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Six month ago

"How could you?" his mother screamed at the top of her lungs at him, but it didn't affect him much. He stood there, his hands crossed above his chest and waited. He knew somehow his mother will calm down.

He just didn't know when.

"You are disgusting piece of shit! I should have drowned you in the bath when you were a kid!" She continued, and she started to tear up the wardrobe doors in his room. She threw everything onto the floor, then brought out the wheely bag under his bed.
"Pack your stuff and get out of this house. I don't want you here, you are the curse of this family, I hate you to my guts. You are not normal! Liking men? You are a shame!" She yelled at him, and pushed him to the middle of the room.

"What are you waiting for? I told to pack your things. I want you be out in an hour." She shouted again then stormed out of his room.

Daniel looked around, and wondered how long it will take to re-organise his stuff. Everything was neatly folded, and organised by colour in his wardrobe before. Now he just have to do the same when he packs his suitcase.

He sighed then picked up the first couple of pieces. He still waited for her mother to come back and apologize. He took his time and in an hour he packed all his clothes, neatly, separated all colours. He thought about his books. Then he went to the kitchen, he got a used tesco bag from the cabinet. In his room, he placed his favourite books into the big, strong bag.

His mother didn't come back.

He wondered what he should do. Should he wait his mother to say good bye politely, as he has been thaught it's polite or should he just leave?

While he pondered in himself, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He reluctantly pulled it out of his right pocket and checked it.

It was a text message from his best pal, Aaron. He said he would wait for him at Norwood Junction at three o'clock. Daniel checked his wristwatch and noticed he had only twenty-seven minutes. He needed to leave to get there on time.

He pulled out the metal frame handle from the body of the suitcase, picked up the tesco bag with his other hand and left the house.

He walked away from the house, the house that was his home for 19 years. At the cross road he looked back, and saw her mother's Honda Civic parking down by the curb. He stopped and waved, but his mother turned her back at him and went into the house.

He shrugged, then resumed his walking to the tube station.

He was scared but he had to meet Aaron for their weekly club session.

He couldn't miss that.

Five month ago

Aaron was determined to show to his best friend that he is worthy of living. Daniel showed up two weeks ago at the Club meeting with his suitcase packed, and some of his books neatly placed in a big tesco bag. He was quiet as usual and when Aaron asked about his belongings, Daniel hesitated to answer.

In his usual, quiet demeanour, Daniel disclosed that he cannot go back home because his mother told him not to. Aaron was shocked first then he offered him a place to stay.

It's been a month now that Daniel lived with Aaron and his grandmother, about twenty minutes walk from his childhood home.

Often times he saw his mother shopping in the local supermarket but he was scared to approach her. He still remembered those vile things she said to him.

What was so bad about to like men?

He quite often thought about it, maybe he should have kept his thoughts to himself, but the secret was out and it seemed all irreversible now.

Daniel didn't know what to do. He felt life does not worth living and he tried to take his own life. But he didn't know how.

He asked Aaron's grandmother about it and she took him to the local health service office.

Instead of trying to take his own life, Daniel got help. He started to feel better day by day.

Aaron was glad to get back his buddy, and they started to make plans for the future.

One particular day, Aaron's grandmother told Daniel that he needed to get a job. Not only because they were short of money, no, that wasn't the case. She thought Daniel needed to socialize more, meet with other people and mingle. Aaron for once, agreed with his granny.

Four month ago

Daniel applied for a lot of job vacancies but without much success. He worked for a short period of time in a small corner shop but he got fired when five pounds were missing from the till. He insisted he didn't take the money, but the owner fired him eventually.

According to the psychiatrist, Daniel fell back into depression again, and the little progress he made so far was lost again.

He didn't go out for weeks, and Aaron had to bathe him, and he made him eat too. It was a tedious task.

Living was a tedious task for Daniel.

Three month ago

Aaron's grandmother came home from a pensioner meeting when she found Daniel lying in his own vomit unconscious. She called the ambulance services straight away and eventually Daniel was saved again.

As he laid in the dark hospital room on his lithe bed, Daniel thought this couldn't be his life forever. He thought life couldn't evolve around one thing. Living  alone was far more difficult than he initially thought.

He missed his old room.
He missed his mother's cooking.
He missed his mother's hug.

He missed being loved.

Two month ago

Daniel spent an entire month in a psychiatric ward in Croydon. He was relieved  when he was discharged. He felt hopeful when he met with Aaron and his granny near the entrance.

It was a sunny day, although it was the beginning of autumn. He turned his face towards the sun and decided, he will going to live no matter what.

With the help of the hospital staff, he understood that liking men is not disgusting and his life worth living after all.

The only thing he didn't understand why his mother thought it was disgusting. Why was he disgusting?

He was not.
He was beautiful.

Daniel left the hospital in good spirits.

One month ago

On the way home from his follow up appointment with the psychiatrist, Daniel found an advertisement for a receptionist position online.

He was good with computers and numbers.
He liked organising documents.

He applied and went to the interview.

Surprisingly, Daniel got the job and he started to smile a little bit more.

His best friend got a fantastic offer from Australia which he could not refuse. Within two weeks he left for Sidney and Daniel found himself living with Aaron's grandmother.

They both enjoyed each other's company and the old lady was happy that she was not alone in her small house.


Today was Daniel's first day at his new work place at the locally well known law firm, London & Son.

He was nervous.
He didn't  know what to expect. He just went in and smiled at everyone, the way Aaron's  grandma told him to do. He was polite to everyone, and respectful. He quickly organised his working desk, and examined his surroundings.

Shortly after the brief introduction, Daniel realised that his job was outrageously easy. With his IQ this job was ridiculously easy to attend.

He smiled and his smile was the first genuine smile in months.


Hello lovelies, this is me again. Lonely here.

This is my introduction for my next story, and hope you will all comment and vote if you like it.

This story is going to be updated regularly once I finished updating One Step Closer.

We are fast approaching to the end so this is the time we take into consideration how shall we proceed with our dear Daniel.

Let me know if you have ideas and don't hesitate to contact me. I love interacting with you guys.

Love, as always....


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