Chapter 26- Anger

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-Ty's POV-
Herobrine's gaze lands on me as I step out. I've met my real mom, so I'll just call her the woman. Well, she grabs my arm, and tries to tug me back, but I'm too strong for her, and I pull away. I snap, "Don't touch me," as I pull my hand away and drop my gaze to the floor. She pulls back, and I can barely see her hurt expression behind my back.
The dragon carefully watched my path, and how I walk. He looks mad that I came out, but he looks scared also. I know what he's thinking. 'Tyler is going to get himself injured. He is going to go too far.' And he's correct. I will go too far, and get hurt in the process... if I'm slow.
But I've sped up my reaction time, and can move faster. Herobrine's expression gets darker as I walk closer. He's getting angrier as I approach. A thought occurs to me. 'What if I can slip past him? Ignore him, and let him stand frozen in rage? That would probably work, considering he might as well be a statue at this point...'
I stand still around 10 feet away from the dragon and Herobrine. The dragon unfolds his wings, and stretches the nightmare black wings to full. Then, he pulls his wings back to his body, and let them rest gently across his back and upper legs like I do. The dragon's wingspan is normally 80 feet, but in his human form, the wingspan is only a quarter that. Mine is also that wide. Though, 20 feet is still wide for any creature.
We stand in silence in a loose circle. Herobrine's eyes flick from me to my wings, to the dragon, to his wings, and back to me. I had to shake out my wings as well, so I did so. While I was at it, I shook out my hair and fixed it. Herobrine flinched when I moved.
I actually laughed at him, because he was jumpy. Then I saw him wince, and curse. He held his hand to his stomach, and winced again. This is when I notice that there's a hole in his tee, and blood everywhere. Herobrine... is hurt?
It looks like a sword wound, straight to the gut. It looks painful too, but oh well- he's nothing to me. "What did you do Herobrine? Skybrine did some damage, didn't he? Or did I mange to kill him with his mother?" "You missed the boy. He's alive, and yes. He did permanent damage with a sword. You shouldn't have missed the boy all those years ago. Bad choice, because your children have corrupted mine."
"Oh, boo hoo. My boys have done nothing but be themselves," he looks at me meaningfully, "right, Tyler?" "Oh yes. All we've done is be us. Except for Anthony's sporadic behavior, because that faded into the oblivion." It hadn't, and only Anthony and I know that. The dragon and Herobrine don't. A woman upstairs somewhere cried out, making Herobrine flinch.
"What the hell?! Shut up!" I can faintly hear a male voice next to him. "Sir, your child is home..." Herobrine disappeared, and I can only assume he teleported. This is gonna get messy.
He reappears, with Sky behind him. Sky's head hangs low, and I can see blood dripping down his face. He's sitting on the floor, curled into himself. "Corruption. This is what happens when that occurs. Skybrine is corrupted, and it's because of your Enders." I run to Sky, and pull him up.
Sky stares at me blankly, but his face is full of pain. The blood I'd seen had made streams down his face, and I found the source quickly. There was a deep cut at the edge of his hairline. Both adults had frozen with my sudden movements. They were watching me.
In anger, I stood, and lashed out at Herobrine. My claw caught his face, and soon, he was half blind. The dragon joined me, and Herobrine was pummeled to the point where he retreated, and teleported away. I lifted Sky into my arms, and jumped out a window. I flew back to the pocket, periodically checking if the dragon was still following.
I landed outside the house, and found Preston. But as soon as I landed, Preston ran inside. The dragon's weight showed as he landed. He made a fissure in the stone pathway. The woman stepped down to the ground, and I carried Sky inside to stop the bleeding.
Being 6 foot, the dragon stayed outside. I found Anthony passed out in the couch, as expected. I'm exhausted, but I stay awake long enough to hand Sky to Josh and Grace to treat his wound. I crash on the couch as soon as Josh takes Sky from me.

-Preston's POV-
It was so cool to see Ty again, but I ran inside to find Mrs. H. Ty held Sky as he landed in front of me. When Ty fell asleep, I went back outside, only to find a bigger version of Ty and Anthony. He had no color to his wings, but his eyes looked like Anthony's. He was super tall, and he looked hype.
Next to him, stood a lady. She looked more like Ty than I would expect. She had the green eyes and brown hair. She had the same style of hair as Ty, but longer. But no wings and tail like Ty.
I shied away, and headed back inside. The lady yelled for me before I could sneak inside. "Hello? Can you tell me where I am? Where's my boy?" "Y-your boy? Ty? You're his mommy?" "Yeah. Can I come inside?" "I- I don't know."
"Can you ask someone?" "Y-yeah. Mr. H?!" Somewhere inside, I hear him call out, "What'd you need, Preston?" "Um... Ty's mommy is here. Can she come in?" "Sure!"
"You can come in." "Thank you." "Um... Ty's fell asleep. So is Anthony. Anthony been sleeping all day. He won't wake up until later. They're on the couches." She looks fascinated by the house, and doesn't seem to recognize anything. Like she's not from here.
"My name is Preston, by the way." "Andrea." She makes her way to the living room, and finds Ty and Anthony. They're still asleep, so she tries not to make noise. I watch her, not sure who exactly she is, because she really just showed up out of nowhere, with a big tall man with wings and a tail.
I realize the man had not come in, and that he'd stayed outside. I'd given permission, and he'd still stayed outside. I asked Andrea. "Oh, he's too tall, honey. He'll bump his head." I think back on it, and remember how tall he is. He didn't look friendly either.
He looked mad. He had shortish black hair, purple eyes, black wings and tail, a black jumpsuit, black sneakers, and black gloves. Black everything. But he had pale skin, and he stood on a deep crack in the path. Rob came out of our room just then to inspect the noise.
"LP? Who's this?" "This is Andrea, Robbie. She's Ty's mommy." Rob still looks tired, and he rubs his eyes a little. "What happened to Sky?" "I dunno. Ty walked in with him and passed out. Sky is with Mrs. and Mr. H."
Andrea explores the house with Grace following her. I go back outside to the big tall man, and notice chains wrapped around his waist, shoulders, wrists, and ankles. The ends dangle. I'd thought his shirt was long sleeve, but turns out it's short sleeve, and his arms are black and scaly. So is his neck, and the bottom of his chin. It all fades to pale skin at the edge of the scales. He's weird.
He ends up laying his back against a tree, and falling asleep there. His heels are digging into the dirt under him, and I see his wings drape to the ground. His head is tipped forward, and his chest moves slowly up and down as he sleeps. I leave him alone. I don't wanna be there.
It starts to get dark after a few hours, and I see the big man outside wake up. Ty and Anthony both wake as well. Before I can stay awake, I'm herded to bed by Mrs. H, and am told to sleep. I don't want to. But I fall asleep anyhow.

-Sky's POV-
My head aches, but I manage to ignore it. I'm sitting in the living room, switching my gaze between Ty and the woman sitting on the opposite end of the couch. She'd tried to sit next to him, but he'd moved away instantly, a look of anger flashing across his face. Ty suddenly puts his hands on his face, and rubs his face. He's still pretty tired.
"Damn." "What?" "The dragon's outside." "What?!" "Sky. He's stuck in a form like me. He can't do anything."
"No no no. I can't have him so close to me. I'll have a breakdown. No. Please Ty, I can't." "Sky. Relax, he really can't do anything. Even your dad thinks it's me, not him." "You spoke to my dad? What the hell? What'd you mean he thinks it's you? What's you?"
"Sky! He thinks I've corrupted you. Herobrine thinks the dragon has nothing to do with you. He thinks that you changing over sides to help the boys is me corrupting you." I let that sink in, and realize the dragon would've probably tried to kill me by now if he wanted. But I'm not sure I want to take a chance. Seto and Brice come into the living room, and the lady, I've been told is named Andrea, gasps. She's spotted them.
"Sky. Who is she. Sky? Help?" Brice backs away as Andrea gets closer. "Are you a Solace?" Brice freezes in terror and shock. "Yes. Why? Are you here to hurt me?" "No! I... You're mother..." "What! Spit it out." "You're a big brother."
(I wanted to end the chapter here, but it was too short... Tee hee)
Brice's expression is full of confusion, and anger. "Excuse me?" "Your mother had a second child. I was there." In seconds, Brice has fled to his room, and I get up to follow. I tell everyone to stay in the living room while I help Brice.
I find him in the corner behind the bed, knees curled into his chest, looking angry and confused. He notices me standing in the doorway. "What." "I wanted to help, Brice. Why are you so angry about this?" "I don't want a sibling. I never did. And they're going to end up being raised the same way I was. I don't want them falling into the Solace trap."
"Brice. How 'bout this. I'll take you to the castle, and we can sort it out with Amelia." "Fine. I want to go now." "Okay. I'll tell Grace where we'll be, and we can go. Give me two seconds." I quick find Grace, tell her the plan, and I go back to get Brice. "Cmon. Let's go."

Eh... Why not? Haha. Love you guys.

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