Chapter : Twenty Five The Interview

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Chapter : 25 

Never in my wildest dreams had I thought that I'd be sitting in front of my crush and interviewing him like it was no big a deal. Unlike my expectations, AK had a depth to his personality which had remained hidden under his playful nature and friendly attitude. I realized how easily he had masked his scars and dark sides from the world and had succeeded in building a barrier around him.

"What's your biggest fear?" I read out the next question from Aarav's notepad which was balanced on my lap as I jotted down his answers with the pen in my right hand and the almost empty cup of coffee in my left hand.

"My biggest fear would be to lose you," Ayushmann answered, earning a fake glare from me. I can't write that in the note!

AK grinned and raised a hand in surrender.

"My biggest fear is to one day wake up and find out that I succeeded in my career way too quick than expectations." He spoke, looking at a spot on the wall behind me.

"I don't understand how it's a fear to you...I mean every person works hard to be successful." I said.

"I know. I'm afraid that without facing the failures, I won't actually succeed in my journey. I don't want a carpet to be laid down for me to walk. I want to make a road on my own... You get what I mean?" He asked me.

"Wow..." I mumbled. He surprised me yet again. AK smiled a small smile directing at me.

"So what's your biggest fear?" Ayushmann asked me, giving me that lopsided grin which made the dimple on his right cheek become evident.

"My biggest fear is that dog, apparently." I said and pointed a finger at Raja who sat beside AK with its tongue hanging out from the side of his mouth.

"But he's too adorable to be afraid of!" Ayushmann exclaimed as he patted the dog's head.

"I'm sorry but I fail to share the same liking for dogs." I replied in a flat tone and resumed to the remaining questions.

"Alright, what's the next question?" AK asked when I didn't speak.

This particular question had been the one which I was dreading the most. I wouldn't have been so tensed about this one had it not been that auburn haired model who dominated the social media platforms, standing or interacting with AK on multiple occasions in the past two weeks span. I really wanted to know who she was but I didn't have the courage to ask him upfront about it.

"Tanya?" AK asked again, sensing my discomfort.

"Um...What is your relationship status? What qualities do you expect to find in your partner?" I spoke, not meeting his eyes.

There was pure silence in the room for a moment. I slowly raised my eyes to find him sitting with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"What do you think?" AK asked me back.

"What?" I spoke, confused.

"My relationship status, am I single or taken?" He asked me.

"You're supposed to be answering that!" I said with a frown.

AK gave a smirk and sat back on his chair, putting his arms behind his head as he looked up at the ceiling.

"I think I'm in love but I'm not sure if the feelings reciprocate on her side." Ayushmann said, looking up.

Of course I reciprocate!

Ayushmann whipped his head and averted his brown eyes back on me with amusement dripping off his face.

Did I say that out loud? WHAT THE HELL TANYA?!

"I-I, you know..." I went on fumbling, turning beet red with embarrassment.

"Well," AK said as he pushed himself off the bamboo chair and came round the little table. Settling down beside me, he looked at me with his lips holding a suppressed smile. I gulped and cussed myself mentally.

"Let me answer the latter question first." AK whispered, looking at me.

"Okay..." I mumbled as I steadied my right hand on the notepad to write the important words.

"My partner should be someone who understands me, someone who is patient enough to handle my craziness. She should be able to trace the chaos in my silence and the sorrow behind my smiles." AK spoke, his eyes fixed on me as I went on writing the notes. His gaze was making it tough for me to concentrate. Why am I suddenly feeling kinda anxious?

"She has brown wavy hair," AK went on "A little nose, pink lips which look gorgeous when she smiles and fascinating grey eyes which take my breath away whenever I look at her."

By the time he finished, I had turned to look at him. Knowing that he described me all along, my head began to feel lighter and butterflies erupted in my gut. AK passed a small smile as he reached out and took the now empty cup and placed it on the table as he held my hand in his larger ones.

"I know that you're way better at lyrics than me, so I'm not even gonna recite the song I had worked on to convey my feelings," AK said as he held my hand in his.

My heart is racing faster now...

"Tanya, I've fallen in love with you. Every day the feelings only turn stronger and I never felt this way for anyone ever before." Ayushmann said.

Oh my, he's proposing to me!!! I think I'm feeling at a loss of breath...My heart's beating pretty frantically.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Ayushmann asked.

I'm feeling light-headed.

No, seriously. Why's everything turning into a blur?

"AK..." Were the last words I managed to mumble as I gripped his warm hand tighter in agony. Within moments everything blacked out.

Author's Note:-

Bonjour peeps!

Was the chapter good? I know many of you will be planning on murdering the person who wrote this chap, that is, me. But hey! AK proposed to her, right? (I'm trying to be optimistic)

See you soon!

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