Chapter : Nine Invitation

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Chapter : 9

The aroma of hot coffee and freshly baked cookies invaded my senses the moment I walked into the café, following Ayushmann with silent steps. There weren't too many people in here which was pretty obvious considering how the guards had shooed off most of the customers to make it less crowded.

Literally every person who passed by gave me that curious look while I kept my eyes glued down to AK's white Nike sports shoes. It didn't have any laces and was covered with blue and green stripes at the back and the soles were faint blue which matched his denim jacket.

"Tanya?" AK called probably for the third time when I actually heard him.

He sighed and reached out for my hand. Holding my hand in his larger one, he gently led me towards one of the tables at the far corner of the café so that the people trying to peek inside from the glass frames couldn't view us.

"The usuals, sir?" The waitress asked.

AK nodded silently and then turned to look at me.

"You'll have anything?" He asked me.

Though I shook my head in negative, he gave an order for a latte nonetheless. Once the waitress left, there was dead silence. I silently fumbled with the bracelet that I was wearing, trying to ignore the intent gaze of the guy in front of me.

"How come you are never available when I call?" He asked.

I gulped, trying to think of an answer.

"Look Tanya, I've read the poems that you've written." AK stated.

Those words made me look up at him.

"Y...You read a...all of them?" I asked, fumbling at a word or two. I could feel my heart race faster.

"Well, there were literally hundreds of them so I couldn't read every single one, but I've gotta say that each one is exceptional." Aysuhmann said.

I couldn't believe my ears. Was my celebrity crush actually saying all of this stuff to me? Or is it all a dream?

AK stopped talking when the waitress arrived with the orders. He looked up at me with his chocolate brown eyes once she was gone. I kept my eyes lowered to the cup of steaming hot coffee which had been decorated with a little heart.

"Basically, I wanna tell you that you've got potential, Tanya. I talked to the music producers and we all will be glad if you could help us with the lyrics for the song which we are working on," AK spoke.

With every word that he spoke, I felt giddy and light-headed. Was he really inviting me to work with him? OH MY GOD!I couldn't believe my ears. Was my crush actually saying this to me?

"I...Um...It's..." I started but felt at a loss of appropriate words.

"Please, we really need you as a part of this project." AK said as he looked at me with honest eyes. They held a glint of hope and expectations.

Our conversation got interrupted by a call. It was Kajal's name flashing on my phone.

"Okay, I understand that this is something really big for you. Take your time and answer me when you're ready." Ayushmann said as he sipped his green tea.

We both drank the drinks in silence.

"Where do you study?" He asked.

Just great. First my personal poetry book and now this interrogation. Why doesn't he write a book about me? He'd have all the information he'd be needing.

"St.Joseph's " I replied silently.

"Oh, that's a great institute. Which stream?" He asked next.

I was about to answer him when our conversation got interrupted by another call. This time it was for AK. He sighed as he looked at the ID and then looked at me.

"Annoying brother." He told me with a wince before receiving the call.

I couldn't help but smile at his statement.

"You're done?" He asked me, putting a hand over the phone. I nodded.

AK got out of the seat and walked ahead as he talked to his sibling over phone while I silently followed him. Before I could stop him, Ayushmann had already placed the cash over the billing counter, paying for both the drinks.

When we walked out of the café, I was somewhat shocked at the sight ahead. There were literally hundreds of people crowding outside the café to get a glimpse of AK. Policemen tried and pushed the people back while the guards tried and escorted us out. I was fairly uncomfortable as hundreds of cameras focused on us. This had never happened before.

AK must've noticed my hesitant self for he stopped, gave me an assuring smile and held a hand out for me to take while he talked to his brother. I didn't give it a second thought and clasped his warm hand, feeling way more secured now as he led the way ahead.

Author's Note:-


See you until the next update!

Stay happy and healthy!

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