Chapter 15- Schedules

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-Mitch's POV-
I realized how messed up our times were gonna be when I saw Ty and his twin Anthony crashed on the couches at 5am. Seto told me they had just crashed minutes before. Everyone ate breakfast on the front steps and the grass. When Mom and Dad left for work, Dad told me I never had to go to school, and I nearly screamed in joy. That's not something that kids get to hear a lot. Actually, it's pretty much impossible to hear that.
If someone spotted me now, they'd be angry, and tell the Flower Queen. The Royal Guard would force me to go to school, and I'd be miserable. Jerome can't go, so I'd be alone. Anyway, when we all finish eating and my parents leave for work, I jump over to the sword stand and grab my sword. Jerome grabs his axe Betty, and we play fight.
I spin on my heel, and my sword follows my arm movement. It falls toward Jerome, but Betty comes up and stops it cold. Sky comes over, and monitors our play. He stands loosely, arms crossed, and one hand half covering his mouth. He still has his glasses on, so Vikk, Lachlan, Rob, and Preston still don't know.
I'm not paying enough attention, and Betty comes down on my shoulder. It grazes my skin and tears my jacket. Jerome stops, surprised I hadn't reacted, and drops Betty in shock. I can't feel the pain. My shoulder is surprisingly numb, and the pain doesn't register.
I look at Sky, confused. He looks puzzled, comes over, and checks the cut. It's definitely a cut, and it's bleeding, but I still can't feel it. Sky heals it, and it goes back to nothing. I never felt the pain, and it freaks me out.
Back at the steps, I hear Vikk cry out. He comes streaming over in tears. The 4 year old boy wraps his hands around Sky's leg, and hides behind us. Lachlan follows suit, but he just hides behind us. Sky and I lift our heads to see in front of us, and I see what they do.
I can see the full silhouette of Herobrine. His eyes are still glowing away, and I can also see a glint of a diamond sword in his hand. Preston I can barely see, but the little lava creeper is in a bush, hiding. But what I see in Herobrine's other hand...

-Preston's POV-
As I watched out from the bush, I could almost cry. Before I was able to react, the scary man with white eyes had grabbed Rob's cape, and was holding Rob by the neck. Rob pulled and pulled, but coughed and gave up. I wanted to help, but I couldn't. The man spoke, and it gave me goosebumps.
"If you want the Flower King returned, you WILL bring me the twins by midnight. Or you can say goodbye to your Flower King forever."
The man disappeared, and he took Rob with him. I jumped out of the bush, and fell to my knees where Rob had been- seconds before. I turned to Sky, and his tan skin had paled a lot. Mitch also looks pale. Vikk and Lachlan are hiding behind them.
Sky steps forward, and Vikk falls back. He comes up to where I'm sitting, and I can just barely see behind his glasses. I backpedal, because I can see eyes like the scary man, but yellow. He glances at me, and notices my fear. He kind of ignores it, and goes back to the others.
I keep my distance from Sky, still unsure. No one seems to notice, or care. Vikk, who is two years younger than me, hangs on him. Seto and Brice are on the steps, and Brice seems touchy after the Prince attacked him. His comment about seeing worse still bothers me.
I know what Sky is going to say before he says it. "We need to get Rob, but we can't give him Ty and Anthony." Then he says something I wasn't expecting. "I'd rather keep everyone away form my dad. It's not worth destroying the mountains around us." Dad? What did he mean by dad? Is the scary man his dad?
I raise my hand, and a bit of my own lava drips on my face. Sky looks at me, "What's the matter Preston?" "Um... What do you mean dad? Is the scary man your dad? Are you a monster?" Vikk steps away form Sky, aware of my words.
"Yes, Preston. The scary man is my dad. Not that I approve of it, but he is. His name is Herobrine. My point is, we cannot give him the twins. If he gets hold of Ty and Anthony, bad things in the form of dead people will happen."
"We can't wake them, and we can't wait. What do we do?" Seto asks from the steps. Sky looks at Seto, "What do you mean we can't wake them?" "I mean, if we wake them, I can tell you it will be bad for your health. Don't do it unless you want claws to slit your throat." I speak up, "Soooo... It's a bad idea." Seto nods.

-Brice's POV-
"What if we wait until they wake up, but not until midnight? Like, we wait until... the End's daytime, and tell them before midnight?" Sky takes Jerome's question as an idea, and agrees with it. "It makes sense, but does anyone know when a day in the End begins?" I do, and I know Seto does, and we both raise our hands. Sky's gaze falls on me, and I tell them.
"Daytime in the End begins around our 10pm. So we'll have two hours between their morning, and Herobrine's deadline. Their daytime varies from 6-8 hours long, so it depends." Sky thinks about this, "So, when do you think they'd wake up? Our daytime technically starts around 5am, and no one is normally up. If it goes for them as well, we may have a shorter period of time to work with."
Seto reacts faster than I do, "If the same goes for them, we may have anywhere from 2 hours to a half hour, to five minutes. We won't know until it happens. It could be more, could be less." Sky stamps a foot in frustration. "I wish we could know. It would help immensely. It's horrifying to know that Rob is alone with my dad right now. We need to save him now. But my dad can't know, and no one here can get caught. Not even me."
Hours later, around 9pm, we all sit silently in the living room, careful to be as silent as possible, and yet, still talk and figure out what to do. 10pm came and went. Sky got irritated, and fearful. 11pm came, and around 11:30, Ty woke up. Anthony followed soon after.
We filled them in, and Ty sat up, a little freaked out. At one point, he stood up, and paced, muttering, "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." He turned to us, and I could see he was on the verge of shouting. "How the hell did he get there?" I answer quickly. "He teleported in. We weren't prepared for it, and we didn't sense him in time."
We needed to get Ty on board with our ideas, but he found every negative possible. If he and Anthony got caught, a forcefield would be cast forbidding their teleportation. If Sky got caught, the same thing would happen, and he'd probably be beaten for it. But if Rob stayed, he'd die. That wasn't an option.
If we wanted to save Rob, we need a solid plan. It can't include giving over Ty and Anthony. It can't include Sky being caught. It can't include ANYONE being caught. It has to be airtight.
We need the perfect plan, or bad things will happen. Our plan has to be bedrock solid, and if it isn't, people will die, guaranteed. I can't stress to the guys enough how perfect and airtight this has to be. We save Rob flawlessly, or someone will die.

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