Chapter 34- The End

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(A/N: not the end of the book... The end dimension!)
-Ty's POV-
As much as my wings ache, as much as the small rational part of my brain is screaming at me to stop, I still try to kill him. He is my natural enemy, and he's weak. I can easily take him out. Then he'll never pose another threat to anyone. But that thought is tossed when Sky yells at me.
"Ty! You can't kill me if that's what you're trying to do! I'm an immortal. You'll get rid of me for a maximum of an hour. But if you continue this, I will have all rights to send you back to the End and seal you in. Okay?"
I try to answer, but the terrible madness has taken everything. I don't know where Anthony is, but he's disappeared. I can sense the dragon far away, at the Solace mansion still, but he's approaching fast. I watch as Sky stumbles, and hits the floor. He's still blind, so he doesn't know where he is, or maybe where I am.
Lunging at him, I see terror cross his face, and he curls into a ball. Above him, I see Herobrine. The man is standing in midair, directly above Sky. Behind me, I suddenly spot both Anthony and the dragon. While I'm terribly lost in confusion, Anthony takes my arm, and drags me away from Sky.
The dragon stays put, staring at both Sky and Herobrine. "I see your boy has a disability. When did that happen?" "The day before the child was born. My brother and I did it to help the people relax. It only served to hurt the boy. But oh well." "Well, that's a hefty disability. And with my boys, I'm surprised he ended up here. In this situation." "Well, Drake, if your boys weren't crazy insane, he wouldn't. But at this point, I don't care if they kill him. He's useless to me. They could kill him twenty times for all I care."
I sit there quietly with Anthony holding me back. He has one hand clamped on my wrist, and another on my wing to snap it if I do anything wrong. I've noticed that every conversation between the dragon and Herobrine has consisted of yelling at each other for the other one's children/ child. And now they're debating Herobrine's son's life. His life for god sakes.
Sky is still curled up on the floor, shaking in his own right. I had scared the hell outta him, so I feel kinda bad now. The madness had drifted away to be replaced by lost confusion. I've also realized I keep hearing the dragon's real name. It's Drake.
But what I hear next is amazing. "Devin. I miss calling you that, ya know. But Devin. You can't drag your child down because you don't like him. He has a purpose. That's why he was given to you."
"But he serves no purpose. Kayla gave me nothing. Which is partly your fault, by the way." "By the way, where is Markus these days? Is he even in the Aether anymore? Or did you scare him away?"
"Markus is lazy. He sits in his cloud castle here in the Aether, thousands of miles from here." "It's amazing you and Markus ever got along, considering the way you act around each other now." "Markus was older, and he thought he knew everything. So of course we don't get along anymore. He's big headed."
Soon, while they speak, I feel a spark in me, the same madness that had tried to get me to kill Sky earlier. I start to leap in that direction, and I feel the pain of Anthony's grip as the force of me pulling against his steel grip snaps my wing. I sit silently, biting my lip. Anthony keeps hold of my wing and wrist.
The two continue talking, oblivious to my futile attempt to get to Sky. "You have no control over anything Markus and I do, Drake, or should I truly call you- Elena." The dragon tenses. "You have no right to call me that." "Oh! I don't! Well okay then Elena."
The dragon is starting to visibly get angry and twitchy. Sky starts to sit up, and scrambles away to his feet when he hears Herobrine's voice above him. "I don't know why you hate yourself so much, Elena. When I saw you before this all happened, I thought you were the most beautiful creature in the world. Now you've gone dark, and male..." "Damn it Devin. Shut yourself up.
I chose what I wanted. I'd wanted it for far too long, I hated looking like I did. I hated who I was. And what kind of name is Herobrine? Seriously?"
I'm learning names to match with faces right now, and I've learned that even though I don't know what he looks like, Notch's real name is Markus. Herobrine is Devin, and the dragon... Well... That's hard to explain.
But I think the dragon was actually a girl at one point. Herobrine keeps calling the dragon Elena- a girl's name. He says he liked the dragon before, something a guy would say to a girl. And Herobrine also said that the dragon had 'gone male'. Meaning the dragon was once a girl, but somehow got a gender change.
Sky sits in he middle of the floor, confused as hell, and lost. But as he glances my way, the glow of his eyes returns. I can no longer see the milky white irises of Sky's eyes. And yet, the two continue to argue. They don't acknowledge us.
"Elena, why did you not like yourself? I don't see a point to it. You were beautiful in every way. Now you're just..." "Just what, Devin? I don't care what you think about me now. The main argument started with my boy attacking yours. This topic is over with. Now stop. I don't appreciate your criticism."
Herobrine stopped, and pondered his next words. "Why did Tyler attack?" I flinch when Herobrine says my name, because I assumed he'd only ever call me Ender. I didn't think he knew my name. "My boys both have behavioral issues. They don't function correctly sometimes. They both will suffer short term memory on rare occasions."
"We do?" Anthony, you idiot. The dragon and Herobrine both turned to us. "Yes, Anthony. You do. Here's a question for you. What'd you do last week?" "I- don't know. Oh..."
Herobrine and the dragon both shift to face each other once again, but this time, Sky is standing between them. Probably by accident, but Herobrine looks infuriated. "Get out of the way. Now, Sky!" Herobrine's voice is tight and strangled by anger. Sky backs up as best he can without getting hurt.
"Go easy on the boy. He can't see." "I know! I blinded him, remember Elena?" "I told you. Stop CALLING me that!" The movement that follows is one I'm not familiar with. A dark wave is spread the minute the dragon waves an open clawed hand.
When the wave washes over me, I feel pure anger follow it, and a memory. But this isn't a normal memory. It's from a perspective unknown. In it, I see a girl, dressed in white and gray. She has a white t-shirt on, and gray jeans. Purple sneakers, and a green headset like mine.
Her eyes are like an alley cat's- one green, one purple. In the perspective, she smiles at whoever it is, and it flashes sharp fangs. Soon, her face turns to sudden terror, and she falls through a hole in the grass. The perspective follows. The scene changes drastically.
Now the girl is in a room, with two guys, one with a child sitting beside him. The three clearly know each other. They glance confusedly at each other. "Devin? Markus?" the girl asks. It hits me that the girl is the dragon before. They both ask, "Elena? Where are we?" "I don't know. Why is Seto here?" "He- I don't know. He's just... here."
Suddenly, a large man appears in front of the three adults and child. He has a white beard, black hair, onyx black eyes, and a white suit with a black tie. "Who are you? What do you want?" The man grumbles, "I am here to give you an opportunity. One to become gods." Markus gets excited. "Really? Yes! Deal taken." The man scolds him. "You haven't even learned what you're doing! Shut up and listen."
"You will be taking over and creating a new world. This one, Earth, is too crowded with people. Earth is going to be eliminated when you've created the new world. A new people, a new population. This is your task as gods."
"Deal still taken." "Now hold on, Markus. What about Seto? Why is my boy here?" "He shall stay with you. Wherever you go, he will too. There are three realms to be created. Each of you may choose one, and only one to create personally. But that doesn't mean you can't travel between them."
"Okay then. Deal taken as well. Elena? Will you join us?" The girl scoffed. "For a price." "Of what, Elena?" "My gender. I want it changed."
"Very well, child. You shall have your price paid." Three portals opened. One of gold etched stone with a blue portal water. A second made of obsidian, with purple portal water. And a third that laid down instead of standing upright like the others. It had pedestals with blinking green serpent- like eyes. In the center, a water designed to look like space- a pure black void.
Each adult stepped up to a portal, and the child followed Devin. Markus was at the gold stone, Devin- the obsidian, and Elena- the strange pedestal one. Markus and Devin (with his child) leapt into their portals, but Elena stayed. "My price?" "Go in, and it will be paid in seconds of your arrival."
She jumped in, and was found falling. She tried to fly desperately, and found she was actually flying. She noticed the price had been paid, and extra. She was no longer human either. He was a dragon, a massive one at that.
All sleek and black, with an 80 foot wingspan. 100 feet in length, and stealthy as hell. Below, he could see a landscape. It had no trees or anything. Just a creme colored island floating over nothing. A void.
On this island were tall black creatures with purple eyes. They had crazy long arms and legs, and very short, stocky bodies and small heads. "Great. This is what I'll call the End. Add towers to heal me if needed, and I'm done here."
The memory fades away, and I'm left staring blankly at the dragon, 10 feet away in the center of the room. He's puffing hard, and Herobrine is on the floor, on his hands and knees, retching and crying. "I- Seto..." Sky tilts his head, a bit angry. "Seto is my brother? Why'd you never tell me?" "Because. You were a miserable child. I didn't even want you."
I chip in to help Sky. "That's harsh. Just because you didn't want him, doesn't mean you have the right to treat him like shit. He's got feelings too." Sky glances back. "Thanks man." "No problem. It's what friends do."
Herobrine's face is very drawn, and sad. He's stood up, so I can clearly see his face now. "I had Seto before this damn madness. He was two when that idiot god came to change our lives. The time rolled back on us, and Seto disappeared the second we arrived in the Nether. The last thing I heard him say was Help. I will never forgive that idiot for what he did. He erased my son."

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