Chapter : Fourteen Strategies

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Hey readers! Have u ever heard this album by AK? If not, then DEFINITELY give it a try!
It's a beautiful one. ❤️❤️❤️

Chapter : 14

Ayushmann's POV

"Ayush..." Apar called with a tired voice while I was busy patting and cuddling my dog, Raja. He was a five year old golden retriever.

"Hmm?" I asked my brother while I continued to brush Raja's golden-brown fur with my fingers.

"Vishal is calling again, he says he wants to know what happened at the studio today," Apar said, his phone in a hand.

"Tell him I'm busy." I said, still not looking away from Raja.

Sighing, Apar made an excuse to Vishal. My brother disconnected the call and settled down in front of me on the bed. He kept looking at me with a frown while I ignored him.

"If you don't have anything to talk about, then please stop staring at me with that look on your face," I said as Raja began to pull my wrist by gripping on it gently with his mouth. The dog loved to play tug of war with my arm.

"Why did you turn so impulsive?" Apar asked.

I didn't bother replying while I continued to pull my wrist towards me.

"AK?" Apar tried again.

I sighed as I relaxed my arm and Raja pulled at it with a sense of victory. I pulled the blanket from the bed and rolled it into a ball. Raja sat up with an excited bark.

"Bhaiya, (brother)" Apar called, this time louder.

"What?" I asked as I threw the ball of blanket on Raja and he happily rolled and stomped it on the bed.

"You never lose your temper like that. What had happened?" Apar asked.

"I...I don't know." I said and shrugged as Tanya's face crossed my mind once.

"It just happened spontaneously..." I said as I continued to look at the dog.

"Do you like her?" Apar asked.

"What?" I asked and looked up at him for the first time. He had a ghost of a smile playing on his lips.

"So I am right, you like her!" He declared with a grin.

"Shut out your over-imaginative brain." I told him with a frown and turned to look back at Raja.

"Denial is the first hint of love." Apar sang as he leisurely walked out of my room while I glared at him with all my might.

Sighing, I turned my attention back to Raja but somehow, Apar's words ended up having an affect over my thoughts. I began to retake over all the instances when Tanya and I had interacted. 

The day she made me fall, I swear I hated her so bad.

The day she crashed her SUV into my Benz, I swear I hated her even more.

The day she started ignoring me, I hated her the most.

How can I like her then?

My thoughts were interrupted by Raja's barks. I raised my eyes to look at him while he waved his furry tail and looked at me with his playful eyes as he held onto the crushed up blanket.

"I don't like her, right boy?" I asked Raja as I patted him.

My phone buzzed and I turned to look at the device. It was a text from Tanya.

Tanya: Hey,

AK: Hi :)

I replied back. I don't even know why I sent the smiley. Was it mimicking my expression? Maybe.

Tanya: I hope I'm not disturbing u...

AK: Nah, of course not.

Tanya: Can we meet 2morrow at my place?

I wonder why she wants to meet up. It's a Sunday tomorrow and I was supposed to meet the directors to discuss about a script I liked. But at the same moment, I was wondering why Tanya wanted to see me.

Tanya: ???

AK: Sure, when do I come?

Tanya: 2morrow at 8:00pm


She didn't type anything after that and I assumed that she was done talking to me. A part of me felt disappointed when she didn't reply anything. Should I text her? But the other part shook it's head on the idea and I put the phone aside with a sigh.


Tanya's POV

"Hey Aarav, have you seen my phone?" I asked my brother as I opened the door to his bedroom.

The moment I walked in, I was welcomed by two screams which led to me screaming as well. I stood facing Aarav and Kajal who were seated on the bed and were looking at me with wide eyes.

"What the hell?! You two scared me." I said and put a hand over my chest to calm my frantic heart down.

"Sorry," Kajal said as she slid something under the pillow beside her.

"What were you guys doing anyway?" I asked.

Both Aarav and Kajal looked at one another with questioning eyes.

"Um...we were..." Kajal stuttered.

"We were making out!" Aarav blurted out.

"WHAT!?" Both Kajal and I exclaimed at him.

"Um...I mean...yeah. Yeah! We were," Kajal composed herself and turned to look at me.

"Ew," I fake-gagged at them.

"Lock the door at least." I said and rolled my eyes as I shut the door to give them their privacy. The moment I walked out, I could hear the muffled voices of an argument and shuffling of feet from inside the room. Gosh, only these two can end up bickering after a make out session.

But I wonder how it happened between them.

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