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...Walking into the silent emergency room, I looked at the doctors and nurses who beamed at me through their masks and gave a positive head nod, gesturing that the delivery went successful. I released a breath I had kept on hold as I broke into a smile.

"Can I see her?" I asked the doctor, gesturing towards Priya who lay on the hospital bed.

"Sure! You can," The doctor answered and headed out.

"We'll get the baby to you in a moment," One of the nurses replied while nothing else registered in my head as I took silent steps towards her.

Standing next to her, I smiled when she passed me a weary smile, making her resemble an angel in that white hospital gown. Priya Mishra, my loving wife. She was about a year younger to me and was the smartest- ...second smartest girl I've ever come across. She had her brown hair tied back into a lose braid and a few brown locks remained lose over her forehead as she looked up at me with her brown orbs.

Priya's eyes often mesmerized me whenever she'd look at me. Alas, they never made a stark resemblance to those grey ones which I had once known. Though never have I compared those two souls for I know that each one is dearly close to my heart.

I still remember the day she spilled the entire contents of the hot coffee cup over my head right before my stage performance in Delhi. I remember how mad I looked, drenched in steaming hot coffee, my hair dripping of coffee, standing at the backstage and glaring at her while she stuttered with an excuse. It made me recall a particular someone who used to stutter just the same way.

Turned out, she was the daughter of one of the investors and had brought me a cup of brew to apologize on behalf of the entire team for a delay in the performance due to technical issues. From then on she and I often worked together, organising stage performances and with time, we connected. I don't know if I would be what I am today had it not been my wife who helped me through the tough times.

"How are you?" I asked her as I placed a hand over her cheek affectionately.

Priya had acquired some complications in her pregnancy and the doctors had to immediately hospitalize her. I had turned worried sick as I prayed for both, her and the baby's, well-being. Someone had stolen my heart once without a warning and it had hurt like hell when she left. I didn't wanna endure that all over again. I don't even know if I'd have the strength to face it this time.

"All good," Priya whispered an answer with a smile, leaning her face into my caress.

"Mr.Khurrana?" The nurse called and both Priya and I turned to find the nurse carrying a doll in her arms. It took me a moment to register that it was my baby. It was our baby.

I smiled from ear to ear as the nurse brought the little infant, wrapped in a baby pink towel, and handed it gently to Priya who cradled the baby in her arms.

"Congratulations, it's a girl." The nurse announced with a smile before leaving.

"She's so cute," Priya guffawed lightly as she held the baby in her arms. I felt like shedding tears of joy at the sight ahead but I well knew how Priya would keep poking a joke about it so I rubbed off the tears before she witnessed them.

"Can I?" I asked, feeling my heart beat frantically as I gestured at my baby.

"Here," Priya spoke as she passed the little infant gently.

I cautiously took the baby in my arms. Feeling the feathery soft towel glide through my fingers I clasped my little girl close to me. She had her eyes closed peacefully as fine little strands of hair peeked from underneath the pink cap she had been made to wear. Her tiny hands looked so fragile and soft that for a moment I felt afraid that I might hurt her unintentionally.

I smiled as a fact made its way to my heart. I had two angels to worry about now.

"Now that it's a she, you've won the bet." Priya pouted.

"That's right," I agreed and smiled a lopsided smile.

Before the delivery, Priya and I had made a deal. If it would be a boy then she'd get to choose a name. If it were a girl, I'd choose a name. It was just to make the guesses fun.

"So what name do we give her Ayush?" Priya asked me.

I turned to look back at my little girl when she clasped my index finger with the whole of her tiny hand, wrapping her little fingers around my finger securely. Smiling I glanced one last time at my angel and looked up at Priya with a glint in my eyes.

"Tanya," I answered.

"That's such a sweet one!" Priya mused, agreeing to my suggestion.

Smiling at my wife, I turned to look back at my angel who was deep asleep.

"Thanks for lighting up my world, Tanya. That sweet little face stole my heart now." I whispered to my baby.


Author's Note:-

And You Stole A Heart comes to an end! *sighs*

I know I made many of you...Okay! All of you, cry over the last few chapters but I hope the last bit makes it a sweet little end? No? 

Basically through the end, I wanna convey that in life not everybody we love and adore can stay by our side forever. No matter how much they mean to us, sometimes things are not in our hands.

The act of letting go of the pain is the only way to move on. One can't and shouldn't dwell over the past for it won't change the present. 

I'm not telling u to forget them. I'm just asking you to do yourself a favor through the acceptance of loss. For it is inevitable and everybody faces it at some point of time. They'll always be alive in our memories and all we can do is to pray for their peace wherever they are.

A big THANK YOU to you for taking your precious time out and reading You Stole A Heart. Your votes, comments and reads never failed to make my days. 

One last time,

Stay happy and healthy!


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