. I summoned Abyss Shards and stabbed them in Yang's Arms and Ruby's Legs, as they cried and tears in immense pain. I summoned a crystal spear and stabbed Qrow in the Legs arm outright disassembled his blade. I later used it to destroy Raven's sword, and finally, stabbed Tiayang in the arms so that he doesn't move anymore. For Summer, I stabbed her with Abyss Chains, and made her stuck to the floor. After this, I filed away to find my father, and later I opened a portal. I don't want to kill them. I will not become a monster as them...not become a them.

A minute later...

I went through the other side of the portal, and I am over Ebott Village, my home. Ebott Villahe is completely different compared to the other places. Unlike the others, it is a place where Humans and Faunus's treat each other as equals. They even coexist and have children with one another. In fact, it is the only place that, even the agresssive White Fang Leader has respect to. As I fly I felt a strange energy and it was burning in my chest.

" chest...What the...?"

As soon as I spoke, another pulse came out, and I fell into the ground.

An hour later...

"S.ns, c.n you hear me? Sans?!"

I opened my eyes and saw a human with black hair, a blue gem on his collar, and a black line that goes up on the right eye, and a black eye that goes down at the left. Can it be...


My father and I hugged each other for the first time in my life, since I had last seen him. I was so overjoyed that I finally get to be with him again. I alive...once more.

" son...what happened to you?"

I explained what happened to my father about the attack at the house I was in, How I was falsely rescued, and the abuse I was in, and finally, how I finally escaped.

"I'm so sorry, my son. I should have saved your life."

"'s okay father. You've done nothing wrong. You were only trying to help people. It is just, it was a bad time to leave."

My father checks my eyes and was suprised.

"Something wrong, Dad?"

"Your has healed."

Healed? I summoned an Abyss crystal, and saw that my eye was in fact healed. It is no longer turquoise, though. But I can now see again, which is good.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps and I saw my brother.


"(Gasp)! PAPPY!!!"

Me and my brother hugged each other again.

"Sans...I'm so glad you came out alive."

"Me to, pap. Me to."

After a few days, it was finally back to normal. I even made a new friend. Her name is Neo, and she is so kind to me. Apparently, she was born with a condition to lack the ability to speak. Thankfully, I gave her a scroll to communicate in. She was even homeless, so I let her stay in my house. After that, we have finally become a bigger family. It was the greatest times of my life

6 years later...

I was now 14-years old. Right now, I am walking around a trail of a forest that I've seen. A few days ago is rather unique. I had encountered a girl named, Emerald. She was about the same age as me. She was stealing to get food to eat and had no home to go to. I felt very sorry for her, so I offered if she wants to stay at my house for a home to live in. She was suprised at first, but she was very happy nonetheless. She even hugged me for the love of it, and is strangely having an undying loyalty to me. This wasn't the only thing that had happened. A person, calling herself Salem, had tried to find me through the use of her minions. Thankfully, I was able to use an object called an elemental orb, which was white and had a gem inside of it. It made me stronger and unlocked a strange power within me, that scare him and made him go away. But finding out Salem, I heard she is the one that controls the Grimm. I then began to realize how dangerous thing truly are. She could strike at any moment. Which is why I began to study fighting styles and break the limits of my magic, as well as trying to practice this new power I have. But the strange thing is...I'm hesitant to do it. It's like some part of me is ashamed of it and tried to reject it. I don't know why.

The only true downside, on my part, I wasn't growing much. I was now about 4 foot 9 inches. I was even teased by people for it, though I was intimidating when I puff my scarves to wings. Right now, I have a white cloak, in case my family decides to recognize me while I am in the forest, and I began thinking of Emerald, Neopolitan, and Papyrus.

Hmmm... I wonder how pappy and the other girls are doing at our home. Maybe doing something funny.

As I chuckled at that. I felt...a strange power, coming from the west. Curious, I found out where it is from.

This person has a light brown complexion, with shoulder-length, straight brown hair. She has a beauty mark below her left eye. She wears a long, green hooded cloak on top of an off-white blouse with a brown vest, corset and pants. She also has a gold bracer on her left arm, two gold bracelets on her right wrist and a pair of golden armored boots. She wears a golden pauldron on her right shoulder as well as a shoulder strap with some pouches slung diagonally across her body.

But she wasn't alone. Qrow, one of the family members that had abused me, was also here.

"Qrow...What is he doing here?"

That is when I sensed another presence. I turned to the left and see a female with a red dress and black hair, as well as orange eyes. Alongside her is a gray haired man that wears a slate gray and black two-tone partial-zip jacket that covers his upper body. He also wears black boots and brown pants. Both through the holes, I see they are metallic. His legs are mechanical. I also felt their emotions, to. Is is filled with cruelty, and evil. I also sense Salem's power with in one of their items. If they are working for someone I think they are... the female than spoke.

"Welll, Well, Well. It it isn't the dusty old crow and the fall maiden. I was expecting you."

' the fall maiden? I knew they were real. But why did Qrow bring a fall maiden to her, a minion of Salem?'

"Okay, Cinder, I did what I did for you, bring the fall maiden to Salem, now help me find my nephew."

'That fool! He doesn't realize that he is going to endanger Remnant by giving her power to Salem, all so that he could find me?! I knew he was a monster from before, but I never thought he would go this far!'

"Qrow, What is going on?"

"Sorry Amber. Here, this is what he looks like."

He handed Cinder a picture of me, and the gray-haired man restrained her by the arms. Amber, as her name is said, looks like she wanted to cry.

"Qrow...but...but why?"

Sorry, Amber."

He turned into a crow and flies away, and cover looks at Amber with a cruel grin.

"Now, time to take what is a mine."

She raised her glove and a portal came out of it, revealing a Grimm-like bug. She is going to take her power. I...I have to stop it! I will not let Salem get what she want!

Amber P.O.V

I...I cannot believe it. Qrow has betrayed me just to find my nephew. I want to go to him and kill Qrow, but I am trapped. I am going to die.

"Now, time to take what is mine."

She raised her gloves hand, as a portal came out, and big-like Grimm cane out of the palm of her hand.


Before she could do it, a crystal shard and decapitated the bug, and damage the glove. A blast was heard, and the gray-haired man was hit. Me and Cinder turned, to see a white-cloaked man, with his hand glowing blue. I can't see his face. He than flies quick, and hits cinder in the face. He than picked me up and spoke out this.

"Come on. Let's get out of here."

As he began to fly, Cinder and her companion charged at us.

"You will not take what is mine."

Than, the boy had summoned a Skull-Shaped cannon, arcing with energy. He than blasted at the pair, but that wasn't all. Their aura's dropped at a rapid rate, damaging them with crystals, lodged in their bodies.

"Wh-What is this?"

Cinder spoke out, in a pained voice.

"My Semblance. Karmic Retribution. The more sin you commit, the more damaging my attack becomes."

He than flies and opened a portal, and we went through. After a minute, I went into a bedroom of some kind. Than the man takes off his cloak, to reveal his appearance

(ignore the gem. It will come later.)

He has a blue coat that reaches down to his knees, and has a floofy hood. He has crystal boots, long pants with a single blue stripe, long floofy scarves, and white hair, and turquoise eyes. I don't know why, but I feel like, I am in the presence of something divine and intoxicating, but also in the presence of something so kind and pure.

"Alright...Amber, I know you might be afraid of what I did...but I-"

I lunged and hugged his short body. I do not care of what he was going to say, I was glad he got me out of there.

"Thank you...thank you for saving my life, and getting me out of Salem's clutches."

Your welcome. Man, I hate what Qrow has done. He could have endangered Remnant by doing that.

" know Qrow?"

"Of course" he spoke as he look at me in the eyes.

"I'm his adopted nephew."

That surprised me. So this is his nephew. I thought it was blood related.

"So you are his nephew? Why did you run away."

"Him and his monster of a family treated me like a freak, abused and tortured me. I was lucky to get out of there while I had the chance, and made them feel my pain. Thankfully, I found my real family, the one I was born from."

So the family has abused him. I should have known it would happen like this.

"Ohh...I am so sorry that the family had done this to you."

"I'm sorry you had to get backstabbed by Qrow like that."

I looked down, as I began to cry. Sans than hugs me, and I returned the it.

"Don't worry, Amber. You can stay with me in my home."

"Thank you...Sans. Thank you..."

Sans...he is so kind and caring. He gave me a great home for me to live in. His power is to grand, even Salem doesn't have it. Sans...he may be he key to defeat Salem....and I will aid him. To free Remnant from her.

2 years later...

Sans P.O.V

The previous year had became my worst nightmare...more worse than my time with the Rose, Xiao Long, and the Branwen family. It before my birthday, for a week, that I have the strange dream. A humanoid figure that had destroyed the core, and the father had died. I keeps getting rose and worse. finally happened. My nightmare...became a reality.

On my birthday, I got a call from papyrus, who said that my premonition came true, so I rushed back to the lab. Strangely, Papyrus never had his phone during that time. That is when it hit was a trap. Papyrus was nearly crushed, but I pushed him out of the way, getting crushed underneath it. My pieces by a creature, with long black hair, flowing white-wide eyes, and very long claws. My brother killed it, but my father died. The lab exploded, but wasn't destroyed. he wasn't the only one gone. Alphys, Undyne, both of them disappeared from the world. My brother had lost his right arm and eye. Me, I was crushed, that I even broke down. People blamed me for this, but Amber scared them to their senses and stood up for me, something that I'm glad to have her for. Emerald and Neo embraced me, which I myself had returned. Emerald, because of her undying loyalty toward me, and Neo, because she was my only friend that is still alive here, that I ever had in the entirety of my life

I mange to make a new arm that turns into to a sword for papyrus the next day, and a right eye, as well as giving him enhanced speed and regeneration. Papyrus gave me a gift my father wanted to give to me. An abyss gem. The Abyss Gem is supposed to give people great spiritual power to this that are worthy to wield it. I wore it, my semblance, aura, and magic were amplified. Than, I have myself and my friends a purpose. We made a group of our own to protect Remnant and its people, as well as convince some White Fang members to go to Ebott to be accepted. If that doesn't work, and actually threaten Ebott, they are sent to prison. Our group even grew more bigger than we were expecting. We saved a wife and husband fanaus from a mine explosion, getting a person named Ilia Amitola on our side. Than May Zedong came on our side as well. With me, Papyrus, Amber, And Neo together, we are known as team SPAN (Spawn) with me as the creator and leader. May, Emerald, And Ilia are only a group of three teams. So until they get a last member of their group, they are known as team MEI for now on. In our spare time, me and my group held an accessory shop made my me. I was able to get just as much as the Science Lab her my father had, due to the fact that my creations can give people enhance strength,speed, semblance. And our story finally began now.

Currently day....

Me and Amber have been traveling in Mountain Glenn for a bit. Amber has become 19, and me, 16.

We have been wandering around, just to get out for a walk. Surprisingly, all of the females, minus May, decide to be my girlfriends, with May Zedong with papyrus as his girlfriend. Guess my fluffiness is so great that I even attract their hearts to. Amber even had to get new clothes to hide her face, so she isn't recognized by anyone

As we continued to walk, we heard the sound of a bullhead landing. Me and Amber went to check out on one of the buildings. We see people coming out, and my emotions went extreme when I saw who it is.

My abusive family was is here, with Ruby and Yang all grown up. But they aren't alone. 6 other unidentified people are there, one, a black haired Faunus. A second, Schnee. A third with blonde hair. fourth , the champion, Pyrrha Nikos. First, one with a hammer. Sixth, one with black and pink hair.

Amber: "Sans, What is wrong."

"Remember the abusive family I was in? Well, team STRQ, Ruby and Yang, those 2. They are the ones."

Amber got angry and prepared to go down, but I stopped her.

"We need the others for this. I've used telepathy to contact them. They'll be here soon. But while they come..."

I made crystal makes to cover our faces.

"Let's greet them."

3rd person view...

Team RWBY, JNPR, and, STRQ walked to find the location of 2 important people. Ruby looks down at the ground in a sad manner. She had felt bad of the times she had abused and tortured her brother. She never realized that it was so wrong. The entire family also regretted it, but is unable to take it back. Than, in front of the three teams, 2 people wearing masks came to them as they stopped.

Taiyang: "Hey, have you seen someone named Amber."

"Wow, I am rather suprised that the dusty crow doesn't recognize me."


" you finally recognize me...after handing me HER!!"

Raven: "You gave the fall maiden to Salem!"

"I was only doing it to find Sans."

"Your actions had nearly put the entirety of Remnant in Jeopardy. She was lucky I saved her. If that had succeeded, it would have caused Remnant to be destroyed in there process."

The mysterious hooded man spoke.

Summer: "Please, Amber, Come with us. We didn't Qrow would do something that low."

"Liar. You would only do that for Salem. My boyfriend, the Ruler of the Abyss, will be the one you answer to."

Cat Fanaus: "So he is real."

"Real" he began, as he spread his arms out "and never alone."

The background shattered like glass and revealed the other members of the group.

He has very pale face, a straight nose, One Black eye at the left, but has his father's papyrus-colored hair (no pun intended) and is 7 feet tall.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The group was suprised that Sans' group was here already, but the black-haired fanuas looked surprise at the spotted one.

Black-Haired Fanaus: "Ilia?!"

Ilia: "Blake."

Blake: "Wh-Why are you with them?"

"These people, they saved the life of my family. I owe them my service in their group, which they gladly let me have."

"Please Ilia, I don't want to hurt you."

"I wish I don't have to do this either, but I will defend my friends."

Yang tried to attack, but Neopolitan kicks her in he stomach, which caused the 2 groups to fight, Emerald for STRQ, May Zedong for Nora and Ren. Ilia for Blake and Weiss, Papyrus for Jaune and Pyrrha, and Sans for Ruby. Amber decided to deal with Qrow for payback in trying to get her killed.

Emerald used the ability to make personal hallucinations to the family, making the hallucination change her appearance to a child sans. The family hesitates, but Emerald shoots their aura away and defeats them. Normally, it would strain her body, but Sans had her and the team train not just physically, but mentally to break the limits of their semblance. Also, training them to manipulate their aura and infuse them with their weapons, causing more damage.

May Zedong tried to shoot Nora, but she simply used her hammer to block it, as well as using her semblance's ability to generate electricity. She later tries to shoot at Ren, but he dodged, and only hit some boulders.

Ren tried to attack, but Emerald used one of her twin Scythes to launch the guns back to Ren.

Than both Ren and Emerald has a gunfight, knocking each of their own bullets out of mid-air.

Yang has a very difficult time trying to bring down Neopolitan, but Neopolitan is holding back and is way more advantageous than even Yang.

Yang gets back up after getting hit on a building's ceiling and tried to keep punching her, but as sans didn't only train her properly in aura for offense, he also trained her in defense, and to have a creative and clear mind in battle. Papyrus could not, as he is way to tall to train her. 

Yang was getting immensely frustrated, and tried to attack with everything she had, but Neo than finished the fight with in extremely hard kick, enhanced by her own aura.

Papyrus was holding a great advantage over both Jaune and Pyrrha, as his speed and regeneration help him keep up in the fight. Papyrus easily knocked Jaune down with a hard kick, but Pyrrha has a shield, so it is going to be difficult for papyrus to bring down.

Ilia's camouflage was able to allow her control of the battlefield of her own. Blake tried to hit Ilia, but Ilia moves out of the way and shocked her, by wrapping her whip around Blake's body. Weiss tried to pierce her arm, but Ilia used Ice Dust and wrapped it around Weiss, Freezing her into an ice statue.

Amber was very furious at Qrow for betraying her trust. She got revenge by using fire, summoning Lightning from the sky, and kicking him in the head and stomped on it a number of time, so Qrow can feel the pain that she had felt. It was a good revenge for her.

Sans was having immense trouble fighting Ruby. As both of them are fast, Ruby in foot and Sans in flight, they are pretty even. But sans had been training his mind to be focused and creative, to try and find a weakness in her.

Ruby and Sans clash scythes with one another, sans slashed up and ruby, down. Sans later spins once and clashed right, and Ruby, same at the left. They clashed a couple more times, before locking blades with one another. Sans jumps back and summoned Abyss Shards at Ruby, But Ruby dodges them. She tried to shoot him, but Sans used is wings as shields and hardened them to reflect. Ruby dodges the bullets and locked blades again with Sans.

'I've got to find a way to get her to stop running. But as she keeps on moving, it will be difficult, which is why I have to do something.'

"Papyrus, switch partners."

Papyrus heard and chased after Ruby, while Sans shoves Ruby away and charges at Pyrrha and clashed his scythe with Pyrrha's shield and sword.

"You know, Pyrrha, I was always a fan of you when fighting people. I even admired your code of honor. But unfortunately, I must fight you to help my friends. My brother."

Pyrrha nodded: "the feeling is mutual, Ruler of the Abyss."

Now Ruby has more trouble fighting. Papyrus is swinging more faster than even Ruby. Ruby tried to use a fire dust bullet, but Papyrus bats it back, and hit her instead, causing an explosion. She ran out of aura and was knocked out.

Sans and Pyrrha are evenly matched. They have similar skills with Pyrrha with her sword and shield, and Sans with his scarves' ability to change its form. However, Sans was holding back. He than raised his skill higher than Pyrrha's, but before he could make it higher, a large rock fell between the 2 fighters.

"Well, this is an interesting battle."

Ozpin and Glynda came out of the bullhead. Sans charges at Ozpin, with Ozpin doing the same. Sans and Ozpin used fast stabs to counter one another. When they used the final stab, it said a one another back.

Glynda tried to use telekinesis, but sans glowed Turquoise and resisted it. Amber summons fire at Glynda.

Glynda has to put a shield in order to save herself. Amber than activated the power of her Fall Maiden abilities and summoned lightning from the sky.

Glynda Summoned a shield and saved her and ozpin's life, but was immensely exhausted. A Fall Maiden's power is not to be underestimated.

Amber: "Ozpin, I had hoped to never see you again... after your false promise."

"I wasn't expecting Qrow to do something that dispicable to. That is why I punished Qrow to never come to beacon again, unless the situation calls it."

"Your situation only put my friends in danger."

Sans said, as he prepared to attack.

"Sans...I know you are angry with me for wanting to take your friends. But it was not by force. I need friends to help me with defeating Salem."

"Why should I trust you?"

"You have my every word. I will not betray you in any way."

Sans thought about it before finally lowering his arm, his Gaster Abyss Blasters vanishing.

"You are going to explain to me who Salem is. As much detail as possible. No back out on it."

Ozpin nodded, and Glynda used telekinesis to raised those unconscious. Sans and the others followed. Pyrrha followed as well.

After 10 minutes, the bullhead went off. Pyrrha sat next to Sans, as he wants to talk to them.

"Hey, Sans, is that is your name. I'm sorry for fighting you."

"Don't be. I had to do the same for my friends."

Pyrrha smiles.

"You were quite skilled to match me in that fight."

"Actually, I was holding back."


"Yeah, didn't want to harm you to badly.

Pyrrha smiles, and leans against him, showing how thankful she is that sans cared, Sans was suprised, but decided he was to tired to do anything. So Sans went to sleep was well, along with the others they are to tired to fight. This is going to be a long day.

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