Chapter 53- Emerald

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-Ty's POV-
That girl confused me a few days ago, but I understood her. She liked me, more so, who I am. I don't know why, but she was upset that I didn't. But I only don't like it because most people push me away, and others will not hesitate to try and kill or cage me. She called me unique, but I don't know what that means exactly.
But she also said to not take judgements harshly. How can I not? People here in the Aether are so incredibly rude. I can't even walk 2 paces in a populated area. Not that I've tried though.
I absently watched the exact place I last saw the girl. And suddenly, I could see her again. She stood not 10 feet from me. She skipped over happily. "Have you thought about it?"
I was stunned. She came back for a rhetorical question's answer. There wasn't even a legitimate question. She just wanted an answer. I blanked entirely, and just nodded.
She beamed, and took my hand through the bars. "Great! I know it's frustrating, but you have to let it go. These things happen." What?!?! Is this girl okay? How does she know?
"My friends and I are like you, silly. Not exactly, but close. But to see them, I have to get you out and to the nearby fantasy pocket." She lets go of my hand and slips to the door in front of me. She sneakily gets a bobby pin from her hair into the lock, and picks it easily. "Hey! Kid! Get away from it! That's real dangerous you know!"
"No he's not! Go fuck yourself!" "Hey, that's not language a kid your age should know." "Does it look like I care?" "If you let him out you're endangering everyone." "Idiots. He's perfectly fine. Nothing to worry about."
I stepped out of the cage, and the adult arguing with the girl hightailed away. "Take yourself south, just a single mile until you're clear of the city. I'll meet you there." She slipped away into the crowd again. I followed instructions, and navigated south.
I found a thick, beautiful forest. I could see the girl below in the grass. She waved me down. She stepped past the pocket's border, and white rabbit ears popped up on her head. She changed drastically, her hair growing to a light tan, her eyes becoming diamond teal.
Her outfit hadn't changed, which was a short yellow dress, orange leggings, and gray sandals. She had ruby earrings, and a small ruby necklace. A small tiara with another ruby appeared in her hair. She was smiling.
"I never introduced myself properly. I'm Kara."
(Yes. I did.)

-Sky's POV-
Anthony stumbled in the castle, and he suddenly fell, grasping his head. I rushed over, and kneeled next to him. "Anthony? Are you okay?" He cried loudly, and passed out on the floor in front of me. I took him to my room to keep him out of the way.
He woke up shortly after I'd set him on the bed. He flailed, curled into a ball, and sobbed. "Anthony." I said softly. "What happened. Where's your brother?" "I don't know what it's called. But the players took him."
"Where?" "I'll show you. I don't know." He led me outside, and pointed to the meadow. "The meadow? They took him so close?! Everyone knows who's this is. Who would be brave enough to intrude on the Flower King's property? That's so stupid." "I know!"
"We'll find him, Anthony. It's okay." "Thank you." "Finally got that down, huh?" "Took long enough. Thank Tyler when we find him." "I'll make sure I do, Anthony. Trust me."
We traveled about, and I could faintly feel Ty's energy, but not enough to pin it down. It continually faded in and out, and kept moving. It was too weak and mobile to pin down. I kept moving, and I suddenly picked up on Ty. His energy was very solid, and moving fast. I pinned it instantly, in fear I'd lose it.
I got Anthony's attention immediately, and ran in Ty's direction. He stopped, and it faded out again. But this time, it disappeared completely. It wasn't coming back.
That deflated my happy mood a little, but I kept on it. I ran faster toward a big, looming, beautiful forest dead ahead. I fell under one tree, and felt the atmosphere change. It was a fantasy pocket. A true pocket.
It was clear, fresh, spring air, while on the outside it was brisk, cold, autumn air. The forest was alive with all the animals and chirping crickets. It was already late afternoon, and most animals would be out now. I could find Ty now, in an enclosed space. If he left, I'd feel his energy again, but pinned.
But I could pick up on fantasy energies. Very energetic, young, and playful. There were 2, and a strange one I couldn't decipher. I quickly lost focus and ran smack dab into a tree. Anthony giggled and kept walking.
"Anthony! There's fantasies in here! I don't know what kind though. Be on guard just in case." "Got it." Ty's energy got stronger, but it wasn't pinned in the pocket. I can't pin an energy in fantasy territory. He was close enough that I could feel him anyway...
But I froze, because I sensed something running at me, top speed. A child's scream came with it, and I was tackled to the grass. A small body was on top of me, and scrambled off. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! Mat pushed me!" "You're okay. I'm fine."
Another child's voice carried. "I didn't mean to push you Brandon! I tripped!" "Sure, Mat. Sure." "Hey, don't fight. Just, tell me who you are. I'm really curious. I won't hurt you." "I'm Mathew Nooch. Just call me Mat."
"And I'm... Well..." "I'll explain it Pete. He kinda has 2 different names. His mom never settled on one, so she let him keep both. One is Brandon Cody, the other is PeteZahHutt. It's awesome. Just call him Brandon or Pete."
"Guys, first off, I can't see you. Second, one of you is a fantasy. One of you is not. Which is which?" "You can't see?" "No. I'm blind."
Mat cried. "That is so cool! It probably sucks, but that's awesome! And Pete's a slime. I'm a robot."
"So, Mat, you're a robot, and Pete's a... Slime?" "Yeah, I am." "Don't be ashamed. That's neat. I've never met a slime before." "Really? How?" "I've never entered this pocket before."
"Pocket? This isn't the world?" "No, Pete. It's only a fraction of the world. It's sad, but true. But my friend is in here." I point to Anthony absently. "His brother, is somewhere in here. Can you help us? He looks exactly like him, but the purple is green." "Oh! He's with Kara on the other end."
"Kara?" "Yeah! She's our friend. She's a bunny rabbit hybrid." Okay... That was the other fantasy I'd sensed. The boys dashed through the woods, toward the north. Back toward the direction of the Flower kingdom.
Mat sprinted off trees like Preston, and Pete bounded along like a slime should. I could start to hear a girl's voice, mixed with the rustling leaves. Mat stopped in front of me, and put a hand on my chest. "Stop. We'll check quick." "Kara?!" Pete cried.
"Yes, Brandon?!" "His brother is here... And his blind friend..." "Blind? Come in here whoever you are." I shoved Anthony ahead of me, and he stumbled. I felt him duck into a cove, so I ducked under as well.
I could feel Anthony glaring at me half heartedly. "Um... Who are you?" "I'm Sky. This is Anthony." "Well, Sky and Anthony, can you get him to speak? I can't even get his name out of him."
Anthony speaks up. "His full name is Tyler, but Sky calls him Ty for some reason." Then he shifts languages, and his words roll off his tongue like anyone who naturally speaks English. I can't understand a word. It's not a taught language. It's Endertongue.
Ty's voice sounds, but it's also in full Endertongue. "He says he refuses to speak. He won't tell me why." "Ask him then. He will physically respond to me, but he won't speak." Anthony turns back to Ty. A few words, and the conversation gets heated. Anthony swears in Latin a couple of times...
"Irrumabo..." He muttered.
Ty blatantly refused to speak in English, and was stubborn about it. Nothing could get him to speak English, so everyone but Anthony only heard mumbo jumbo. Only Anthony could understand him, and he chose to ignore his stubborn-ass twin outright.
We all talked, minus Ty, and the three wanted to come to the castle with us. But that was going to require time and energy to enchant these three kids. "Give me just a second guys. I'll be right back." And I teleported to the castle, specifically to Seto and Brice.
"Guys, big question. Do you have energy for an enchanting session." "Yes." They said simultaneously. "Good. We got three kids, two fantasies and a robot, who want to come, but are stuck in a pocket." "Great! Let's go." I teleported them back, and they got to work. They gave Kara a small charm for her tiara, Pete got an earpiece, and Mat got a necklace chain with a small bolt charm.

-Anthony's POV-
Sky teleported them out of the pocket, and all three changed. Pete's hair grew in, and was shoulder length, milk chocolate brown. He had a green slime design on his bandana, a green shirt that said Sticky Beats, and a beanie with another green slime design. He has green eyes. Kara's ears and cotton ball tail disappeared, and she didn't change otherwise.
Mat... Well, Mat became human like Pete. But Mat lost more than Pete. Pete kept ideals of himself, but all Mat had was his little bolt necklace. His hair grew in all dark brown-black and curly. Light blue eyes, an orange and gray sweatshirt, fingerless orange gloves with wires sticking out all over, tan board slacks, and tall, manyullyn boots.
The boots went up and over his knees, and hugged his upper leg tightly. So over half his legs are coated in very strong, royal purple metal. And yes, I know what manyullyn is. We have a little bit of it in the End. Tyler and I both have manyullyn swords. It's a very sturdy metal in every class.
Sky helped them understand what to do, and Mat got the hang of it quicker than Brandon. Brandon struggled for a moment, only used to stubs like Preston had. He also had fingers, and looked bewildered by them. Kara was jumping around a few seconds after stepping out. She was fine with this.
Brandon got the hang of it, but it took a few minutes of walking in a straight line to get right. "He looks cool both ways. They all do. But Kara didn't change..." "Tyler, you'll have to speak English eventually. Remember my first time? I didn't wanna speak either. But I did." "Well, I haven't been able to. I'm still shell-shocked from the net and cage. That stuff is traumatic, Anthony. Damn Aether."
"Tyler..." I warned. "This is the fault of both you and the players. You got yourself in that mess, but they trespassed, as Sky so blatantly put it." "That's right, but it doesn't change the trauma in any which way."
"Ya know what, I'm out." And he disappeared, leaving everyone shocked by the sudden English.

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