Chapter : Sixteen Midnight Chats

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Chapter : 16  

Did it all just really happen?

Okay, this is probably the ninety-seventh time that I'm asking myself this question. And yet I can't believe it. I closed my eyes and scolded myself mentally to go to sleep. Yet, whenever I close my eyes, his face crosses my mind and I end up relieving the entire sequence. The way he held me in his arms, the way he looked into my eyes...

Beep, Beep!

I looked to my right at my phone which had finally returned to me after Aarav was done with the entire strategy of calling AK over and organising a surprise birthday party. I was on my bed and it was past 1:00 am in the night. Turning on my bed, I picked the phone up and looked down at the screen which displayed a text from...AK!

I felt a bright smile emerge on my lips and a weird but happy feeling welcoming me as I opened the text.

I couldn't help but laugh when I read what he sent me.

AK: Wanna hear a joke?

Tanya: How come u feel like joking at this hour of the night?


Tanya: Um...Yeah? Otherwise who's chatting with you?

AK: Hmm... that's a good point.

Tanya: You were gonna tell me a joke?

AK: Oh yeah!

AK: What do you call the security outside of a Samsung Store?

Tanya: Um...what?

AK: Guardians of the Galaxy!

I kept rereading the answer until I ended up giggling. Gosh, for such a star he definitely can be lame. But why was he even talking to me when he should've been either working or sleeping?

AK: You there? (Was the joke that bad?)

Tanya: Yep, I'm right here and yep, it was a really lame one XD

I then waited for his reply but it didn't come. I put the phone aside, hoping that he'd text soon. I didn't wanna come across as clingy so I decided to stop texting him. Though, I kept checking my device every few minutes, looking for any trace of a message from Ayushmann. My heart deflated a little when he didn't text me anything.

He's a busy guy idiot! My conscience told me.

Sighing, I tossed on my bed until sleep welcomed me.

Waking up in the morning, I realized there was a text pending in my inbox from about 3:00 at dawn.

AK: Hey! Had to attend an urgent call from the directors...Sorry. U there?

Author's Note:-


I know this chapter is extremely short...

It's just a filler so will see you when the next update pops up! 

Keep smiling readers! *muah*

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