Take Back Control

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In Salem's Castle...


Salem turns to see the Hazel coming to her. Salem than looked at him with suspicion, and is confused as to why he is here.

"What is it now, Hazel?"

He than looked at Salem, unhappily.

"We have more bad news."

Salem than narrows her eyes, as she than got close to him, rather dangerously.


Hazel took a deep breath, and than began to speak.

"Tyrian, he has been killed. Someone going by the name of Mecha had killed him in the similar way to how Sams has killed Cinder. Mecha seems to be doing what Sans wants us to do: killing us one by one to make us weaker."

Salem's eyes widened in rage.

"And speaking of Sans, he is now going to cause us trouble. He is planning to rebuild Mantle to a proper state, so that the city may be ready to come and attack us."

Salem than lowered her head, and took a deep breath. He than looked at Hazel and spoke to him.

"Is Adam Taurus preparing to attack Haven?"

Hazel looked at her with eyes locked together.

"Yes, he is getting ready, as soon as he gets his new arm."

She nodded, before turning to the window.

"Than as long as he gets Haven destroyed, than we can win. And also, I will need to summon some of my Grimm to combat Sans' Plan. He will not stand alive."

Back at the Kingdom of Mantle...

Sans is seen looking at the houses. They all have been able to get the houses all fixed and toasty.

Amber and the others saw him and spoke out.


He turned and spoke to them.

"We are halfway finished."

Everyone raise a single eyebrow.

"What do you mean, Sans?"

Emerald spoke to him.

"These houses are just the first step. Even though there are soldiers protecting the city, it can still be destoryed. No. We need to help rebuild the weapons that the mantle armies have used. I have enough of them to be used to help the armies, in case of a Grimm attack. In fact, there is no doubt that Salem might plan an attack right now."

Everyone looked in surprise.

Emerald: "Wait...so we need to do the next half to?"

Sans nodded his head.

"That is right, Emerald. This is not the end...but the beginning. This place is not the end...until I say that it is the end."

Dark part of the Abyss...Underneath the Dark Deep Oceans...

Obscruo is seeing what is happening through the orbs. First, he is seeing Salem and her plans. And on the next one...he is seeing Sans and his own ideas.

Kage than sighed unhappily. He can't help but remember the time that he tried to go and kill Sans, all while he is under Salem's control.

"I do not know if I can forgive myself."

As he kept looking looking at the crystal, he than heard a voice...one that he had never heard for the first time in years. He turns around, lowly, until he saw the person that had spoken to him....


Gaster is now behind him. His appearance has completely changed. He is now wearing all black, with white at the front. He has a white head with black facial markings, and has his own wings.

Kage looked shocked at what he is seeing.


He than walked towards him, slowly. When he went 5 feet in front of him, Gaster and Kage hugged each other. Kage is crying yellow tears from his eyes. Gaster was just relieved to see Kage, his long lost son.

"Kage...what happened to you?"

As he spoke out, Kage than spoke out in a rather croaking manner.

"Salem...she...she turned me into a monster. She changed my body to resemble a Grimm, wipes away my memories, and had made me do evil deeds. I cannot forgive myself, father! Not after what I had done to you and everyone!!"

Kage shouted to his father in despair. He is doubtful that he could forgive himself for what he has done. All he wanted...was to be back to his family. But because of what Kage has done, he cannot return. Gaster then looked at Kage and wiped his tears from his face.

"Kage...son...what you had done...it is not your fault."

"B-But father...I helped Salem herself!"

"Only because she wiped your memories away, gave you a false backstory on how you were created, and made you become what you are now. It is not your fault for what had just happened, Kage. It never had been."

Kage than wipes away his tears, as he looked at Gaster.

"Than...what can I do, father?! What can I do that can make me return to the family again?! How can I deal with what I had just done to you-"

Before he could finish speaking, Gaster out a hand on his shoulder. He than looked at Kage deep in his eyes, as he spoke to him.

"What you can do is this. Because that Salem is still preparing, you can still help out. As you are seeing Salem, you can see what her plans are, so that you can interfere with what she is possibly about to do. You can still regain their trust. I know you can."

Kage looked in surprise, before nodding his head to him. But before he can leave, he talked to his father.

"Father...when will I have to reveal myself to them?"

His father looked down with a thoughtful expression showing on his face, before speaking out to his son.

"When all hope seems to be gone."

And just like that...Gaster faded from the Dark Abyss, leaving Kage all by himself.

Back at Menagerie...Belladonna house...

It is daytime in Menagerie birds tweet in the trees around the balcony outside Ghira Belladonna's study. Inside, a shirtless Sun Wukong lies on the couch, his head propped on the arm and his hands folded over his abdomen. A slow pan of his body reveals a bloodied bandage on his left shoulder where Lightning Lash had struck him, as Sun blinks awake. He raises his head with a groan.

Sun: "Blake?"

Blake Belladonna is sitting on a chair across from the couch, her body facing him. Her head is bowed and her hands are folded in her lap.

Blake: "This... is why, Sun. This is why I left them all behind."

Sun than starts to sit up.

"What are you... wait, where am I?"

Blake gets up and walks over to the couch as Sun looks around in confusion.

Blake: "I am done seeing my friends hurt because of me."

Sun: "Blake..."

Blake: "Shut up! Do you think I like being alone? Every day... every day I think about them! Ruby, Weiss, Yang... they were my friends! I loved them like I never thought I could love anybody. And I hope they hate me for leaving."

Sun than starts raising himself up to reach out to her.

"You don't mean that."

Blake: "Yes, I do!"

She is forceful enough with her voice that Sun pulls back.

Blake than holds her hand to her head.

"Everyone thinks they can help me, but they can't."

She than starts to sit down.

"You saw That Faunus from the Ehite Fanf last night and that's not even the worst! No. No more. They're better off without me. I made my choices and I'll deal with the consequences because they belong to me."

Sun: "You think you're being selfless, but you're not. Yeah, that White Fnaf of yours got me pretty good. But I'd do it all again if it meant protecting you."

Blake turns to face him, surprised.

Sun: "And I can promise Yang would say the same."

Blake turns away, looking down.

Sun than starts to sit up fully, with effort.

"You can make your own choices, sure. But you don't get to make ours. When your friends fight for you, it's because we want to. So stop pushing us out! It hurts more than anything the bad guys could ever do to us."

Sun looks at the floor and Blake, who had turned to face him, turns away again.

Sun: "But, if it makes you feel any better, the next time I go up against Another W.F., it won't be for you - it'll be to get even."

He attempts to point to his would with his left thumb, but he can not complete the motion and it aggravates his injury. Sun winces in pain and Blake laughs. She than looks at Sun with a cute Cat Smile.

Blake: "You idiot. Even thought you are annoying to us, you are as determined as Sans would be as well."

The door behind Blake, the same one that Sun crashed through the night before, crashes down again. This time it is Kali Belladonna embarrassing herself through eavesdropping too closely. Behind her, Ghira looks down at his wife on the ground with his hand on his hip. Kali pops upward again.

Kali: "Oh! Oh dear, would you look at that, he's awake! Thank goodness!"

Ghira than covers his face with his hand.

Ghira: "Kali, please."

Blake: "Mom!"

Sun: "Hey, Mrs. B!"

Blake gets up, and walks over to Kali.

"What are you doing?!"

Kali: "Well, sweetheart, your father needed to speak with the two of you."

Blake: "Huh?"

LIT came in and looked at one another. Obviously, this must be serious.

A Scroll is set down on the coffee table. It shows a master folder labeled W. F. with six subfolders inside. The subfolders are labeled: Assignment, E.L., P.R., E.W., S. F., Untitled.

Ghira: "I'm afraid you were right to be suspicious."

Blake: "What do you mean?"

Ghira: "Adam Taurus is planning to overthrow the leader of the White Fang, and stage a full-scale attack on Haven Academy. It would be the Fall of Beacon all over again."

Ilia: "We can't let that happen!"

Trifa: "Is there someway that we can prevent it?"

Sun: "Not if we destroy the White Fang once and for all."

Blake: "No."

She stands up, full of decision.

Blake: "We're not going to destroy the White Fang. We're going to take it back."

Ilia: "That's right."

Trifa: "We are going to change it back to what it once was in the past, now!"

Leon: "Seconded."

Ruby's group...

Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie run through the abandoned Kuroyuri.

Ren: "Not again, not again..."

They come to a stop after passing under an arch leading to the center of town. Ren is panting, but Nora is hardly winded. Ren lifts his head and his worried eyes change to ones smiling in relief.

In front of them, Jaune Arc and Ruby Rose face the other way, but abruptly turn, Jaune putting his hand on his weapon. Qrow is propped up against the tree. Penny and Mecha has also followed suit

Ruby: "What are you guys doing here?"

Jaune: "Did you hear that noise? What was that?!"

Ren's eyes grow wide and he falls to his knees, clearly alarmed.

Ren: "No..."

Ruby: "Ren! What is it?!"

The sound of plodding footsteps can be heard coming closer.

Jaune: "Wait, you guys hear that?"

Penny: "I heard it to."

Mecha: "This is not good."

Ren than spoke in a rather weak protest.


Nora: "Ren?"

The footsteps come to a stop. A bone horse head breathes loudly, exhaling black smoke. Within the bones are glowing red lights and around it is the black flesh of a Grimm.

Ren lifts his head.

Weapons can be seen, stuck into an unseen body that has bones sticking out perpendicular to its spine. Slowly, a torso raises, revealing a horned, humanoid Grimm. The horns and front part of the face are bone while the mouth is merely thin strips of Grimm flesh stretching across an opening. The mouth, the bones, and the eyes all glow red. The Nuckelavee twitches its head and roars.

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