Chapter 1- Sky's Birthday

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I traverse down the shortest flight of stairs, and teleport to the dining hall, where my father is finishing his meal. I sit down on the opposite end of the table, and my food is brought to me. When I finish my breakfast, my father calls me to him, and he pulls a small black velvet box from thin air. I teleport to him, and he hands me the box. He says,"Don't lose that. It's your mother's. She left it for you when she died." and teleported out.
Inside is a small golden budder amulet, and inside the gold ring, is a crystal. Its a dark, royal purple gem, and it glints mysteriously. I pull the white cord over my head, and the amulet sits against my chest, shining. But then it touches my shirt, and it glows. I wonder if the gem in the center has a little tiny light source in the center, but it's a solid gem, not hollow.
It makes me feel stronger, and I teleport to my room for my glasses. I slip them on, and drop into the house Nether portal. I step out to the grass of the Overworld, and I find myself in the busy epicenter of a village. 'Insufficient minds' as my dad calls them, mill the village. I laugh at the simplicity of it all, and teleport to my room in the Overworld castle.
I grab my favorite sword, my precious budder sword, and I head out of the castle for some exercise. I don't get too far before I naturally get distracted. There seems to be  a figure, stumbling about in the poppy fields about two miles away. The figure has big, black- somethings on their back, and another thing dragging behind them. It's all black, and it's super bright out. Whoever it is stands out very prominent against the landscape.

Sorry it's so short! Can't write too much when I'm tired. Everything above was written around 12 am- 1 am. I'm exhausted. Bye!

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