22: Hobbit Hair

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I find myself lying on a couch, wrapped in a blanket and so comfortable. For a millisecond I don't remember where I am but I realize that I'm in Dan's flat. Did I really fall asleep here? Oh god. I'll just go back to sleep and figure everything out when I get up.

As soon as I attempt to close my eyes, the sound of Dan's light footsteps head in my direction.

"Aud? Are you awake?" He whispers, crouched down on the floor.

"Mhm. Did I really fall asleep here or did you drug me?" I sleepily giggle. 

"I think we fell asleep during the lion king, which is surprising because I rarely sleep before 3 am." He pushes the loose strands of hair off of my face. "But, I was thinking about going out for breakfast. Thoughts?" He says as I finally open my eyes. 

"Breakfast sounds great. I'm hungry." I attempt to get up but I'm just too tired. 

"If you dont get up, I'll.....I'll...um... make you get up!" He laughs and picks me up off the couch.

"Ah! DANIEL! Put me down! Stop! Dan!" I scream as he carries me out of the living room.

"I'm guessing you don't want to go out looking like that." He chuckles and makes a grossed out face.

"You don't look so hot either!" I laugh.

"Let's take a taxi to your place and you can get ready and then we can go?" He finally puts me down to smooth down his hobbit hair.

"Great idea. I'll let you get ready and then we can go." I push his shoulder in the direction of his room and he heads down the hall.

"You actually don't look half bad Audrey!" He calls from down the hall and I can't help but smile.

"Right back atcha, Howell." I grin.

(A/N: SORRY this is so short but I mayyyyyyyyyy *idk* update later. We'll see. Love you all! PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE AND SHARE YALL)

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