Unforseen Complications

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Belladonna house...

Inside of the house of the Belladonnas, Ghira Belladonna, wearing glasses, paces back and forth looking at a piece of paper in hands, while his wife Kali, his daughter Blake, and Sun Wukong all wait for him to be ready. Ghira then stops pacing and takes one last look at the speech he has written down, before sighing as his wife places a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

Kali: "Are you ready?"

Ghira: "Yes. It won't be easy for the people to hear, but the truth often isn't. I know they'll do the right thing."

Blake then comes up and places a hand on her father's arm, giving an affectionate snuggle. Suddenly, the three are taken by surprise when another hand pats on Ghira's back. He looks behind to see Sun.

Sun: "You got this."

The three give a brief look at Sun as he stands back and smiles. Ghira then opens the doors as his family and Sun step out of the home to greet the crowd gathering outside. Some people in the crowd are wearing press badges and holding scrolls up to record the event. Others in attendance include Corsac and Fennec Albain, who are bowing their heads, as well as Saber Rodentia and other Menagerie Guards. Ghira steps up to the podium and raises his hand to quiet the crowd down.

Ghira: "Thank you all for assembling here. I wanted to take time to address some of the rumors that have been circulating around our island. I believe that it is important for the people of this territory to understand the truth. No matter how you feel about the human race, I think we can all agree that the event now known as the Fall of Beacon was a tragedy. A tragedy that will set both man and Faunus-kind back. While the main aggressor is still unknown, we do have official confirmation that Adam Taurus... (he glares at the Albains) ... the leader of a powerful splinter group working inside the White Fang, was partially responsible for these attacks. His actions not only tarnished the reputation of an organization originally created to bring peace and equality to all, but to our entire race. With each day that this man remains unpunished, it becomes increasingly difficult to condemn those that look down upon us."

The crowd starts murmuring among themselves. Ghira raises his hand again to quiet the crowd down.

Ghira: "Recently, a spy from the same splinter group set their sights on this very home. My own daughter, Blake, and her friend did their very best to apprehend this individual. While they were unsuccessful after being physically assaulted and seriously injured, they were successful in obtaining the assailant's Scroll."

Ghira takes out the Scroll from inside his coat.

"With this, we have been able to ascertain that Adam Taurus has plans to overthrow the current leader of the White Fang, Sienna Khan, and take over the reins himself."

At this, the crowd starts to loudly murmur in concern.

Ghira: "His radical plans do not stop there, the documents on this scroll proclaim his next target to be Haven Academy and its attached CCT Tower. Their plan is to strike on the last full moon before the beginning of the Fall semester, roughly two months from today. I have sent my swiftest messenger to the government of Mistral, but I believe we have a greater responsibility. My relationship with the White Fang has been... an interesting one. Years ago, I led the organization to help try and create a world where I, and every Faunus who wished, could walk alongside the human race. And while I believe we made great strides toward this goal, it was made clear to me that the people both in and out of the White Fang wanted faster results. So I stepped down, and Sienna Khan was appointed as my successor. It's true that I do not fully condone many of her methods. What I do condone is what Sienna fights for: the idea that the Faunus and humans are, and should be, equal. Adam Taurus does not seem to have that goal in mind. What he has done benefits no one but himself. I think it's time that the Faunus showed the world that we are equals! Time that we snuff out this splinter group, and restore the White Fang to what it once was!"

The crowd begins to cheer at this remark.

Ghira: To do this, I think the answer is clear, we must go to Haven and protect it at all costs!

At this, the crowd suddenly stops cheering, showing some hesitance. Ghira sees this and clears his throat.

Ghira: Before we proceed any further, I'd like to invite my daughter to come and share her story. Not only as a former member of the White Fang but also as a survivor of the Fall of Beacon.

Blake steps up to the podium and faces her father.

Blake: "You've got this."

He smiled. Behind the stage, Trifa, Ilia, and Leon.

Trifa: "I really hope that he knows that he's doing."

She spoke to the others. Leon than spoke.

"It will work. It has to. Everyone, we have been through many tough times in the past. We went through hell and back in order to make sure that we will ensure the peace of everyone to accept many people. We have worked so hard to reunite with our friends, and we will not fail. We will get what everyone deserves to have so long. We will give our equality, acceptance, and give them the life that they deserve. Adam and his White Fang, is a entirely different story altogether. He is more worse than the Grimm that we have fought. If I am in that place, and see Adam...I will show him no mercy."

As he spoke, Ilia placed a hand on Leon's shoulder.

"And he'll not have any form of mercy present. He has terrorized us for far to long. We will take the lives that we deserves back from his cruelty."

Everyone smiled, as they prepare to defend against the W.F.

Now Back with Ruby's Group...

Oscar Pine is seen sitting on a red armchair, nervously looking at the members of Team RNJR as they fawn over him.

Nora: "Did he age backwards?"

Jaune: "He's possessed!"

Ren: "Or reincarnated!"

Penny, Which makes sense!"

Ruby: "Oh! Isn't it weird?"

Yang: "Yeah, sis! It is a weird thing here!"

Oscar: "It is very weird, yes."

Qrow: "Okay, okay."

Qrow than emerges from the kitchen with a drink present in his right hand.

"Let's all just take a second and remember that this is very overwhelming for everyone."

Ruby's group all step back together and nervously chuckle.

Oscar: "Thanks."

Qrow then takes a seat on the couch next to Oscar. Ruby and Nora have taken a seat on the couch perpendicular to Qrow's, while Jaune and Ren remain standing. Oscar then shares a brief look with Ruby, who giggles, causing Oscar to blush.

Oscar: "Ah, sorry! It's just I've never really met Huntsmen and Huntresses before."

Ruby: "Well, uh... we've never met a person with two souls! So, first times all around."

Oscar smiles and chuckles at Ruby before he hears Qrow clear his throat.

Qrow: "Not to break up the whole 'getting-to-know-you' game, but we need to have a talk. Mind showing us your little parlor trick, kid?"

Yeah, okay. Just so you know, I'll still be here.

The members of Team RNJR look at him in confusion. Oscar then lowers his head and closes his eyes.

Suddenly, a green and white aura shines from his body for a moment, Oscar opens up his eyes, which are now glowing, and he smiles.

When he speaks, they all hear a familiar voice overlapping with a bunch of other voices, including Oscar's.

Ozpin: "It is so very good to see you again, students."

All of Team RNJR share brief looks of confusion.

Jaune: "Wait, what just happened?"

Ren: "Professor... Ozpin?"

Papyrus: "Is that you?"

Ozpin: "Correct. And though I may be the one speaking, Oscar is still present mentally. He's merely handed over the control, so to speak."

Oscar than spoke in the mind of Ozpin who is now controlling him.

Oscar: 'Just don't make us do anything embarassing...'

Ozpin: "I'm afraid this all must be very perplexing."

Nora: "And alarming, and bizarre, and just really kind of hard to believe overall!"

Weiss: "Yeah, having yourself in the body of a kid."

May: 'I never thought it's possible to have this strange thing.'

Mecha: "My scanners are right. You and Oscar's soul have been merged, fused together."

Ozpin: "That is correct, Mecha."

He than starts to chuckle.

Ozpin: "It's good to see you children still have your sense of humor."

He than began to frown toward them.

Ozpin: I know you've all been through tremendous hardship already. I'm sorry.

Ruby: "I mean, it's not your fault."

Ozpin: "It's all my fault. "

As he continues to speak, Qrow gets up and goes back to the kitchen to get something.

"I told you once that I made more mistakes than any man, woman, and child on this planet, and I wasn't exaggerating. I'm... cursed. For thousands of years, I've walked the surface of Remnant, living, dying, and reincarnating in the body of a like-minded soul. The Professor Ozpin you all met was not my first form and clearly wasn't my last. It's... an extraordinarily strenuous process on everyone involved."

Pyrrha: "So who... what... are you?"

Summer: "Indeed, Ozpin. What are you here, exactly?"

Ozpin than faces them, sternly.

Ozpin: "I am the combination of countless men who've spent their lives trying to protect the people of Remnant."

Qrow walks back into the room and hands him a cup of tea.

"With every rebirth, my soul is eventually merged with another and I am changed, but my memories stay with me. This curse was bestowed upon me by the gods because I failed to stop Salem in the past. But we must stop her now."

Ruby: And how do we do that?

Ozpin: "We start... by ensuring the safety of the Relic of Knowledge."

As he looked down at the cup of tea, his eyes began to glow again.

Back at the Mantle Kingdom...

Sans had just told his Team of what had just happened when he went out. Needless to say, they all did not take this very lightly.

Amber: "I cannot believe that this has happened. Someone placed a bounty on your head, and now you are being targeted."

Emerald: "This is insane, it came completely out of nowhere!"

Neo than looked at Sans, who is pacing back and fort, arms crossed behind him.

Sans must be thinking hard.

She typed through her scroll. Everyone agreed with what she said. As they looked, Sans than began walking towards them.

"I might have a way to make this situation turn to our favor, but it's crazy."

Everyone looked at Sans, as thought he's himself crazy.

"Well, tell us about it."

Emerald spoke to Sans. He than held onto the Relic in Choices in his hand.

"If I am correct, Salem must have gotten Watts to get her to assassinate me. She believes that I am a threat to her plans and could interfere he badly."

Amber: "So...what's the point?"

Sans: "If I can use the Relic of Choices to  get her to change her approach, I can get her to attack and kill Watts. However, I must do something in exchange for her. The Relic, if it involves something that's akin to a promise, I need to do an exchange. I will have to give her the amount of coins higher than what Watts has given her. Let's say that she was given 2 million pieces of money to kill me. If I can give out something like five million, it would make her change the approach, and she will for after Watts instead. And when that is in play, it's our win there."

Everyone wasn't worriedly sure if the plan will work. They looked skeptical,  it seeing that Sans is confident it's successful, they then spoke out.

"Okay, Sans. We'll trust you. I just hope you know what you're doing in that plan."

Emerald spoke out in worry.

"I do know what I am suppose to do here. I can make it work if I can play my cards right in this plan."

Sans spoke out.

"Are you sure that it will work?"

Amber spoke to him, worried.

"Of course I am sure. It has to work. I will not fail this plan."

Sans spoke out in confidence. Neo than held out a sign that says: We know you won't fail this plan.

Sans smiled, and spoke out to everyone.

"Now...let's get back to work, and fix up all of these weapons."

Everyone nodded, and resumed working back on the weapons now.

Back at the Group's Room...

Nora: "This is perfect! We were stuck at a dead end, but now, we can just take little cute boy Ozpin to Lionheart and have him set things straight!"

Ozpin: "Please don't call me that."

Qrow: "We're not sure that's the best idea."

Nora pouts and groans and goes back to sit down next to Ruby and Ren.

Ren: "But I thought the headmasters all took their orders from you."

Ozpin: "That was the intention. Four lieutenants I can trust, especially during times of reincarnation. But Qrow told me about your meeting with Leonardo."

Ozpin than gets up and walks towards a painting of Mistral.

"He isn't just behaving irrationally, he's disobeying specific instructions I had left him. Something's wrong. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but I don't want to rule out any possibilities, either. No one outside of this room knows that I've paired with Oscar, and I think it may be best to keep it that way."

Qrow: "Play things close to the chest until we get a better hand."

Ozpin: "Precisely. Now, we have two steps ahead of us."

Ozpin turns around to face the rest of the group.

"The first is enlisting the aid of more Huntsmen."

Ren: "But the Mistral council..."

Before he could finish speaking, Qrow than interrupted him.

Qrow: "Doesn't own every Huntsman in the Kingdom, and I've been here enough times to know where we can find some more."

Ozpin: "So long as they're trustworthy."

Qrow: "You can trust them to put up a good fight. I'll throw together a list tonight."

Qrow puts his foot on the table, but his Semblance causes one of the legs to break and spill his cup of tea.

Nora: "Good luck with that."

Qrow groans as he cleans up his mess.

Ozpin: "After that, we can move on to step two."

Nora: "What's step two?"

Suddenly, Ozpin has The Long Memory in hand.

Ozpin: "Getting you four into fighting shape."

Team RNJR once again exchange looks of confusion.

Ruby: "But, uh, we already know how to fight."

Ozpin points to Ruby with his cane.

"You can only fight so long as you have Crescent Rose, but you're still lacking in hand-to-hand combat."

Ruby: Well, uh, yeah.

Ozpin than points to Jaune.

"Mr. Arc, I'm glad to hear you've improved, but sorry to say, you've yet to unlock your Semblance. All of you still have a-ways to go before you're ready to pose any real threat against Salem and her forces. And though Oscar can give me temporary control, he'll need to strengthen his body and his Aura."

Oscar: 'Wait, what?'

Ozpin: He'll inherit my muscle memory in time, but practice will expedite the process.

Ruby: "But if Qrow's out looking for Huntsmen, then who's going to teach us?"

Ozpin then propels himself into the air with his cane, spinning counterclockwise into a barrel roll before landing onto the seat of the armchair, twirling his cane.

Ozpin: "Well, I believe I was the headmaster of Beacon Academy."

All of Ruby's Team have various looks on their faces.

Ozpin: "We have approximately one month before classes resume at Haven. If Salem were to plan an attack, it would make sense that it would occur prior to students' return. It's not much time, but it's better than nothing.

Ozpin stops twirling his cane, and looks at the group with great leadership.

"Just don't expect me to go easy on you."

Mecha: "We don't plan to."

Penny: "We'll all be ready!"

Suddenly, he glows green and white again, switching control back to Oscar. He has a hard time keeping his balance on the armchair before falling backwards.

Oscar: "You've gotta be kidding me."

Qrow and Ruby's Team look on with various expressions again. Mecha and Penny than laughed at the hilarious sight before them. Pyrrha and Yang laugh as well, seeing this awakened position. Weiss just face-palmed.

Back at Mantle...

As the others are resting, Sams is seen holding onto the Relic of Decisions. As it glows, Sans smiled with anticipation.

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