Special Chapter:Happy New Year

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Sans Gaster Point of View...

Me and the others have been working around the clock to make some stuff. Today is a Happy New Year, and I want to make this one special.

Right now, I was going the fireworks, and was making a balloon that has some sweets inside of the thing. It was Papyrus's idea. I even questioned him of why he didn't do it himself. Amber was inside, making something. Speaking of which, I wonder how she is doing now?

"Ehh...she's likely don't fine."

As I spoke, I went back to making the fireworks, as well as the balloon. This day will be great.

Inside of the Beacon Kitchen...

Amber is needing some good help in this big circumstance. As she is making a type of cake for everyone, she has some of her friends come in and help.

"Alright, everyone, let's make good use of the amount of stuff that we have now. Emerald, you take the flour, Neo, you take the sugar. Trifa, you take the eggs. Me, I will get the baking powder for the cake."

Everyone nodded, and everyone got the ingredients that they need. Normally, it would be small. But Amber wants to make it big enough for everyone to have. And by everyone, not just her friends, such as RWBY, JNPR, CVFY, or even her team, and her boyfriend, Sans. No, she wants everyone, the students, teachers, everyone having it. She feels like everyone deserves this sort of thing here...well...except with team CRDL. She hates that team greatly. And this is due to how they treat other people.

After about a minute, everyone got the ingredients for this.

Trifa cracked the eggs, and gots a lot in webs, which she hung in the ceiling, and using them like claws from a stuffed toy machine.  She cracks them and broke them, and safely got the shells out of here. Emerald got so much flour, and poured so much inside. Neo got the sugar, and also poured them all inside. May and the others could not help here, due to the fact that May is with Papyrus, RWBY are doing their own sort of stuff, JNPR are still training themselves, and Sans is working himself. So basically, it comes down to the girls themselves.

After a little while, they were able to put the ingredients inside of the large bowl. But now they need to mod it. The problem with this is that the bowl is so large, it would take so many students to mix up the entire thing. Even Amber seems to be a little troubled in this.

"Okay, so we got all of the ingredients, we added the right amount of stuff, but how do we mix them? The bowl is so big for either of us. Should have though this sooner."

As Amber began to think, Ilia then pulled out her weapon, making it turn to whip mode, and spoke out.

"I might have an idea."

She than ran forward, fast, jumped high into the air, extended her whip, which has a large spoon at the end of the weapon itself.

Ilia was mixing the entire thing fast and strong. Thanks to Sans, Ilia's weapon is now more durable, and takes a lot more pressure to make the entire weapon destroyed. And the upgraded was now much more protect for this kind of job right her.

"This entire job is a piece of cake, and a large piece of cake here!"

But as Ilia was mixing the stuff to make the cake complete, she accidentally hit a bottle, which sprayed all over everyone, even at herself as well.

Ilia's band that kept her chameleon hair up that way is now gone, making it go down, show them how long her hair really is. Amber was also rather wet, but she looked and saw one thing that Ilia had done was great.

"Well...at least you added the ingredient I need for the holiday cake. It was the oil!"

Everyone was a bit surprise, but was glad that it was the case, and that they helped Amber with an ingredient she forgot. She than used her Fall Maiden powers for one thing: After mixing in the batter, she used her powers to hear it up very greatly. The heat was able to complete the entire thing, and give out a rich color. After an entire 10 minutes, the cake was done. Thankfully, the bowl gave it a perfect shape to make it. She turned it over with her ability to manipulate wind, due to how big it is, and that it would have taken more people to help, making it stand right-side up, and than used a toothpick at the side to make sure that it is perfect. After seeing that it is, she turned to everyone and than spoke to them.

"Well...does everyone know where the frosting is for the cake?"

Emerald and the others looked at each other. But Neo has a right idea where the frostings are. She went to one of the cabinets, and was able to find them, and there's a lot of the frostings. There are many frostings of shape, side, and different variations. There is Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, Buttercream, any of the frosting one could even think of. Neo than turn around, and uses her scroll and types her words to her friends.

"Which ones do we need. Do we need Vanilla? Buttercream? Chocolate? Are of the frosting?"

Amber, seeing the last one, has a big idea what to use in this one.

"How about...all of them?"

Neo was really surprised, but later nodded in immense excitement. She got to the cabinet, and pulled out all of the frosting for the cake.

But Neo...went rather...overboard. She grabbed into the frosting, and began the work fast in this cake like crazy. She was so fast, it is like there are multiple arms all over Neo's body. She was so fast now. She is using all of the frosting, all of the toppings, anything you can think of that makes this into one, extremely spectacular, stupendous cake for this very famous holiday. Everyone was a  it weary of what she is doing.

"Ummm...N-Neo?! Don't you think that it is enough?!"

Amber shouted to her friend. But Neo is not listening. Instead, she is just going even faster than ever before. Suddenly, some of the stuff began to float towards her, as she begin to move around the cake in a circle. Than, everyone moved out, not wanting to see what is going to happen next.

Back with Sans outside Beacon...

I was still working on my fireworks and the balloons. And this is very tiring.

"Geez, the entire thing's tough."

It was not a joke. This entire thing is very tiring to do. It involves carefully placing something in the balloons, and wait for something to make it pop open. That something's my Abyss Shard. I can make it sharp enough to pop the balloon, and give the sweets to everyone around the entire school. As I was doing this, I noticed something rather...odd.

"Huh? Amber and the others...they're moving out of the kitchen. And what in the world is happening with Neo?"

Amber and the others are moving out, and Neo is going extremely fast around something. Aren't they supposed to be working with the celebration cake? As I began to think, I noticed that the kitchen wall of Beacon is shaking, and after a minute...


The wall had flown out!!! I looked and saw a Pink and Brown tornados with some white on its side. I think I know why everyone had left the kitchen.

"Oh boy...Neo has gone overdrive in this thing again."

This was not the first time it has even happened in my life. She's done this back on last year, when it was my birthday. And while it was not bad, it was kind of a little bit crazy before. I just hope that it is not going to bad.

I finished quickly and went to the kitchen...in ruins. There is so much messes that needs to be cleaned. I look and saw Neo with frosting all over her. I sighed and spoke out to her.

"Geez, Neo. This is the second time you had done something like this. First, on my previous birthday, and now you do this?! Just how are you able to go this overboard, anyway?!"

Neo huffed a little, and crossed her arms, looking cool.

I just hope that it does not happen here again, as Ozpin's going to be immensely angry when he sees what Neo's done to this. But as that is happening, I heard a voice that only proved my greatest fear.


Ozpin came in and is freaking out about it. The kitchen has always been his prized part of Beacon. And seeing it now destoryed...it is now very, very enraging for him to see. This is going to take a very, very long explanation.

Tikeskip nighttime...11:50 P.M...

Every student is now partying here. All of the students are at awe with the cake. The cake is absolutely great. The cake had all of the frsoting, toppings, and flavor of very cake in the entirety of Remnant itself. Even Ozpin likes the cake that Neo herself had made. Although it could have came out great, as there are some flavors that are mixed. But other than that...the entire party is extremely great.

But the cake was not the only thing that is here for everyone to eat. Greens, Black-Eyed Peas, Cornbread, Hoppin' John, and Pot Likker Soup, they are also present to be eaten by the students that come to the part to celebrate the new year that they will have. Hoppin' John Soup was also made to be consumed, though it is not everybody's favorite.

Mecha and Penny are facing with one another. They even used their robotic abilities to fly and dance very valiantly. Papyrus is with May, and is dancing with her gracefully.

Neo and Ilia are in suits in which they are padding in some food to people. Of course, it also has to be this way, because her clothes are in the washing machine from the oil, which is where they got the idea of this suit, when she accidentally wore it. Every male looked at them with perverted facial features. Sans was not amused, and knocked the males out clean.

And then there is...of course...a musical stage present. Seriously...where did they get something as big as that?! And Sans hopes that this things does not happen again...except that it just did.

Amber came in, and dragged Sans up into the stage. Sans looked and spoke out loud, annoyed.

"Are you serious?! How many times does-"

But Amber used her ice powers to quiet him. Sans, however, wasn't to amused with going on the stage thing again. But Amber does not care, she wants to hear his rather incredible beautiful voice again.

Sans was immensely embarrassed now. He does not know what to do in here again. When they both reached the top, and onto the stage, Sans got out a microphone, and Amber got one to. The lights then on for the stage, and they sing

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Whoa oh oh oh,
It's always a good time
Whoa oh oh oh,
It's always a good time

Woke up on the right side of the bed
What's up with this Prince song inside my head?
Hands up if you're down to get down tonight
'Cause it's always a good time

Slept in all my clothes like I didn't care
Hopped into a cab, take me anywhere
I'm in if you're down to get down tonight
'Cause it's always a good time

Good morning and good night
I wake up at twilight
It's gonna be alright
We don't even have to try
It's always a good time

Whoa oh oh oh, whoa oh oh oh,
It's always a good time
Whoa oh oh oh, whoa oh oh oh,
We don't even have to try, it's always a good time

(Good time) (good time) It's always a good time.

(Woah oh oh oh oh oh.)

Freaked out, dropped my phone in the pool again
Checked out of my room hit the ATM
Let's hang out if you're down to get down tonight
'Cause it's always a good time

Good morning and good night
I wake up at twilight
It's gonna be alright we don't even have to try
It's always a good time

Whoa oh oh oh, whoa oh oh oh,
It's always a good time
Whoa oh oh oh, whoa oh oh oh,
We don't even have to try, it's always a good time

Whoa oh oh oh, whoa oh oh oh,
It's always a good time
Whoa oh oh oh, whoa oh oh oh,
We don't even have to try, it's always a good time

Doesn't matter when
It's always a good time then

Doesn't matter where
It's always a good time there

Doesn't matter when,
It's always a good time then

It's always a good time

Whoa oh oh oh, whoa oh oh oh,
It's always a good time
Whoa oh oh oh, whoa oh oh oh,
We don't even have to try, it's always a good time

Whoa oh oh oh, whoa oh oh oh,
It's always a good time
Whoa oh oh oh, whoa oh oh oh,
We don't even have to try, it's always a good time

Whoa oh oh oh, whoa oh oh oh,
It's always a good time

Everyone began to clap their hands loudly. There are cheers in the crowd, and everyone felt excited. But it turns out that some of Sans' friends really want to be a part of the concert right now.

Neo and Emerald both decide to jump in on the act. Neo went to the stage, and tore off her suit, and wearing a slight modified version of her suit.

She than went it bit behind the stage, and posed.

She also took out a hat to fit in this.

Emerald than takes the stage, and prepares her own song.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Believe forever, Alive together
I will create tomorrow with this hand

The pain of facing the past
can create the strength to be kind to someone
Everything is not so
Still, I thought, this budding feeling was not an illusion

If I can smile someday from the bottom of my heart
then I can't stand still, I can't give up on the future that I dreamed

Believe forever, Alive together
To create tomorrow I believed in this hand
Survive forever, I feel it
The real heartbeat inside of this chest
No matter how many time I get hurt
No matter how many time i am deprived
This feeling can't be erased
Don't you know?
Ready Go!!

Why is it that at anytime the truth
can feel like a sharp point stabbed into my chest?
But maybe this pain can
be changed into the strength to protect someone

As Emerald sang the song, Neo is seen with the hat, and is dancing, using the Umbrella like a cane. Everyone noticed and is attracted to her even more so.

An important smile lies at the edge of this fight
I'm alright, I can still see the coming of that future

Believe forever, Alive together
I believe tomorrow is waiting for me
Survive forever to get tangled up
Cut out all of the noise
keep the smile from that time
keep the tears from that day
Try it all
Hang in there!!
Ready Go!!

With pain in all of my wounds
I looked up at the borderless sky
Your heart and my heart should be able to become one
Let's go home

Believe forever, Alive together
To create tomorrow I believed in this hand

Survive forever I feel it
The real heartbeat inside of this chest
No matter how many time I get hurt
No matter how many time i am deprived
This feeling can't be erased
Don't you know?
Ready Go!!

Everyone began to clap just as loud on this sort of thing again. And now...they are fighting for it, like on the dance we had. Obviously, this is not going to end. But as I am watching them, I began to see something. That is when I realized what is gonna happen.

"Guys, it's about to start."

RWBY, JNPR, CVFY, SPAN, and MIET were all picked up by Sans' telekinesis, and were all floating on the rooftop. The balloon inflated, and is slowly getting off from the ground. Sans than began to countdown.











[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Than, fireworks began to appear, and they all began to show itself very beautifully. The numbers 2020 have appeared. The balloon was hit by one of the rockets, which exploded, and caused the sweets to go down and onto everyone, who took it and began to consume it. They all did this, as they watch the fireworks exploded. Sans is very happy that he shows this in time for his friend to see with him, because they are all in awe of the sight, due to the part being successful in flying colors, literally, with the colorful explosions seen. Yep...this holiday is perfect.

Happy New Year's Eve, Everyone!!🎆🎇🥳

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