Chapter 3- Healing Ty

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I left Ty in my room, sitting on the bed, as I left to go to dinner. The idea of a portal in the End both confused me, and made me slightly afraid. The dragon. If it got out into the Overworld... I can't even think of the possibilities. It's meant to stay secure in the End. I need to tell my dad about this, but he'd ask why, and I wouldn't be able to answer. No, telling Dad would pretty much kill Ty.
I slip through the dining hall door, and sit in my seat. My meal is set before me precariously, and instead of letting me do it, the servant swiftly takes the top off of it, seeing my bad mood. They're really good at reading facial expressions, and I wish they weren't, because someone tipped off my dad about my mood. He set his hands on the table, and crosses his arms. He looks at me, studying me, and notices my mood himself.
"What's wrong Sky? You seem down on yourself. You know I hate that." I look up at him, "Yes I know Dad, but still. I don't know. I have nothing to do, and it's getting boring." I instantly regret this, because my dad goes,"Well, you could come with me tomorrow and grief those stupid 'players'. I don't even know why they're called players. This isn't a game. It's life." It is. He's right, but it seems different when it comes to the players in the cities.
My thoughts wander, and I come to the ones below in the cell block. I can occasionally hear them speak to one another, but when I go down, they're silent, like they're afraid. I ask my dad,"What happens? To the ones in the cell block? They almost seem afraid to talk to me." His expression hardens. "You go down? And you try to talk with them? Sky, have you gone MAD?!"
"No! I'm just- curious, is all. Who all are down there anyway?" He goes stone wall mode, and ignores my question. His sunglasses fall off his face, and he doesn't even bother to put them back on. His glowing blank white eyes are slightly unnerving, and when he lifts his head again, he looks furious with my questions. I stop asking questions, and get up, taking my meal back to my room.
Once inside, I find Ty, still on the bed, but he has his face buried in the pillow, and his wings and tail fall off. His feet are pretty straight, but his one ankle is all twisted up, and I'm afraid to touch him to fix it. He shifts in his sleep, and it rights itself. Just because I don't want to wake him and move him, I lay on my couch, and pass out there.
The next morning arrives with a knock on there door, making me jump a good two feet, and fall off the couch. Muffled by the door, I hear a servant call,"Master Sky, are you alright?" I call back,"Ya! I'm fine. What'd you need?" She hesitates, and says,"Your father wishes to speak with you. He says it's very important." Uh oh, this can't be good news.
Ty is still asleep, so I quietly sneak out and lock the door. I head downstairs and find my dad, sitting on the living room couch, reading a book. He never reads, so I'm a little afraid. I get to him, and realize the book is backwards, and upside down. He looks up in time to see me touch the last step.
"Well. I think we need to talk about what happened yesterday." His shades glint with the light behind them. "Okay, so... what?" "You asked me a dangerous question yesterday, and that could've ended badly. What you did could've jeopardized this house. And those players below in the cell block." I understand the concept of his speech, because I'd done something stupidly similar when I was younger. I'd asked what the screams were in the basement, and he'd nearly exploded on me. Anger management, nice job.
He continued,"Of course I'd tell you, but it wasn't the best idea after a time like that." I'm confused, "Time like what?" "The servants have sensed an unwelcome presence, and-" Just then, a servant's scream poured from upstairs. And it was coming from my room.
Dad rushes past me, and instead of following, I teleport up. I beat him to my room, and I find the servant, slack faced, and totally horrified. She's watching Ty, who had reacted to the scream, and had hidden in the corner, shaking. Ty looks scared to death, and my dad reaches the door. He follows the servant's line of sight straight to Ty, who's still scared out of his mind from the scream.
My dad's angry, and confused. He'd never seen a dragon hybrid, and I hadn't either until I met Ty. He's shocked into silence, but I can tell he's angry. Damn. I'm gonna get Ty killed because I forgot the servants had keys to every room in the castle. Then I'm gonna get a beatdown because I hadn't secured him myself.
Dad comes out of his shock, and calls for guards. Ty looks at me desperately, and I know if I do anything to help him, I'd get beaten back, adding to my punishment. I lower my head, completely upset. The guards pull Ty to his feet, and drag him out of the room. Ty's face is pure betrayal, and I feel like I did really betray him.
I follow the guards and Ty, until Ty lashes out, and his wings connect with the heads of the guards holding him. Several more tackle him, and I hear hollow, thin bones snapping under feet. I know that Ty's wings have been broken, but I don't hear normal cries of pain like the players have. Ty is silent, and takes the pain quietly. The guards peel off one by one.
They pick Ty back up, and instead of his wings being folded nicely across his back, they hang in odd angles, dragging on the floor. The group heads into the elevator, the only one with the cell block button. I teleport down, and hide in the far side, just as the group reaches the cell block. One opens a cell door, and the others drop Ty in a heap on the floor inside. They slam the door shut, and they laugh as they leave via the elevator.
A small purple flame lights up near Ty, and I see a hand under it in the dark shadows. Ty sits up, intrigued by this light, and sits against the wall. No one down here has noticed me, so I stay silent. A small figure appears from the shadows, and I see a sorcerer. He looks young, maybe 12, but he has a powerful aura. Three full years younger than me, and this kid is stuck in a dark prison. Others appear, and I note about 4 total.
One is the sorcerer kid, a second is maybe a 10 year old boy wearing a red and black checkered hoodie. Third is another 10 year old boy, but this one has all black on except a fuzzy brown bear hat. Last is another sorcerer, but he looks totally different and his flame is a different color. The second sorcerer's flame is bright sky blue, while the first one has a royal purple flame. The first one has a dark purple cloak, and a white headband going under the front of his dirty blond hair. The second has spiky lemon yellow hair, a gold ingot long sleeved shirt, and jeans.
They all wear standard gray blue jeans, but they all look very different. Their eyes are the most different. The first sorcerer has shiny, glowing purple eyes, much like Ty. The one with the hoodie has caramel colored brown eyes, the one with the bear hat has darker brown eyes, and the second sorcerer has cobalt ocean blue eyes. They all approach Ty slowly, and they all look immensely curious. I'd never seen these players, because they'd always hide from me.
Ty looks at them, and seems confused. "What's the matter? I'm not gonna hurt you guys!" The one in the hoodie stops, frowning,"Well, how are we supposed to know? You have wings and fangs for God's sake."

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