Chapter Fifteen: Taking Things A Little Too Far

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Well here it is! I hope you enjoy Chapter fifteen of You've Fallen For Me :) Thank you for reading, voting, and commenting. Your all super amazing!!:)) Enjoy. I don't own Naruto or the mentioned characters in this story, Kishimoto is the rightful owner. So thank him.:)


Sasuke, kissed her harshly as Hinata stayed frozen under his tight hold. His hold on her shoulders tightening, when she slowly begin to register the kiss. She used her two hands on his chest, trying to shove him away but was left with not avail. Sasuke, tighten his hold on her. Deepen the kiss, pushing his body closer to hers. Her knees buckled from beneath her.

"Take it as your new profound mission,"

Pulling away, Hinata's eyes slowly opened. Her white eyes shimmering under the bright moon. Her lips quivering, her body trembling, her cheeks stained red and the look that decorated her face filled with sorrow.

"Hyuga," Sasuke said, grabbing Hinata's hand. His distant orbs, observing her intensely. Choking on a sob, Hinata yanked her hand away from Sasuke. Her eyes wide with unshed tears.

"I-I-I have to go, U-U-Uchiha-san" Hinata mumbled softly, her head hanging. She observed the dirt floor through her blurry vision. Biting her lower lip, clenching her small fist. "G-G-Gomen" She whispered, briskly walking away. Sasuke, rolled his eyes. This will be harder than expected. Sasuke thought bitterly, watching her disappearing figure walk pass a small tree. Choking back a groan, Sasuke went after Hinata. Catching up with her in a hastily pace. Her small figure, walked in a slow tune, trembling slightly, her hands locked in a tight fist. Taking her hand in his, he pulled her back. Her back hitting his chest with a loud smack. Echoing throughout the trees, and large monuments.

"Where are you going, Hyuga?" Sasuke asked lowly, his eyes staring ahead the dark path.

"I-I-I have to leave" She stuttered lowly, pulling her hand away. Moving away from him. Her hair blowing against the blowing wind. "Gomen!" She bowed.

"What about the fireworks?" He asked her.

"U-U-Uchiha-san I don't think I-I-I can stay. It's j-j-just that-"

"You don't want to be near me?" He interrogated. His eyes boring into her.

"N-N-No it's n-n-not that, it's just that-" Rolling his eyes, Sasuke grabbed her hand. Pulling her closer to him.

"Your staying" He declared, "You didn't make me come all the way here just so you can-"

"G-G-Gomen," Tugging her hand, she smiled faintly. "I'm j-j-just not feeling very g-g-good" She explained in a low mumble. Her head looking down, her long blue hair covering her face like a curtain.

"Why would that be?" He asked, using his finger to lift her chin up. Facing her deep red tint cheeks. "Can it be because of this?" He asked lowly, pulling her closer to him. His lips hovering above hers, before she can back away he dived in kissing her plump lips. Pressing his lips upon hers. His hands going around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Biting her lower lip, to which she gasp in surprise. Her eyes flew open, and Sasuke took this as an open opportunity. But before he can take it, he felt two soft hands on his chest. Shoving him away. He backed away, his eyes flew open. Seeing Hinata lips bruised red, her cheeks crimson.

"W-W-Why are you doing this, U-U-Uchiha-san?" Hinata asked confusingly, her hands covering her lips. She eyed him, her voice broken. Her opal eyes filled with confusion, as other emotions danced around her face. Sasuke walked closer to her. Removing her hands away, from her lips. Holding them down with his hands. Smirking softly, he pecked her lips over and over again.

"I..." He came closer. His breath tickling her face. "Don't" he peck her lips lightly. "Exactly" Pressing his lips fully upon hers. "Know" He finished, smashing his lips on her forcefully. Bitting her lower lip, feeling her lip against his teeths. He smiked slightly, feeling her hands slowly move around his neck with shaky hands. Hugging her body close, he deepen the kiss.


Walking in a slow pace, Hinata bit her bottom lip. Her hands clenched on her lavender kimono. Her steps light and soft, Sasuke's hard and slow. The glowing moon, brightening their path. The smell of smoke, and sake filled the village. Slurs of passing by drunk villagers, and bickering non-stop earn the attention of the village. Sasuke, next to Hinata with only a few centimeters away. Kept occasionally looking at her blushing face. Her scarlet cheeks, her white and tint lavender eyes, her deep red lips, her long bluish hair framing her face, and her soft and pale skin.

"Hm."He turned around, now facing the vacant roads. The dark light soon invading the path. The only light, coming from the distant moon. His eyes traveled from the road, to back to Hinata. Catching her in the act. Catching her staring at him. Her cheeks quickly turning crimson, turning back around hurriedly. Her head hanging low, her hair now covering her blushing face. "What?" Sasuke asked through the cold and now becoming chilly air. She flinched, shifting uncomfortably being the center of his attention.

"N-N-Nothing!" She exclaimed loudly. Feeling his intense eyes on her. Asking in a amusing tone, Sasuke came closer to her shifting body.

"You were staring, Hyuga." He said lowly, his breath tickling her face. Taking a step closer, he grabbed Hinata's arm. Turning her around, now facing her burning face. Her silver eyes averting to the ground. The chilly air brushed her flaming hot cheeks. Giving her some comfort, and at the same time let out a small shiver. "Do I have something in my face?" Sasuke asked teasingly, watching her squirm under his hold. He smirked. "Or was it-" Tugging her arm away from his soft hold, Hinata stepped away. Shaking her head repeatedly.

"W-W-We have to get going, i-i-it's getting dark and-"

"You have the Byugakun, I'm sure you can see in the dark." Sasuke paused. "Especially if anything should come our way" He finished saying. Clearing her throat, as she nod her head.

"I-I-It's just that" She played with her fingers, her heart beating fast against her ribcage. The feeling of tingles running down her spine, felt different. She felt warmth.

"Do I make you nervous, Hyuga?" Sasuke asked above a whisper. Bringing her closer to him. He observed her deep red cheeks, her lip biting, and her averting eyes.

"N-N-No, it's j-j-just that." She paused. "I-I-I don't-" Coming closer to her nervous body, a small smirk playing on his lips. His features teasingly, eyeing her nervousness.

"You don't what, Hyuga?" Sasuke asked, his face only coming near and closer to hers. "You know we came here to see those fireworks you like so much, yet" He stop. Observing her shifting figure. Unbelievable "Were leaving a bit to early, don't you think Hyuga?" He asked softly,

"W-W-Well you see, I-I-I-"

"How about we-"

"Oi!" He cursed inside his mind, turning around to see the similar silver haired ninja approaching them. He growled lowly, "Sasuke, Hinata-chan your leaving already?" He asked.


"I couldn't help but notice you leaving."

"And how is it that you noticed?" Sasuke asked threateningly.

"Well this is the path you'll usually take to go to the Hyuga compound and well your apartment" Kakashi said as if it was the obvious thing. Noticing Hinata's blushing cheeks, and Sasuke's usual annoyed expression he smirked. Chuckling softly. "So what were you both doing all alone?" Kakashi asked, wiggling his eyebrows playfully. Loving the scene of Hinata blushing even redder and Sasuke rolling his eyes furiously, clenching his fist.

"Just" Sasuke said, stopping mid-way as a way to control the boiling anger threaten to lash out. Taking a deep breath, he pointed to the opposite side. "Leave" Walking closer to him, he shook his head. Placing one hand on Sasuke's shoulder blade and the other on Hinata's.

"You know the fireworks should be starting anytime soon" Kakashi said, looking at the clear sky. The stars sparking, as the moon shined brightly like a white light. "Why don't you join me and-"

"Kakashi, what are you-"

"G-G-Gomen, but I don't t-t-think that I can-"

"Just loosen up you two!" Kakashi exclaimed loudly, removing his hand from Hinata's shoulder. Pointing towards the rooftops. "Just be like them for once" Kakashi explained.

"I-I-It's just that I-"

"Hinata, don't make me force you. Just do it, eh?" Kakashi asked, "I know you can't possibly want to miss the fireworks" He said. "Or did something happen that has you so-"

"N-N-No!" She cried. Shaking her head furiously. "I-I-I'll go" She gived in. Kakashi grin.

"Well alright!" Turning to look at Sasuke. He ordered him. "You, go get me and Hinata-chan drinks." He demanded. "And a couple of snacks"

"Why do I!-"

"Bye" Without giving him much chance to deny his offer, Kakashi took Hianta. Putting his arms under her legs, carrying her bride style up the rooftops. "See ya!"



Growling deeply, Sasuke took the three onigiri's and the small bento box he purchased. Along with three tea drinks placed in a cardboard cup holder. He took a nearby bag, shoving everything but the drinks inside. Exiting the small shop, walking back to the small spot where Kakashi disappeared with Hinata. Stupid Kakashi.

Frowning, he jumped up top of a rooftop with the help of a nearby tree. He looked around, seeing all of Konoha's village uptop. Smiles displayed on their faces.

"Tch." Walking by many of the people, he kept his eyes out for a certain silver haired man, with the company of the girl with pale skin. His eyes searched the area.

"Oi! Sasuke!" He turned. Seeing a waving hand near Konoha's academy. He frowned. Walking towards the opposite side of his current location, heading straight to the building. Jumping occasionally with caution due to the drinks. Coming near, he saw Kakashi leaning against one of the small walls. His arms crossed over his chest. Hinata was seated next to him, a bit too close.

"Here" He shoved the bag to Kakashi, taking a seat next to Hianta. Who smiled slyly at him.

"A-A-Arigatou, Uchiha-san" Taking the things out, Kakashi handed each of them an onigiri. Placing the bento box in the middle of them. Sasuke handed Hinata her cup of tea, and asked her to hand Kakashi his own cup. Together the three, silently waited for the show to start. Staring at the same sky, waiting for the loud flashes of sparks to illuminate the dark sky. As if the sudden cheers were the que, the fireworks began. The loud noises of fireworks going off brought an annoyance to Sasuke's ear. The bright lights, flashed in the sky with a bright glow.

"Wow" The small voice of Hinata was heard by both Kakashi and Sasuke. Earning a smile from Kakashi and a small snicker from Sasuke.

"This is quite the sight" Kakashi said amused, as Hinata slightly agreed with a small nod. Sasuke not really paying attention to the show up in the sky, focused his attention somewhere else. The girl next to him. Silently he observed Hinata's small yet bright smile. Her eyes sparkling like a little kid, almost smiling with joy. The tint of pink on her cheeks, decorating her pale skin. Her face overwhelmed with happiness, overcome with positive emotions. Wow.

I hope you liked Chapter Fifteen, vote, comment, and reviews/feedbacks are always accepted. Thank you for stopping by and reading! I'll see next chapter:))
Also I'm sorry for chapter, they never come out right!^_^ I'll keep trying harder. And I'm sorry for a short chapter! I'll try to make them longer! Forgive me!!

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