8: Off Again

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The trunk of the van was shut and my very last possession had been shut in a suitcase.

"Audrey, I'm sorry we have to leave. I don't want this and I know you don't either. There's nothing I can do about it sweetheart. We'll miss you." A single tear ran down Mark's cheek as he pulled me into a tight hug. Mary and Mark had to move to America. 

Mark's job was forcing him to move to America and the UK adoption agency won't let them take me with them to America. I'll miss them. We became very close in the last year and a half. Mary understood me more than I thought she would and Mark always made me laugh. They both tried their best to make me feel like their own child. They also tried the hardest to make me forget the pains that came from Alice and Tom.

I was being taken back to the UK adoption agency's office in London and then shipped off to another home for six months until I could go to Uni and live a life of my own. I was ready to start new. I was more than ready to forget my past and create the most beautiful future I can. I'm ready to go.

I tried to sleep most of the car ride to London to avoid Mary and Mark's sad faces. They would only make me miss my temporary home even more.


"Hi Audrey! Pleasure to see you again! It's been a while, hasn't it? Please do not worry about anything, we have your new foster parents here to take you home right now! Exciting, right?" The bubbly woman rambled on to me as we walked down the grey hall to meet my new temporary family. All of my possessions were left in the car for Mary and Mark to drive to my new home before leaving to America.

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